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Normal Topic Marin's Anti-Gruenfeld line (Read 4895 times)
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Re: Marin's Anti-Gruenfeld line
Reply #3 - 12/05/11 at 16:32:08
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Since I don't play corr, but only OTB and online bullet and blitz, 11.g4!? seems like a very interesting move to unleash Smiley I'll look at it later when I have time.
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Re: Marin's Anti-Gruenfeld line
Reply #2 - 12/05/11 at 16:20:37
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MartinC wrote on 12/05/11 at 16:18:17:
Are you sure that 11.. Bxg4 is nonsense, lost exchange or not?

I'm not saying white is winning after Bxg4, but in corr. games such moves can lead black too close to 1-0, imho..  Wink
Edit: In fact, I'll leave you to make your own analyses of this 11.g4!? (I already gave some hints in my first post - such as Nc3-e4 at some point and f2-f3 - g4-g3 - f3-f4 plan as well as 0-0-0 in some rare variations).. And I'm not saying that I saw everything in this position, too..
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Re: Marin's Anti-Gruenfeld line
Reply #1 - 12/05/11 at 16:18:17
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Are you sure that 11.. Bxg4 is nonsense, lost exchange or not?
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Marin's Anti-Gruenfeld line
12/05/11 at 15:21:13
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Hi all!
One of my recent correspondence games followed the Marin's Anti-Gruenfeld line as per Anthony Miles (2565) - Oscar Panno (2580), Hoogovens 1978:

And here as the first player I blindly followed my favourite chess books' writer Marin (who obviously blindly followed one of my favourite players of all time - It's only He, Tony Miles) and played 11. Bxg7..
No, it's not wrong!.. It's a good move following the white strategy to eliminate the mighty black bishop on g7 and playing Ra1-c1 next (instead of 0-0) to prevent Nb8-c6 (by Bxc6!), white is ready to fight for more than equality.. Which in correspondence chess is a difficult task as seen in Stanislav Kudela - Martin Pribyl, CSR-ch, corr. 1992..
But some little devils in me made me to check 11.g4!?(N) (instead of already played 11.Bxg7)...and what was my surprise when I started to analyze it!..  Shocked White has at least += in all the variations. The critical points in my analyses showed that after the obligatory 11....hxg4 12.h5 white has good prospects in all lines having dicovered that the N on c3 goes to e4 as soon as possible and the mighty g4-pawn doesn't obstruct the white knight after f2-f3, g4-g3, f3-f4! moves.. Thus white has some very unusual play for an edge on the kingside after a move g3-g4 which is not common for an English setup like this one. And what is more, the white king is completely safe in the centre or on the queenside (after 0-0-0 in some of the variations)..
I doubt that Miles could count in an OTB game all the variations I found in my home analyses after 11.g4!?.. But, I'm slightly disappointed by Marin that followed Miles as blindly as I did, too..
Just to say that after 11.Bxg7 Kxg7 the move g3-g4 is not good because black has some good defence after Re8-h8..  Wink
One lives and learns all the time!..  Cool
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