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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #25 - 12/03/11 at 01:23:52
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Malaniuk always came to my mind when thinking of 1.f4. I know that Nakamura has played a bunch of blitz games on ICC using .f4, perhaps some of his early games could be useful too?
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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #24 - 12/03/11 at 00:41:53
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HgMan wrote on 12/02/11 at 23:23:59:
I must admit, the From really doesn't bother or interest me much. Other than Larsen and Suttles, whose games should I be studying?

Swedish GM Lars Karlsson plays 1.f4 occasionally (along with most other white Flank Openings). I remember that he was white in a From vs Ahlander in one of the last three rounds of Elitserien earlier this year - it looked quite interesting for White when I walked by, but apparently it ended in a draw.
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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #23 - 12/02/11 at 23:23:59
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I must admit, the From really doesn't bother or interest me much. Other than Larsen and Suttles, whose games should I be studying?

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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #22 - 12/02/11 at 15:15:10
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About From gambit I have neither played or looked at theory for many many years. When I was young I did play it in some games with a good score but it was not against very strong players.
Today I prefere other more practical lines.

The last time I played the From however was at local club about 10 years ago. I was about to meet the competitions 2nd highest rated player. He knew that I played Dutch as black so he played 1 f4 instead of hes usuall 1 d4. After some minutes thought I then decided to play the From. Then he declined it with 2 e4 leeding to Kings Gambit who also at that time was my white preference after e4 e5, a fact that the opponnet knew as well. I accepted the pawn and after many complications I got a won endgame but mayed a mistake and my opponnent, who is an endgame expert, managed to draw.
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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #21 - 12/02/11 at 12:36:33
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Looking at various Philidor/Modern/Lion/Old Indian kinds of ideas for Black, perhaps the way to begin is with 1.d3, which can revert to Bird or some White variant of the above. Still, I can't help thinking that 1.f4 is optically more appealing than the sheepish 1.d3... Undecided

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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #20 - 12/02/11 at 12:33:56
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MNb wrote on 12/02/11 at 10:17:48:
Before trying the Classical Bird you better take a serious look at my game against David Flude.

I remember thinking at the time that White launched his pawns a bit prematurely—that maintaining tension while developing the queenside further might have been to his benefit. But I'll be sure to take a more careful look.

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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #19 - 12/02/11 at 12:19:44
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If everyone played the From I'd always play 1.f4 - unfortunately they don't, and despite having played the Dutch for decades I don't feel comfortable playing 1.f4, probably due to the lack of advantage. 

Though I still punt it in blitz occasionally - but then you only suffer for a few minutes if things go wrong. I'd never play it in corr, and certainly not in a corr tm - it would be like playing tennis and never get to serve for the duration of the match...
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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #18 - 12/02/11 at 10:21:54
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Judging by the latest analysis in Kaissiber, From's Gambit is probably just slightly better for White with accurate play after 1.f4 e5 2.fxe5 d6 3.exd6 Bxd6 4.Nf3 Nf6 5.Nc3!, while 4...g5 (frowned upon in Taylor's book) probably also concedes just a small edge after 5.d4 g4 6.Ne5 Bxe5 (unfortunately 6...Qe7 and 6...Qf6 don't quite work) 7.dxe5 Qxd1+ etc and 5.g3 g4 6.Nh4 Ne7 7.d4 Ng6 8.Nxg6 hxg6 9.Qd3 etc.   There was a recent GM-level game in the latter line.  Thus objectively it is a bit sub-optimal, albeit dangerous for unprepared Whites, but certainly not a point-cashing machine for White.

The Neo-From (2...Nc6) is poor for Black after 3.Nf3 g5 4.h3! according to the Kaissiber analysis, and there is a convincing case by analogy with the sub-optimal Staunton line 1.d4 f5 2.e4 fxe4 3.g4?! h6!, so Black does best to duck back into the 2...d6 lines anyway with 3...d6.
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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #17 - 12/02/11 at 10:17:48
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HgMan wrote on 12/02/11 at 02:09:52:
This is preparation for a Master Norm tournament on ICCF and the upcoming Canadian Championships.

Before trying the Classical Bird you better take a serious look at my game against David Flude.

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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #16 - 12/02/11 at 10:01:39
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nyoke wrote on 12/01/11 at 09:39:50:

The only problem with the bird is the main line, really. The From is just a point cashing machine for white, and there are good antisicilians available.

Things are rarely that simply in practical play. Last season a strong Bird specialist at local club lost to a much much lower rated player in From Gambit. However there are no doubt improvments along the way, that games protocall was never published.

About mainline, when a other player at local club playes Leningrad Bird and when I play mainline but develops the Knight to h6 the games tend to always becames a draw. When we play other openings the game raraly becomes a draw.
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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #15 - 12/02/11 at 02:09:52
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This is preparation for a Master Norm tournament on ICCF and the upcoming Canadian Championships. I don't know if I can—in good conscience—trot out 1.c3. But maybe I can. Or maybe I can try both and see how things go.

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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #14 - 12/02/11 at 01:43:49
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Smyslov_Fan wrote on 12/01/11 at 18:28:30:
The amorphous nature of 1.Nc3 makes playing against those openings much more challenging.

Curious indeed. Haven't we had this before? Tell me what you play against 1.e4 and I'll tell you what to play against 1.Nc3.
I'd even say that 1.Nc3 is more rigid than 1.e4, exactly because White can't play c2-c3 or c2-c4 anymore.

Open Games: 1.Nc3 Nf6.
Sicilian: 1.Nc3 c5, though there remain some move order tricks a little later.
Caro-Kann: 1.Nc3 d5 2.e4 c6.
French: 1.Nc3 d5 2.e4 e6.
Pirc/Modern: 1.Nc3 g6.
Scandinavian/Alekhine: 1.Nc3 d5 2.e4 Nf6 or 2...dxe4 3.Nxe4 Nd7.

Not that I would ever play 1.f4 in corr. chess.

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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #13 - 12/01/11 at 22:02:35
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Curious. The few times I've run into 1.Nc3, they've invariably turned into standard French, Pirc, or Caro lines, depending on which pawn I pushed forward. Which struck me as disappointing. Maybe I should look at it from my point of view as White. While arguably more flexible, 1.c3 just looks so wrong...

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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #12 - 12/01/11 at 18:28:30
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Good to see you again, HgMan!

I'm more likely to play 1.c3 than I am 1.f4. In correspondence, I've found 1.Nc3 to be vexsome, but 1.f4 has been rather toothless in my (somewhat limited) experience. Black has too many ways to reach a fully playable game after 1.f4. The amorphous nature of 1.c3 and 1.Nc3 makes playing against those openings much more challenging.
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Re: Bird Repertoire
Reply #11 - 12/01/11 at 13:30:37
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The added temptation, of course, is to think about something like 1.c3.

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