ErictheRed wrote on 08/30/11 at 22:33:05:
Well, my personal preference is to face the Keres instead of the R-R, but that's just personal taste. What I maintain is not personal taste, however, is that the Keres is more risky for both sides. I guess we could check stats (I'm at work right now) to see how the drawing rates compare, but the Keres is more of a "burn your bridges" variation, whereas White can be more restrained in the Richter-Rauzer and still hope for an edge. In other words, I think White risks more with the Keres.
I can see your point there. If White's attack doesn't go through, he's in trouble.
MartinC, Emms doesn't give the English attack set up as a main line in the book so no stats in there. He mentions it as a newer idea, and says it can be good for White if Black castles too early. In the summary, he mentions that Black hopes to capitalize on the "extra development" of Nc6 against f3, but it sounds a little like a fluffy comment. Of course, this is only an introductory text so maybe some other source has better info on the English attack vs. the Classical.
If nothing else, I'm pretty sure I'm a Sicilian player for life so trying out the classical can only help my overall Sicilian education, right?