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Re: Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
Reply #11 - 12/28/11 at 19:12:03
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Dvoretsky has a lot of analysis on this line in two of his books, one being Strategic Chess.  I forget the other.
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Re: Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
Reply #10 - 12/28/11 at 09:17:23
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Fllg You can try 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 0-0 5.0-0 d6 6.Nc3 a6!? when 7.d4 Nc6 transposes back to the Panno and if White plays 7.d3 trying to play the stereotyped  Wink Rb1, b4-b5 again you can try 7... e5 as played and explained by Bologan in his book "The King´s Indian".

I usually play the Panno with a quick Rb8 to avoid certain lines, as long as the Simagin (7...Bg4) and the Lesser-Simaginn (7...Bf5) variations, so the English KID with 6...a6 doesn't fit with my repertoire. In adittion, the Bologan's line (1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 0-0 5.0-0 d6 6.Nc3 a6!?) has worse figures than the Dembo's line (1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 0-0 5.0-0 d6 6.Nc3 e5 7.d3 h6!? 8.Rb1 a5 9.a3 Re8), so if I want it to play I think I need to learn a line in the Classical Fianchetto KID. What would you recommend?
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Re: Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
Reply #9 - 12/27/11 at 20:20:38
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Smyslov_Fan wrote on 12/27/11 at 18:06:03:

Wow, the danger of playing an English set-up against the KID is that play may become stereotyped?

I always thought that was the main danger of playing 1.d4 Nf6. 2.c4 against the KID! The English, at least for me, is far more fresh and has far more variety of ideas than can normally be seen in the KID. as someone once said, the Classical KID is basically a race. There's very little subtlety of thought there. 


Playing an English set-up is fine of course but in this particular case the automatic Rb1, b4-b5 doesn´t offer white much in the line I mentioned, at least as far as I know.

I don´t know who said the classical KID is basically a race. This is certainly true for some variations after 5.Nf3 0-0 6.Be2 e5 7.0-0 Nc6 8.d5 Ne7 but even here the play does not have to be so single minded. And if Black plays something different on move 7 race situations are more the exception than the rule in my experience.

gramsci wrote on 12/27/11 at 19:19:05:

What are they? I'd like to play this variation as black vs 1.Nf3 English (it's true that 1.c4 allows black others set-ups without Nf6 or f5 before Nf6) but I can't if I want to play the Panno vs. the Fianchetto KID. You just can play this variation if the Classical Fianchetto is in your KID repertoire.

You can try 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 0-0 5.0-0 d6 6.Nc3 a6!? when 7.d4 Nc6 transposes back to the Panno and if White plays 7.d3 trying to play the stereotyped  Wink Rb1, b4-b5 again you can try 7... e5 as played and explained by Bologan in his book "The King´s Indian".
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Re: Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
Reply #8 - 12/27/11 at 20:11:45
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Smyslov_Fan wrote on 12/27/11 at 18:06:03:
Fllg wrote on 12/27/11 at 17:39:07:


Honestly I would advise against such a setup for White, at least for regular use. I see some danger here that your play may become stereotyped. And objectively your chances for an advantage with White are greater if you transpose into a Fianchetto KID.

Wow, the danger of playing an English set-up against the KID is that play may become stereotyped?

I always thought that was the main danger of playing 1.d4 Nf6. 2.c4 against the KID! The English, at least for me, is far more fresh and has far more variety of ideas than can normally be seen in the KID. as someone once said, the Classical KID is basically a race. There's very little subtlety of thought there. 

The Fianchetto KID is a bit more flexible, but if flexibility is the goal, either the English or the Saemisch KID are more preferable.

The White side of the KID as a whole is not at all stereotyped, as you basically admit yourself. White has such different approaches as the Classical, Gligoric, Fianchetto, Sämisch, Four Pawns, Averbakh, h3 systems etc etc. all of which set different problems. I can't imagine the KID ever forcing me to give up 1.d4 2.c4. White has so much choice that anyone should be able to find one or two lines they like.

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Re: Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
Reply #7 - 12/27/11 at 19:19:05
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Fllg wrote on 12/27/11 at 17:39:07:
As a KID-player I like the line 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 0-0 5.0-0 d6 6.Nc3 e5 7.d3 h6!? 8.Rb1 a5 9.a3 Re8. That´s objectively equal but in Megabase Black even has a plus score. He has to be ready for 7.d4 though when his options against the fianchetto are somewhat reduced. But there are some other interesting earlier deviations for Black if he doesn´t want this.

What are they? I'd like to play this variation as black vs 1.Nf3 English (it's true that 1.c4 allows black others set-ups without Nf6 or f5 before Nf6) but I can't if I want to play the Panno vs. the Fianchetto KID. You just can play this variation if the Classical Fianchetto is in your KID repertoire.
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Re: Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
Reply #6 - 12/27/11 at 18:07:10
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As an aside, I'm glad to see this hasn't been shuffled off to the Flank Openings section since it really does deal with the King's Indian even if the main subject is the English Opening.
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Re: Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
Reply #5 - 12/27/11 at 18:06:03
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Fllg wrote on 12/27/11 at 17:39:07:


Honestly I would advise against such a setup for White, at least for regular use. I see some danger here that your play may become stereotyped. And objectively your chances for an advantage with White are greater if you transpose into a Fianchetto KID.

Wow, the danger of playing an English set-up against the KID is that play may become stereotyped?

I always thought that was the main danger of playing 1.d4 Nf6. 2.c4 against the KID! The English, at least for me, is far more fresh and has far more variety of ideas than can normally be seen in the KID. as someone once said, the Classical KID is basically a race. There's very little subtlety of thought there. 

The Fianchetto KID is a bit more flexible, but if flexibility is the goal, either the English or the Saemisch KID are more preferable.
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Re: Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
Reply #4 - 12/27/11 at 17:39:07
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As MNb pointed out Black can be a bit more flexible and does not have to combine an early Nf6 with e5 & Nc6 or vice versa.

As a KID-player I like the line 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 0-0 5.0-0 d6 6.Nc3 e5 7.d3 h6!? 8.Rb1 a5 9.a3 Re8. That´s objectively equal but in Megabase Black even has a plus score. He has to be ready for 7.d4 though when his options against the fianchetto are somewhat reduced. But there are some other interesting earlier deviations for Black if he doesn´t want this.

Honestly I would advise against such a setup for White, at least for regular use. I see some danger here that your play may become stereotyped. And objectively your chances for an advantage with White are greater if you transpose into a Fianchetto KID.
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Re: Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
Reply #3 - 12/27/11 at 14:53:12
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This is one of the variations of the English opening. It comes through various move orders. In my reference database the move 8. Rb1 is played in 4802 games with 52.9% success for white. Some higher rated players tried this setup: Botvinnik, Larsen, Petrosian, Kotov, Taimanov, Polugaevsky, Huebner, Anand, Leko, Eljanov, Gashimov, Gelfand, Bareev, Caruana, Gurevich (an expert in this line), K.Georgiev, Delchev, U.Andersson (an expert here, too), Chernin, Vaganyan (one of the main specialist in this setup), Miles and so on..and so on.. What to say?.. If you want to learn this against KID prepare yourself for a hard work! This opening variation is about equal for both sides but leads to a strategic battle all over the board. White has his chances on the queen's side while black has his own on the king's side. Many good players prefer such setups in order to outplay their opponents. They don't count on advantage right after the opening. So if you want a positional strategic game this is for you. As for the best sources, there are many books that explain the main ideas for both sides - opening repertoires and alike. But imho, the first thing to do is to browse through the games of the abovementioned players in order to know if this is for you..or not..  Wink
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Re: Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
Reply #2 - 12/27/11 at 13:28:01
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fling wrote on 12/27/11 at 08:29:21:
Don't know about the name. It is basically a reversed Closed Sicilian, not a KID.

So the name Closed English seems logical to me.
It's indeed a good way to avoid the KID, but not significantly better or worse than regular setups against that opening.
There is a snag though. Black neither does have to play ...e5 nor ...Nf6. For instance:
1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 O-O 5.Nf3 d6 6.d3 c5 7.O-O Nc6.
1.c4 g6 2.Nc3 Bg7 3.g3 d6 4.Bg2 e5 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.O-O f5 7.d3 Nge7 or Nf6.

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Re: Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
Reply #1 - 12/27/11 at 08:29:21
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notyetagm wrote on 12/27/11 at 05:15:48:
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Two very strong players have told me that this is an excellent way for White to play against the KID.

Does this line have any particular name? Who are its main practioners? What do the opening experts here think about its merits?

Thanks for any response.

Don't know about the name. It is basically a reversed Closed Sicilian, not a KID. It is the base in A Strategic Opening Repertoire. One person that has played it a lot is Ulf Andersson.
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Looking for info on this English-based anti-KID
12/27/11 at 05:15:48
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Two very strong players have told me that this is an excellent way for White to play against the KID.

Does this line have any particular name? Who are its main practioners? What do the opening experts here think about its merits?

Thanks for any response.
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