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Normal Topic Fianchetto with 8...a6 (Read 5590 times)
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Re: Fianchetto with 8...a6
Reply #4 - 08/05/11 at 21:05:48
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OrangeCounty wrote on 07/29/11 at 17:41:05:
I've been reviewing my "repertoire", such as it is, and came across a series of uncomfortable lines I was apparently planning to play into in the Fianchetto KID.  For reference:

1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 Nf3 0-0 5 g3 d6 6 Bg2 Nbd7 7 0-0 e5 8 h3 (or e2-e4), 8...a6.

Now presuming that white continues with e4 or h3, whatever wasn't played on move 8, there is ...b7-b5, when 10 cxb5? axb5 11 Nxb5?? Ba6.  So White goes about his business:  10 dxe5 dxe5 and 11 Qe2, Qc2, or Be3.

And now what?

Gallagher (Play the King's Indian) asserts Black is okay in these lines, but White has exactly what he wants from the Fianchetto; he is slightly more comfortable, slightly better developed, and has chances to play c4-c5.  (I notice Gallagher was clubbed in 11 Be3, 12 Qc2 in 2008).

Any advice on where to look?

Against 8.h3 you can try 8... exd4 9.Nxd4 Nb6 10.b3 d5 as advocated by Darko Anic in the latest CBM (143).

/ A 
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Re: Fianchetto with 8...a6
Reply #3 - 08/05/11 at 16:40:22
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Fllg: In the above line, White doesn't trade on b5 at move 10, but rather plays (as you have in your text but not the diagram) 10 dxe5 dxe5 and maintains the tension.  This means there are no tricks on the a6-f1 diagonal, and White still has pressure on the b5 square, the ability to play c4-c5, etc.

[Indeed, if I could be guaranteed of seeing 10 cxb5? every game, I would gladly play into this line.]

With the pawns still on the board, Black has the choice of either defending b5 by c7-c6 (annoying and defensive, but controlling the right squares), playing b5-b4 (giving up the pressure on c4 and chasing the knight to a better square), or b5xc4 (which looks awful and which Black isn't active enough to take advantage of).
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Re: Fianchetto with 8...a6
Reply #2 - 07/30/11 at 06:18:26
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It may well be that White is slightly better in both the Gallagher/Neo-Gallagher but the position after 10.dxe5 dxe5 looks fine for Black to me:

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Here 11.Qe2 seems to be a mistake because of 11... b4 followed by Ba6 while both 11.Qc2 Bb7 intending ... b4 and 11.Be3 c6 look okay to me as well. 

White has given up his space advantage with the early exchange on e5 and the practical results are certainly satisfactory for Black here.
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Re: Fianchetto with 8...a6
Reply #1 - 07/29/11 at 19:22:59
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The non-Gallagher (and non-repertoire) sources I'm aware of (things like Janjgava, encyclopedias and Yearbooks) have basically thought that either the Gallagher or the neo-Gallagher should be slightly better for White.  So to speak.
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Fianchetto with 8...a6
07/29/11 at 17:41:05
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I've been reviewing my "repertoire", such as it is, and came across a series of uncomfortable lines I was apparently planning to play into in the Fianchetto KID.  For reference:

1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 Nf3 0-0 5 g3 d6 6 Bg2 Nbd7 7 0-0 e5 8 h3 (or e2-e4), 8...a6.

Now presuming that white continues with e4 or h3, whatever wasn't played on move 8, there is ...b7-b5, when 10 cxb5? axb5 11 Nxb5?? Ba6.  So White goes about his business:  10 dxe5 dxe5 and 11 Qe2, Qc2, or Be3.

And now what?

Gallagher (Play the King's Indian) asserts Black is okay in these lines, but White has exactly what he wants from the Fianchetto; he is slightly more comfortable, slightly better developed, and has chances to play c4-c5.  (I notice Gallagher was clubbed in 11 Be3, 12 Qc2 in 2008).

Any advice on where to look?
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