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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) What do you hate the most as CK player ? (Read 18494 times)
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #22 - 10/14/11 at 07:06:45
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As Black, the thing I hate most when I play the Caro-Kann is a high rated opponent who is only playing for a draw. I find the Caro-Kann to be a very difficult opening to win on command as Black.
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #21 - 08/31/11 at 22:32:35
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1. d4 Smiley
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #20 - 08/17/11 at 22:16:49
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Vass wrote on 08/17/11 at 10:28:04:
I think the CK Advance variation will become the main line in the near future.

It pretty much already is. It's about the only variation that really gives white long term chances to win by positional means, and is the most common choice by both GMs and in CC games of high quality.
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #19 - 08/17/11 at 10:28:04
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I think the CK Advance variation will become the main line in the near future.
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #18 - 08/16/11 at 10:45:37
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I sometimes play the CK, as a backup weapon. I dislike facing the Advance variation. Find it difficult to play against.

That's why I play the Advance as white myself  Grin
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #17 - 08/15/11 at 17:06:28
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I've never been bothered by the panov, and most of time I end up in the endgame variation from playing an early Nc6.

The variations that annoy me the most I guess are the pseudo panov ones. I guess because I initially thought it was a bad opening for white and tried to punish it, only to end up worse in the middlegame. Now though I've learned to take it more seriously.
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #16 - 07/23/11 at 21:11:38
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I have an irrational dislike of the two knights variation
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #15 - 07/22/11 at 16:12:01
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The Nimzo-Indian line (as Black) against the C-K Panov is good and leads to a game of chess for both sides.

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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #14 - 07/21/11 at 22:05:14
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I don't play the CK, but the two CK players I know both insist that the Panov-Botvinnik line is the thing they don't want to see.  I don't get it - I've always played 3 Nc3 except for a brief flirt with the Advance - but they insist it is a terrifying ordeal to defend.

Seeing agreement from players in this thread makes me want to take it up for White.
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #13 - 06/01/11 at 13:39:31
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While I only play Caro-Kann as white (except when making a mouseslip at Internet blitz games, c6 instead of c5) I play Nc3 and in the Nd7 Ng5 variation I usually gets attacking chanses and in Bf5 variation I usually gets the slightly better (but not much) endgame. I have also meet Nf6!? Nxf6 gxf6!? in a team match once.

About Panov and Qxd5, I local player actually played it in a team match (and lost agianst a higher rated player).
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #12 - 06/01/11 at 05:15:18
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dmp4373 wrote on 05/30/11 at 16:10:08:
I hate the Panov so much I'm thinking of playing an early ... dxc4 so as to transpose to a slightly worse QGA. My reasoning being that at the amateur level, opening repertoires are narrow and a 1.e4 player is unlikely to know the QGA unless it's his defense against 1.d4

There is 3...Qxd5 if you are really desperate, but that's probably taking things a bit too far.

If you don't like the standard IQP positions then maybe you should look at the 5...g6 variation, where Black sacrifices a pawn with the hope of regaining the d5-pawn with an improved IQP position, or otherwise sacrificing a pawn later, counting on his active pieces.

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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #11 - 05/31/11 at 14:33:33
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kylemeister wrote on 05/30/11 at 16:28:07:
It would be pretty lamentable for a Panov player to be out of his depth when handed some += IQP position, even if it is "technically" a QGA.

Yes, it would indeed. However, it's the quick clarification of the pawn structure that I feel more comfortable with, and that is the reason for the early ... dxc4.
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #10 - 05/30/11 at 17:09:07
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I played the C-K for 2 years. (16 over-the-board games and much more blitz games on Playchess)
My answer is the Classical, 3.Nc3/Nd2 dxe4, although I encountered it OTB only once. But there was not a single position that I got to like after this pawn exchange, although I had "the best literature on the subject" to study. 
(I don't feel this aversion to playing the Slav Main Line (4..dxc4 5.a4 Bf5), though. And if it were not for the Classical, I would still be a CK-player.)

*W 1d4) Torre/Barry/Pirc/Philidor/ early _d5:early c4(QGD/Slav/QGD/etc)
*B) 1e4:e6 [+1_c5 2Nf3 a6]| 1d4:e6 2c4 Bb4+ BID/pseudoNID [+1_Nf6 NID]| 1c4:c5,_Nc6,_e5,_g6| 1Nf3:c5
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #9 - 05/30/11 at 16:28:07
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It would be pretty lamentable for a Panov player to be out of his depth when handed some += IQP position, even if it is "technically" a QGA.
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Re: What do you hate the most as CK player ?
Reply #8 - 05/30/11 at 16:10:08
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I hate the Panov so much I'm thinking of playing an early ... dxc4 so as to transpose to a slightly worse QGA. My reasoning being that at the amateur level, opening repertoires are narrow and a 1.e4 player is unlikely to know the QGA unless it's his defense against 1.d4
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