@ Djy
Thanks for the games, some interesting ones !!
Are all the 21 games about the accepted variation ? I have some too by Matulovic and most of them transpose to the 2.c3 Sicilian (after ...Nf6 -the most played- and ...d5)
If you really believe that playing about 20 games justified to attach a name to an opening ... so what about a man who played more than one hundred games with it ? Unfortunately, most of the games by Smith were not recorded
In the Megadatabase 2011, there are 2071 recorded games by GM Matulovic, 1073 with white among which 988 are classified from B00 to C99 and so only no more than 56 games for everything else, so I really believe that he lost faith with the gambit ! And I hope to find where I read this too,from an old revue but I can't remember now exactly which one.
@ Phil
Why do I believe this gambit to be correct ?
There are several reasons ...
1) Actually, there is no refutation of the gambit
2) Most GMs (or books if you prefer, write for the black side ) don't accept the pawn on c3 and transpose to a 2.c3 sicilian !!!!
3) Most of the rest take the challenge on c3 but add something like this "this gambit is dangerous and should be taken seriously" Just check books (or video) by Gufeld, Browne and the latest QC book by Ftacnik
I really like the following :
- In 1994, during the French championship in Chambéry, the G.M Anatoly Vaisser was given a simul. And when it was ended, we discussed with the G.M, I took advantage of it to ask him what he thought about the gambit Morra (that he had massacred on one of the chessboards near to me me). His answer (add the Russian accent) demonstrate very well what strong players think of this gambit:
- M.B : « What do you think about the Smith-Morra gambit ? »
- A.V : « … the Morra gambit … black takes the pawn … and, at least, has a draw »
- M.B : « Which variation do you play against it ? »
- A.V : « ..I … I don’t take the pawn ... I play 3…Nf6 » (!!!)
Nice answer, isn't it ?
To be continued