Laramonet wrote on 10/19/11 at 21:22:03:
Hi All,
Does anyone have any experience in this line or know of any games ? I've failed to find anything in MegaBase 2010, ChessLab or Chess Explorer. I've just lost a game in an inter-club league match and didn't feel like I got any counterplay going at all. It continued 6.b4 Bc7 7.e5 Ne7 8. Nge2 0-0 9.Bg5 b6 10.Ng3 Ba6 and I succumbed on the kingside having got no play on the queenside.
How about posting more or all of the game.
In any case I would consider the positions after 10...c5 or 10...h6, 11...c5 not bad at all for black. I think white's pawn chain is in trouble. The Knight on g3 is not so well placed.
(added a day later, a few more suggestions)
1) I think 7. e5 is not so good, 7.Be3 was preferable.
2) White could (should?) have chosen 8. f4 9.Nf3 with a more Steinitz-like position to keep the center a bit more stable
3) 9...Nd7 and 10...f6 also looks better for Black
4) MartinC's 9...f6 perhaps followed by 10.ef gf 11.Bh6 Rf7 and a quick e5 looks also good
To summarize: If you play any reasonable combination of f6 (prepared by Nd7 or 0-0) or c5 between moves 8-10 you should be fine.