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Re: Quick fix against the Pirc
Reply #7 - 11/28/14 at 14:34:55
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he is quite entitled, I have done the same many times. Chess threads are never dormant, just waiting.
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Re: Quick fix against the Pirc
Reply #6 - 09/24/14 at 17:04:44
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Chandra, why do you keep wandering through the archives of chesspub and resurrecting dormant threads?
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Re: Quick fix against the Pirc
Reply #5 - 09/23/14 at 09:54:38
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Re: Quick fix against the Pirc
Reply #4 - 05/10/11 at 22:33:06
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The closest to a "quick fix" with Bg5 is probably 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 g6 3.e4 d6 4.Bg5 Bg7 5.Qe2!? and White plans 0-0-0 followed by e5. This can be quite tricky if Black isn't prepared. I seem to remember in a critical line Black was even forced to temporarily sac a pawn, which they may not want to go for at the board.

Alternatively, for a really deep and scary Bg5-based repertoire, just study all the games you can find with Tiviakov, Nakamura or Motylev on the White side.

Edit: OK if the move order is 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 g6 3.e4 d6 you can play any lline you want really. Maybe still 4.Bg5!?, but 4.Nf3 with either 5.h3 (as in or 5.Be3 (as in "A Killer Chess Opening Repertoire") are fairly aggressive but still not that hard to play for White. 

If you can handle a restraining, annoying-the-opponent style, 4.g3 is also an option.

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Re: Quick fix against the Pirc
Reply #3 - 05/10/11 at 22:28:59
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Why not just play the 4.Bg5 system? It got quite some sting. 

The main thing is that you don't play Bg5 to get the Argentinian Attack going, but that you play it to push through e4-e5 at an appropriate moment. 
Black usually plays h6..g5..Nh5 because the Bishop is too strong otherwise. However, this severely weakens the Black kingside, so White castles long and proceeds to get some attack going with either f4 or h4.

White usually develops with e4,d4,Bg3(Bg5-f4-g3), Qd2, Nc3, Nge2, 0-0-0, Bc4/e2 and either f4 to push through e4-e5 or h4 to make room for the Bg3 and get a real kingside attack going.
Black abuses the fact that the Bg5 fills no defensive duties (compared to Be3) and thus pressures d4 as soon and as much as possible.

For some reason it's pretty rarely seen and thus your opponents shouldn't be booked much better than you are. 

E: The positions are decently complex though, so I'm not sure whether this counts as 'quick fix'

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Re: Quick fix against the Pirc
Reply #2 - 05/10/11 at 22:00:33
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I was going to recommend

but if you are playing the Veresov, you are commited to Bg5 systems, in which case there is no "quick fix" answer I know of.


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Re: Quick fix against the Pirc
Reply #1 - 05/10/11 at 20:49:40
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Uh, one might consider the Classical:  basically sound and non-demanding for White, and such "stumbling" KID players might be inclined to play the dubious 6...e5.
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Quick fix against the Pirc
05/10/11 at 20:32:09
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I'm going to a G/29 tournament at my local club tonight and intend to play the Veresov.  I've got stuff against everything except the Pirc, which I always seem to lose sgainst online.  Anyone want to arm me for the 1900s who will probably play a King's Indian and stumble into it?  I used to just play e4, d4, f3, g4, Bg5-Qd2- h6, and then push the h-pawn, but I have a terrible record with that so I need something a little mor ecomplex, or at least some idea of what I am doing and some common black ideas and how to beat them back.

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