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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) 1..d6 repertoire - new book due (Read 61223 times)
Michael Ayton
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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #52 - 02/08/14 at 12:53:58
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Can anyone comment on the relative merits of Barsky's and Lakdewala's coverage of 1 d4 d6 2 c4 e5 3 Nc3 and 3 d5, or their coverage of the Wade with 3 e4? (Do either of them provide a convincing counter to the standard h3/g4/Qe2 plan?)
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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #51 - 08/25/12 at 10:55:29
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Glenn Snow wrote on 08/25/12 at 08:11:08:

Yeah, I can see what you mean.  What did you find against 11...Re8? (This is mentioned in the book and transposes to what I proposed if 12.Qh4 Ne5.)

That's the Maze (2579) - Bocharov (2647), Moscow 2009 game. High level GM with Black and relatively recent game, so promising. I look at the games with an engine, but also with my own eyes. Part of my human assessment is, if presented with a position without knowing the engine evaluation, what is the likelyhood of me, or my opponent finding the good moves. 

Consider White's 17th move. How many of you would play 17. Bg5 here, developing the remaining White piece with tempo? If you would, well done, you've improved on the play of a 2600 GM. 

White does have to play accurately but does seem to get a stable advantage. After the line I give, the engine evaluation is about 0.5 favouring White.

I'm not saying Black is lost here, but what is bugging me about this position is the Bc8. When I first started looking at this defence over 10 years ago, one of the proposed "refutations" was in this line but with 6. de de 7. f5, locking in this poor piece. But it can come out via b7 or a6, and this is essential to Black's game. 

But Cyrus's line here just seems to open the position too early, spend too much time developing, and not generate counterplay quickly enough to put White off a potentially dangerous attack.

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Glenn Snow
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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #50 - 08/25/12 at 08:11:08
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JEH wrote on 08/24/12 at 15:49:47:
Glenn Snow wrote on 08/24/12 at 14:56:32:
I know Black's playing with fire here but is there a refutation to the obvious looking 11...Ne5 ?(After 1.  e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6 4.f4 Qa5 5.Bd3 e5 6.Nf3 exd4 7.Nxd4 g6 8.O-O Bg7 9.Kh1 O-O 10.f5! Nbd7 11.Qe1!)  If 12.Qh4, then 12...Re8. 

Ne5 is one of the unplayed but plausable looking choices which I looked at as it was Deep Rybka's favourite choice. But keep pushing the engine down its main variation, and it starts to get less plausable, even to my human eyes  Sad

Yeah, I can see what you mean.  What did you find against 11...Re8? (This is mentioned in the book and transposes to what I proposed if 12.Qh4 Ne5.)
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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #49 - 08/24/12 at 17:45:57
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Michael Ayton wrote on 08/24/12 at 07:30:55:
Took a look too at Blatny's 6 ...Nbd7. Conclusion: another good line if you need a bath. Sad

Actually, I think this may be Black's best hope in this line, but not covered by Cyrus, or  in indeed I think any of the various books and DVDs that have be produced on the Czech defence (I think I have them all). 

It's still the play against the e pawn after exd4 at some point, which White foolishly weaknened on move 1, but after a bit of hunkering down and without spending a tempo weakening the dark squares around the Kingside. When I want to do that, I do it on move 3  Wink 

White should probably get a stable advantage, but it can evapourate quite quickly, and there's plenty of middle game play. I have some analysis on it, but it's mine, all mine, muah ha ha...

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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #48 - 08/24/12 at 17:31:40
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Glenn Snow wrote on 08/24/12 at 14:56:32:
I know Black's playing with fire here but is there a refutation to the obvious looking 11...Ne5 ?(After 1.  e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6 4.f4 Qa5 5.Bd3 e5 6.Nf3 exd4 7.Nxd4 g6 8.O-O Bg7 9.Kh1 O-O 10.f5! Nbd7 11.Qe1!)  If 12.Qh4, then 12...Re8. 

Here's some lines I looked at after 11. ...Ne5. Would be great if someone could salvage something for Black here, but I think I've flogged this variation enough to strike it from my choices. White's moves don't look like difficult finds over the board either. 


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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #47 - 08/24/12 at 15:49:47
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Glenn Snow wrote on 08/24/12 at 14:56:32:
I know Black's playing with fire here but is there a refutation to the obvious looking 11...Ne5 ?(After 1.  e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6 4.f4 Qa5 5.Bd3 e5 6.Nf3 exd4 7.Nxd4 g6 8.O-O Bg7 9.Kh1 O-O 10.f5! Nbd7 11.Qe1!)  If 12.Qh4, then 12...Re8. 

Ne5 is one of the unplayed but plausable looking choices which I looked at as it was Deep Rybka's favourite choice. But keep pushing the engine down its main variation, and it starts to get less plausable, even to my human eyes  Sad

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Glenn Snow
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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #46 - 08/24/12 at 14:56:32
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I know Black's playing with fire here but is there a refutation to the obvious looking 11...Ne5 ?(After 1.  e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6 4.f4 Qa5 5.Bd3 e5 6.Nf3 exd4 7.Nxd4 g6 8.O-O Bg7 9.Kh1 O-O 10.f5! Nbd7 11.Qe1!)  If 12.Qh4, then 12...Re8.
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Michael Ayton
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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #45 - 08/24/12 at 07:30:55
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Yes, took a look at this last night. Conclusion: even Ayton might have to face facts. Took a look too at Blatny's 6 ...Nbd7. Conclusion: another good line if you need a bath. Sad
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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #44 - 08/24/12 at 07:04:55
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JEH wrote on 08/23/12 at 22:11:24:
Michael Ayton wrote on 08/20/12 at 23:08:28:
Hi JEH. I haven't got the book but I took a look at 6 Bd3 f5!? and I agree with you! Can you say more about why you don't like the 5 Bd3 e5 6 Nf3 ed!? variation though? I thought it looked complex and unclear.

OK, this is what I don't like

There are only 4 games in this line in Megabase. Cyrus mentions all of them, plus a theoretically uninportant internet rapid game of his own. Greet mentions one of them. 

So we have games where Black has tried a6, Nc5, Re8, and Ng4. Other tries like Qb6 or Ne5 are possible too. But in each case, I just think White is better. Cyrus gives a6 as his main game, but White's play can be improved (check game 23 for yourself if you have the book, White has many better moves than e.g.  14. Nd5, which makes Cyrus's remark about that move somewhat lame  Huh).

But this exd4/g6 stuff is just a subvariation of a sideline in an unusual defence, so hardly the end of things, but I wouldn't want to go down this particular line as Black as I think...

Yeah, I mentioned this a wee bit earlier, though vaguely. Compared Greet v Lakdwala, found the latter la(c)king. Brain on, PC on, play through, seemed to me that black is simply scheduled for an early bath. Poor line to choose. Very poor.
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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #43 - 08/23/12 at 23:24:56
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While I'm here, I can't resist mentioning this line (which is in Cyrus's book too)

I first became aware of this line (and the game Suetin - Hodgson 1991) from ... dare I mention it ... Eric Schiller's Gambit Opening Repertoire for White. Hodgson played Qxa2. 

What's never been mentioned, for reasons probably due to the Hounds of Tindalos rising from the very corners of this position, is what my computer suggested some years back, and still suggests now, as one of Black's best moves in this position of random chaos. 

It want me to play 13. ...g5  Huh 

Check it with your engines. Yes, Queens hovering, King's quivering, and it wants to spurn that pawn munch on a2, and move a pawn from the comfy protection of two pawns, unprotected, into the welcoming arms of 3 enemy pieces!

I think it is telling us, "Look, humans, some positions are not for you  Smiley"

But it's a lovely interference sac.

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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #42 - 08/23/12 at 22:11:24
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Michael Ayton wrote on 08/20/12 at 23:08:28:
Hi JEH. I haven't got the book but I took a look at 6 Bd3 f5!? and I agree with you! Can you say more about why you don't like the 5 Bd3 e5 6 Nf3 ed!? variation though? I thought it looked complex and unclear.

OK, this is what I don't like

There are only 4 games in this line in Megabase. Cyrus mentions all of them, plus a theoretically uninportant internet rapid game of his own. Greet mentions one of them. 

So we have games where Black has tried a6, Nc5, Re8, and Ng4. Other tries like Qb6 or Ne5 are possible too. But in each case, I just think White is better. Cyrus gives a6 as his main game, but White's play can be improved (check game 23 for yourself if you have the book, White has many better moves than e.g.  14. Nd5, which makes Cyrus's remark about that move somewhat lame  Huh).

But this exd4/g6 stuff is just a subvariation of a sideline in an unusual defence, so hardly the end of things, but I wouldn't want to go down this particular line as Black as I think...


Those who want to go by my perverse footsteps play such pawn structure with fuzzy atypical still strategic orientations

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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #41 - 08/21/12 at 12:06:10
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Michael Ayton wrote on 08/20/12 at 23:08:28:
Hi JEH. I haven't got the book but I took a look at 6 Bd3 f5!? and I agree with you! Can you say more about why you don't like the 5 Bd3 e5 6 Nf3 ed!? variation though? I thought it looked complex and unclear.

That's a fair assesment, and in answer to your query, most accurate would be that I haven't spent enough time analysing the position yet after the critical 10. f5 , but might do at some point as another option would be handy. There is virtually no theory here (about 4 games I think) which is both a good and a bad thing.

Those who want to go by my perverse footsteps play such pawn structure with fuzzy atypical still strategic orientations

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Glenn Snow
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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #40 - 08/21/12 at 05:14:58
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Just thought I'd add my two cents here.  If White always played the aggressive 4.f4 I think I might play this defence (I looked at this quite a lot although of course still not certain about the theoretical verdict.).  However the variations with 4.Nf3 Bg4 look pretty bad to me whether Black goes for the ...h6 var. or the ...h5 var.  (at least Houdini made them look that way) Maybe Black can go back to Modern/Pirc variations as was discussed earlier but he has lost some options.
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Michael Ayton
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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #39 - 08/20/12 at 23:08:28
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Hi JEH. I haven't got the book but I took a look at 6 Bd3 f5!? and I agree with you! Can you say more about why you don't like the 5 Bd3 e5 6 Nf3 ed!? variation though? I thought it looked complex and unclear. One fun line (daft, sure, but it shows some of Black's resources) is 7 Nd4 g6 8 Nf3 Bg7 9 0-0 0-0 10 Qe1 Bg4 11 f5 Bf3!? 12 Rf3 Nbd7 13 Qh4?! (13 Kh1!?) Ne5 14 Rh3? (14 Rf1) h5 15 Bg5 Nfg4 -- though here engines suggest 13 …h6!? might be even stronger! 

The real problem I (so far) think is with 4 Nf3 Bg4!?, but I'm prepared to believe Black can nullify White's space with care. Last time I looked I preferred ...h6 to ..h5 here -- anyone got any views? In any case, I'm not put off the opening, 'cos I believe 4 Nf3 c6!? is OK and interesting. There's some good ChessPub stuff on this. Smiley
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Re: 1..d6 repertoire - new book due
Reply #38 - 08/20/12 at 21:58:50
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fling wrote on 08/20/12 at 21:09:34:
JEH wrote on 08/20/12 at 20:49:16:

The problem though, is 5. Bd3. I think Emms has pretty much got this defence nailed in Beating unusual chess defences.

This is Greet, IIRC.

Sorry, you're right, it's by Andrew Greet.

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