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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #71 - 11/09/21 at 00:58:49
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esserman book
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #70 - 10/03/13 at 12:32:48
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Hello everybody!

PLEASE HELP, dear Morra fans!!

I just recently started out the Morra and I simply love it, but I got a variation that it is not included in Esserman's book nor Langrock's book.
And it seems quite a good variation for black.

Here it is:

1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3. c3 dxc3 4. Nxc3 e6 5. Nf3 a6 6. Bc4 b5 7. Bb3 Nc6 (!?) 8. 0-0 Na5!?

Black plays Nc6 instead of Bb7 and a fast Na5. And because no Re1 yet, Nd5 simply not works.
Also Bc2 is not an option and if black can take white's Bishop, he is simply better.

What's more annoying that I couldn't find too many games in database. And many players play this variation during internet blitz and I don't know what to do...

THanks for your help!! Smiley
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #69 - 05/13/13 at 14:40:47
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12.Bd5! is a nice move.  But Black would've been quite fine with 10...Nc6 instead of 10...b5?!, I opine.
« Last Edit: 05/13/13 at 17:45:28 by Markovich »  

The Great Oz has spoken!
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #68 - 05/13/13 at 03:24:58
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still loving the smith morra to bits and played this game i lost because of a really speculative bishop sac on an h6 pawn to open the castle without enough initiative to get to a mate, but this move that crafty suggested blows my mind. (that, and i'm super proud that i made it to that move without crafty seeing anything better once the game left book. i'm turning this into my new book theory, and thought it would be really interesting to share with my fellow morra players looking for new tactical themes. 

the !! is mine. i used 4 chess engines at a time to generate all of the new theory after 12.Bd5!! to see what could happen and exactly what crafty was seeing that eluded me. it's kind of similar to c file tactics on blacks queen at c7 in a couple "book" lines i know and a favorite position i want to study and master because it's so fascinating and idea rich.

i played "textbook" 12.Bb3, but crafty's innovation in analysis is eye opening insane!, so i did some quick study of what could happen with black getting into trouble quick in several lines. the moves getting to the position should be fairly familiar to a morra player. crafty says my 1718 opponent left book on move number 7. i have fritz 6 and have nothing but contempt for the passive retreating way that version plays. i'd like to get junior, but stockfish legacy set to aggressive, ruffian 2, anmon, S.O.S. 5.1, slowchess blitz and komodo 3 aggressive etc. in clunky arena are good enough for now. i'd rather use crafty 17 on my CD than fritz. i remembered preferring it's more aggressive play years ago and agreeing with it more. f6 thinks it's tigran petrosian.... yawn!

1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Nxc3 d6 5.Bc4 e6 6.Nf3 a6 7.Bg5 Nf6 8.0-0 h6 9.Bxf6 Qxf6 10.Re1 b5 11.e5 Qd8 12.Bd5!!  Shocked crafty you mad genius! i love it! it looks so stoooooOOOOpid, but...

12...Ra7 13.Qd4! i really like that reply as it puts the question to the rook a second time and pushes development deeper                 while getting the queen more active and increasing back rank flexibility 
   13...Rd7 (14.Rac1, 14.Rad1, 14.a4, 14.Qg4
i like Rac1, white has slight advantage in all four)
   13...Rc7 14.exd6 Qxd6 15.Rad1 ++=
   13...Re7 14.exd6 Qxd6 15.Ne4 Qd8 16.Bc6+ Nxc6 17.Nd6+
      17...Qxd6 18.Qxd6 +-
      17...Kd7 18.Ne5+
         18...Nxe5 ++-- (19.Rxe5, 19.Rac1, 19.Nxf7+)
         18...Kc7 19.Nxc6 Qxd6 20.Qa7+ ++--

12...exd5 13.Qxd5
   13...Be6 14.Qxa8 Be7 15.Rad1+-
   13...Ra7 14.exd6+
      14...Be7 15.Qc5 Be6 16.Qxa7 +-
      14...Re7 15.dxe7 Bxe7 16.Rad1 +-

looks fugly, but the results say otherwise, and those were chess engines getting plus plus minus minussed. so humans are going to get in serious trouble in a similar setting

i might have thrown the game with my bishop gambit, but it was worth it for this gem crafty tossed back after giving my move the ?? i knew was coming. post game analysis of every morra game i play is helping me understand position a little better on a subconscious level at least i think. i just went for the castle because i hadn't played in a while and wanted some excitement as it'd been a while since a sicilian dared show face too. 

is this good stuff or what?
« Last Edit: 05/13/13 at 04:40:32 by attactics »  
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #67 - 04/18/13 at 02:44:55
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #66 - 04/13/13 at 16:57:04
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i don't see actually as whatever link you posted is bocked by noscript, but you emphasize my point, GMs refuse to play openings like smith morra leaving the theory sparse while there has to be at least 10s of thousands of amateur games to see what amateurs are actually playing. i thought the ICC had something like that where you could browse through openings for move popularity stats which would help in focusing studies.

it's like in the scandinavian, grandmasters simple say 1.e4 d5 2.e5 is fine for black, maybe mention an early  Bf5 before e6. mention the french, and leave it at that while over the board at the amateur level, 2.e5 accounts for about a third of call scandinavian games played, and as it's a variation i hate, lack of grandmaster input doesn't help.

grandmasters might play better than me, but i've come to the conclusion they don't have much of use to say about what us real world amateurs are playing other than to turn their noses up at it

personally, i have nothing but contempt for bean counting hypermodern petrosian @@@@. come out and fight in the center or go home and collect stamps! LOL

Edited by Moderator for language
Really needs editing for grammar, sense too, but life is too short.
*polite warning*
Keep to chess attactics. Appreciate that you are excited. That is great. Morra can indeed lead to some thrilling, hacky chess. 
But keep it polite, keep it chessy, hopefully keep it literate.  Capital letters are helpful for starters.
For example:
i> I

And why disparage Petrosian? And you are...? Always good to show a healthy respect to the greats.

« Last Edit: 05/13/13 at 06:13:17 by Bibs »  
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #65 - 04/13/13 at 13:35:32
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If you want some help from the correspondence chess games that are played after 8.Qe2... here I gathered all the games that are played at decent level since year 2007 - about the time when the good chess engines entered our home computers.  Wink

Not too many, as you see..  Wink
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #64 - 04/13/13 at 11:16:46
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i lost track of time trying to start building theory for an improved mainline & cobbled this tree out of the games of langrock, zelic, & graeme as white.

nights before bishops.... works for me, and i like Qe2 before castling better, and want to look into g3 & Bg2 just to meet hypermodern with some kind of hypermodern, but for now will consider this the new mainline for me to study.

1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Nxc3 e6 5.Nf3 a6 6.Bc4 b5 7.Bb3 Bb7 
esserman prefers castling, but aggressive engines at max development settings like smith morra familiar Qe2  
          keeping an attacking tempo. zelic's and langrock's games are transposed to this move order because of 8...Bc5 theory 
      8...Bc5 9.Bf4 d6 10.0-0 Ne7 11.Rfd1 Qb6 12.Rd2 0-0 13.Rad1 led to a win by graeme
      8...d6 9.0-0 Nd7 
         10.Bf4 Be7 11.Rfd1Qb8 12.e5
led to a langrock draw
         10.a3 Be7 11.Bf4 Ngf6 12.Be2 only game langrock won instead of drawing
            10...b4 11.Na4
led to a zelic loss 
               11.Na4 Ngf6 12.Bc2 Be7 13.Bf4
led to a loss by graeme
led to a zelic win and a loss
led to a zelic loss
                     12.Rd2 Be7 13.Rad1 led to a zelic draw & loss

i settled on Qe2 myself going through these games looking for improvements or trails to blaze that look interesting.

i started a bigger tree out of 365's database. anyone know a big database of nothing but millions of amateur games to see what grandmassters don't play, but i've gotta face
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #63 - 04/12/13 at 20:20:56
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If you want to improve you have to learn how to take advantage of silly setups like this one.
that's just it, the french in particular, it's a french formation to me no matter what you want to call it, has always annoyed me.

as i've said before, i just don't get positional. the french denies me any targets to attack, and trips me up positionally exactly like in that embarrassing miniature that illustrates the kind of trouble i get into when my development is interfered with and found in most of my sicilians before the morra (drives me nuts in king's gambit a lot) and i can't get the same kind of piece co-ordination i'm getting in most of my morra games.

of course i'll learn a lot more about the drawbacks in the morra i'm not learning just yet and will start testing more solid lines when i break out of 1700 maybe, but for now, just trying to get up their requires me to play games and have tactical fun exactly like i'm having now. 

for now, it's absolutely a boon to my ratings. 50:50 in the sicilian is more than a 200% improvement, so there's the source of my current enthusiasm. it's just fun to play and that should matter more than ratings anyways.

when i get to 1800 and am a bit more ready for the open and infinite variation memorization brain freeze as i doubt i'll ever understand positional as i've forgotten even pawn endings and lose in them, but am not going to ever lose a 2 bishop end game. i understood that "positional" principle immediately as it's tactical to me, just corner the king and give up a tempo. boom.

smith morra is a stopgap while i book up on other openings in my repertoire redo, and i fully intend to study it seriously to get to that 1800 where it can become my plan b surprise.

for now, it works for me except for this hideous new variation that puts white down 2 points and that can't be sidestepped by at least fritz 6 or crafty. oh well... in for a penny, in for two pounds.

the reason i love amateur level play in the morra is i get the nice central action most of the time, but blocking Bc4 with the french makes playing it look stupid to me and Bb2 makes more sense even if i'm long diagonal blind.

i'm going to look at the line with a bunch of engines looking for something that looks better than Bc4 and that has scoring potential in the right continuation.

for me, the morra is a perfect learning tool to get back into the 1600s for now. it has the comfort of the stonewall more often than not with even more fireworks than king's gambit, and makes enough sense that it's easy for me to find the correct continuations more often than i'm prone without memorized theory.... win win win

the only way i ever got to 1650 was memorizing theory so i don't fall to positional trap after trap like that one exploiting my "queen direction change" blind spot missing at least a few queen checks followed by rank sweeping take tactics as i just saw recently in my vector gambit game, but i eventually saw it after some simplification.

i withdraw any implications i made have made thinking langrock was just a smith morra data dumper as he played for 1 win & 3 draws against strong rated opponents versus zelic scoring a little lower in 6 games with two losses in 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Nxc3 e6 5.Nf3 a6 6.Bc4 b5 7.Bb3 Bb7 8.0-0
« Last Edit: 04/13/13 at 11:12:13 by attactics »  
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #62 - 04/11/13 at 14:20:53
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attactics wrote on 04/10/13 at 21:06:31:
every opening has it's pain in the neck variations. i just quit the marshall scandinavian to play the really wreckless latvian gambit because i just couldn't take, um... transpositions into the sicilian anymore with the "new" grandmastere labelled "harmless" 1.e4 d5 2.e5 Bf5 3. whatever 3...c5. oh i despise that! get your stinky ratfink french and sicilian out of my scandinavian dagnabbit!

This is neither a French nor a Scandinavian. Moreover it's just good for Black. If you want to improve you have to learn how to take advantage of silly setups like this one.

attactics wrote on 04/10/13 at 21:06:31:
if i were to abandon this system simply because i didn't attempt to book up

That's not what I wrote. I just predict that you will lose more when you climb the ELO ladder. Then you'll face a choice: study the theory or switch to the Open Sicilian. I recommend you to do the latter, based on my own experience.

attactics wrote on 04/10/13 at 21:06:31:
don't hate on smith morra.

I don't hate the Morra Gambit. It's a weird bias of gambiteers - you're far from the only one - to assume that anyone who criticizes an opening hates it. I have played the Morra Gambit for about 10 years, have had a lot of fun with it, but also always have tried to have an open eye for its flaws.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #61 - 04/11/13 at 10:43:22
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there should be a law against transposing to the french, here's a joke an just taught 1821 taught me

1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Nxc3 e6 5.Bc4 Bb4 6.Bd2 7.Bg5 Qa5 8.a3?? resign 0-1 oh crap! queen takes bishop. that's what happens when you tell an 1821 "yay!" when you see it's a sicilian followed by "i will endeavor to make this interesting" and it was for me at least

7.e5 Bxc3 8.Bxc3 Ne4 -+?! no way is it that easy for black! oh no. everyone would play this. encouraging knight encroachment in an all ready stressed position looks wrong to me. that's why i pinned it.

ok, so sometimes sticking to the Rfd1 plan isn't always best. that's a good example of my performance in other sicilian lines and many french ones with 1 or 2 nice wins in french exchange.

this shouldn't happen again a second time, in theory. once again, foiled by the intricacies of position and what to do with the e pawn. Qe2 or fugly Nge2 were better i'm sure. having it looked at and will check databases to get the right plan here and learn something else new

if this can transpose into the orthoschnapp french gambit i want to try, that would be a very cool serendipity.

at least my book studies weren't at fault as i only had theory for these replies
5...Nc6 6.Nf3 followed by castling to Nf6 & a6
5...d6 6.Nf3 a6 7.0-0
5...a6 6.Nf3 b5 7.Bb3

4...e6 scores 35% win 18.8% drw & 46.3% even if it's impossible to score 100.1% in 921 games at 365chess' database explorer. not shabby. there aren't any esserman games in the top 3 players. he must keep his smith morra theory private

i hope that doesn't turn smith morra into what 2.e5 eventually did to the scandinavian. 1 in 34 games is promising for now though.

while i didn't find any esserman games, i had this one line in the notes to the book i cobbled i didn't study, but will now and ditch the 5.Bc4 theory and get into that annoying move order thing.

5.Nf3 a6 6.Bc4 b5 7.Bb3 Bb7 8.0-0 b4 9.Nd5! Esserman it looks transpositional to what my opponent was up to. a few games in my study book are going to get deleted with some additional research

8...b4 scores 57.1% white 35.7% black in this rare line, but equally popular 8...d6 scores 23.1% white 53.8% black, even more dismal

8...d6 9.Qe2 Nd7 10.Bf4 scores 1 white win and 2 draws in the 3 games online with serious black advantage in the more common replies like the most popular 19.Rd1 at 26.1% wins to 54.9% losses in 51 games and the alternatives look no better

these are good lines for sicilian players to start learning, but don't tell them
« Last Edit: 04/11/13 at 12:05:48 by attactics »  
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #60 - 04/11/13 at 06:46:27
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here's a "resource" for any noobs on what i've learned about the main line out of book with notes on book or evaluations by crafty along with some insight on the kinds of ??s i'm prone to getting speculative or missing something. it's a few lines worth of book to start with, and if anyone would like to offer improvements or plans for white, i'd appreciate them as i'm just trusting crafty 17.11's agreement on my play out of book, but i'm personally satisfied with what i accomplished out of the opening so far with much better results to come from study.

moves in bold are mine & verified by crafty at 20 seconds minimum per move except for the 20 move win i posted the entire game to with the unbolded final moves being inferior

1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Nxc3 Nc3 5.Nf3

5...e6 6.Bc4 h6 7.0-0 Bc5 8.Qe2 (8.e5 b6 =) 8...a6 9.Rd1 b5 10.Bb3 Nf6 11.Nd5?? (11.e5 Ng4 12.Ne4+-) against 1752

5...e5 already "out of my book" 6.Bc4 trusting in the standard formation in unfamiliar territory, but 
         that's my favorite bishop square anyways in any opening and as essentials as Nf3 to me

   6...h6 7.0-0 (7.Qb3!? Ke7 8.Be3 +-) 7...Nf6 8.Qe2 Bc5 9.a3?? (9.Bxf7+ Kxf7 10.Qc4+ Kg6 11.Qc5+=) lost to a 1612 in 37
   6...Nf6 is crafty's last book move, 7.Ng5 d5 crafty says white gets in control here, thanks for the thumbs up! 8.exd5 Nd4 
      9.d6 Be6 10.Nxf7??
(10.Qa4+ Qd7 11.Nb5 +-) 10...Kxf7 11.Bxe6+ Nxe6 12.0-0 Qxd6 13.Qf3 Be7 14.Ne4 b6 
         15.Nxd6+ Bxd6 16.Bg5 Bc5 17.Bxf6 gxf6 18.Rfd1 Rad8 19.Rxd8 Re8 20.Rxe8
1-0 1553 vs 1615

5...g6 6.Bc4 Bg7 & found 7.e5! by analysis, my kind of homework surprise for sure when i play e5 when i shouldn't 
         and don't when i should in general

   7.Ng5? e6 8.Bd2? this led to my 1st upset to the 1435 being too ambitious too soon (8.Nb5!)
   7.0-0 Nf6 
      8.Qe2 d6 9.Rd1 Bg4 10.Nd5 Nxd5
11.Bxd5 vs 1870 (11.exd5 Ne5 12.Bb5 + Bd7 -+)       
      8.Ng5 0-0 9.Qe2 Ne5 10.Bb3 d6 11.f4 Nc6 12.Be3 b6 13.Rad1?? vs 1769
         (13.Nxf7 Rxf7 14.Bxf7+ Kxf7 15.Qc4+ Be6 16.Qxc6 Rc8 +-)             
   7.e5! with analysys for 7...Qa5, 7...Na5, 7...e6, 7...h5, 7...Nh6 to study and these two main lines as well
      7...Bxe5 8.Bxf7+ Kxf7 9.Nxe5+ Nxe5 10.Qd5+ & take knight, a favorite tactic always, stealing castles
      7...Nxe5 8.Nxe5 Bxe5 9.Bxf7+ Kxf7 10.Qh5+
followed by queen takes e5   

5...d6 6.Bc4 e6 7.0-0 
   7...Be7 8.Qe2 Nf6
(end of book) 9.Bg5 0-0 10.Rfd1 Qc7 11.Rac1 Ne8 12.Nb5 Qd8 13.Bxe7 Qxe7 14.e5 1-0  
      led to my first main line win in 36 against a 1587 with theory only up to 8.Qe2 and that i made it to move #13 here 
      without a peep from crafty in analysis improvising 5 moves into the opening, in a line i'm weak in at that, is a HUGE 
      improvement for me. no one makes openings uglier than me. (14.Qd2 =)

   7...Nf6 8.Qe2 a6 9.Rd1 Qc7 10.Bg5 (10.Bf4 Be7 book) 10...Be7 11.Rac1 0-0 12.a3 Rd8 13.b4
13.Ba2? (13.Nxb5) where i was += @ 20 against 1693... acceptable to me
      12...Rd8 13.b4 Bd7 (13.b5 axb5 15.Nxb5 Qb8 =+)

a kindly 1928 was helping me practice book on the last line when i started playing it, and my clock ran out, but i learned harassing the queen is job #1 in my conversation which helped me a lot in between all of the positional mumbo jumbo i couldn't understand. i like Bg5 better than Bf4 because of e5, & pinning is a tactic. probably one of my positional blind spots, but i got the idea from another smith morra line and don't see much by way of drawbacks other than trading before retreating 

if nothing else, i've already learned that awesome 7.e5! move in the fianchetto variation that continues with a trade for black's castle keeping the king right where i want him and want to surprise the 1769-1870 i lost to with 7.0-0 surrendering a tempo i don't have to, and also learning that lesson about saving castling until necessary

i might have blundered a few times in these games, but even after those, i've turned games around too looking for plan Bs with the ever flexible setup with pieces developed everywhere

that i was able to improvise in the opening well just playing what seems right gives me peace of mind. i should try and dig up one of my embarrasing resign to 1200 in 8 games in other systems for comparison

btw, the tree format i used here is the only way to  display theory as far as i'm concerned. do not get me started on variations hidden within mazes of variations. i could always look into esserman's probably MANY mainline games for more human improvements and new short term theory.

i'd totally study the albin countergambit and falkbeer countergambit as black before starting a smith morra book though as my results are "good enough" for now, and most of the main line losses for me were against higher rated anyways, so the situation might not be that dire.
« Last Edit: 04/11/13 at 08:56:15 by attactics »  
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #59 - 04/11/13 at 00:45:07
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ok, back to the books, 4...Nc6 is the main line and the alapin. i don't have much by way of alapin transposition theory, but i do have the trends in the c3 sicilian that proved useless to me in the past when i tried and hated that variation.

getting mayhem in the morra and reading through it from cover to cover including the endgames should do a lot to help my understanding of the main line and everything else and even improve my positional judgement in a vague intuitive way.

if i were to equate playing the smith morra to a book, it's like reading the best action adventure with heart and comedy with a couple sucky chapters called the main line.

just don't tell anyone that the book is actually educational.

i bet i could get to 1700 quickly if all i did was play smith morra accepted. my actual rating was almost 1570 last time i checked and i know the smith morra gave some of it's 50 points to that cause if not all of them

there's a problem i see in my first smith morra upset possibly, i had absolutely no theory for 5...g6, but i have cobbled a lot after a couple losses to a higher rated. haven't turned the theory into games and studied it yet though, but i'm always looking for e5 after ...Nf6 instead of castling now. i remember that, and there's some crazy fun tactics in that.

see? that's my positional cluelessness and why i always have to argue that i absolutely need booking up way more than endgame study. perhaps my better results in the 75% of the other games i played comes from having repeatedly studied the theory for each line literally a dozen times when i "pamphleted up" on the morra and started playing

i'm going through all of the main line games and create a tree of variations to find breaks from book or bad moves. some theory from someone (or thing) positionally smarter than me should help.
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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #58 - 04/10/13 at 21:06:31
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every opening has it's pain in the neck variations. i just quit the marshall scandinavian to play the really wreckless latvian gambit because i just couldn't take, um... transpositions into the sicilian anymore with the "new" grandmastere labelled "harmless" 1.e4 d5 2.e5 Bf5 3. whatever 3...c5. oh i despise that! get your stinky ratfink french and sicilian out of my scandinavian dagnabbit! being denied knight to f is not an option. even in the stonewall, i would follow it with the queen's knight if necessary to play that essential to me move. knight to c3 has always been a "whatever" move to me.

i've only played 7 of 33 games that were 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 c3 3.dxc3 Nxc3 4.Nf3 Nc6. yes... it's a very basic roughly equal transpositional to infinity position and even the logical move i'd make myself if i had the move as black, and that's probably why i have a problem with it, though i need to break it down systematically to see where i'm messing up. 

there's move breaks from there including a fianchetto and i despise fianchettos. if someone wants to be like that, i'd rather play the oppressive stonewall where i understand the positions. i'm betting that i'm losing positional battles in it. Nc6 in the open annoys me in kings gambit too.

thank you for noting that i'm losing against it because i have almost no clue what i'm doing there theoretically, but it's only 7 games. if i were to abandon this system simply because i didn't attempt to book up my weaknesses in a line that accounts for only 25% of my games i would call that extreme quitter! i can improve. i just need to start learning what i'm doing wrong which i'm doing with every aspect of my game now with concentrated efforts in analysis vs booking up for now. 

i'm just having way too much fun to be bothered with homework right now. these are the kinds of games i dreamed of playing and gave up on because no one programmed a chess opening tool that works the only logical and intuitive way (my mind hates numbers and abstractions... that's why i hate positional) namely indented trees and no programmer will listen to me and do it right and program something that's the opposite of pruning and intuitive to use like the busted tarrash interface that's useless for automated training... with the 40 lines i have now, i just turned them into 40 games and guess through them because i don't have a proper tool where i can play the moves myself and get scored. 

theory makes a world of difference to me. booking up took me from a 1400 to a former 1650 doing it the old school hard way (easy logical way to me) of creating my own trees and studying them with a board hiding moves and resetting everything back to move 1 which shouldn't have to be when if only some user hating hacker and all the database dumpers that think sifting through clumps of jumbled data is acceptable that an ergonomic opening books tool would help people like me tremendously.

i've played the lottery a few times just so i could win the money to hire someone to stfu and let me tell them how a program should work and stop taking lazy hacker shortcuts to junk that's merely functional. 

i quit chess almost a decade and tok to poker which i was imensely better at, especially before the "everyone's gotta lose so we get rich" math as i'd never drop from 17th place against 9,000 chess players going for the win as all i needed to do was make 50th.

after the cheat math, i quit poker and have been back to chess about half a year. i couldn't break 1400 for months. i think a lot of my current improvement is from tactics training which doesn't come with a user hostile interface and have learned new to me "positional tactics" that take 85 moves and all that stuff i still say is positional and not tactical, but hey... i'm learning positional too...ok.

yes, down the road, i might find the smith morra to be a stumbling block and revise my repertoire, but i'm busy revamping everything to get rid of all of those closed and positional systems i had it with and didn't want to waste months on re-booking up when it could be done in a couple weeks and quit chess for.

don't hate on smith morra. it's drawing me back into chess big time. it's fun and exciting and exactly the kind of thing that would have kept me from dropping chess even if studying it as 40 games is a stupid way to do it to me, but it beats the crap out of juggling pieces over the board.

for now... it's literally the breath of fresh air i've needed against the sicilian for as long as i've played 1.e4 after learning the stonewall and i don't get along even though scores say otherwise. forget scores. i play to challenge my mind in a fun way. 

once i get settled into a gambit repertoire, then i'll start dabbling in newer lines or even that sicilianesque multi-system thing where i smith morra once, then open or vice versus, but for now, if it ain't broke, don't fix it and in fact the smith morra is fixing my game up far too nicely to give up on it.

i'm the kind of guy that's happy with a dependable plain jane and don't feel the need to keep my options open. i'll not have anyone disparage my S&M *cringe* lol girlfriend! she's a totall hottie and she's better in bed than she looks.

"ooooh right there baby! that's the spot!

"and thank you for playing the game and that fabulously dressed in black leather clad lady"

i don't like s&m at all though really. i've turned every offer to spank a female down.

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Re: Smith-Morra Resources?
Reply #57 - 04/10/13 at 14:22:28
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kylemeister wrote on 04/10/13 at 03:03:07:
I'm a bit confused

It's easy to understand Attactics gives the explanation himself:

attactics wrote on 04/09/13 at 23:49:47:
I ONLY have about 40 lines of theory for smith morra plus whatever i gain from examining my games

He doesn't know the theory of the Morra Gambit and neither do his opponents. I don't mean this condescending; I clearly remember that I had the same experience when my ELO was 1500 or lower.
In fact Attactics confirms my hypothesis that studying the Morra Gambit is a waste of time on the long run. Now he doesn't need it; when he climbs the ELO ladder and his opponents will be stronger he will meet the good defences more often; then his score will decline.
I only hope he will be more sensible than me and turn to the Open Sicilian in time. JDKnight was of course right that it offers at least as much attacking chances. Just look at the names: Poisoned Pawn, Jugoslav Attack, Richter-Rauser Attack, Velimirovic Attack, English Attack, Bishop Sac Variation (Svesjnikov), Keres Attack. Moreover White's play doesn't only depend on piece sacs; there are also all kinds of pawn storms. You'll never see that in the Morra Gambit.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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