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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) The best analysis program? (Read 225234 times)
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #159 - 05/18/19 at 17:38:07
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Has anyone who installed Leela have any feedback on the evaluation function?   

Despite computers being so much stronger than us, it seems like it can be tough some time to use them to assess if a decision was "practical" in a game you made or if you should go for a line where you are defending ... it might be a draw but if one side needs to be much more precise from a human perspective, this can be a problem.

I saw some comment that AlphaZero plays at IM strength with "search turned off" and so I wonder if it is "more human" and easier to learn from.

I don't know how similar Leela plays to Alpha?

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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #158 - 05/18/19 at 14:28:10
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This means that in order to run Leela in full strength you will need a GPU preferably one that supports CUDA.
Running it on GPU with non CUDA Lc0 binaries means you will get many times worse performance.
Even worse running it on a CPU like normal traditional engines run, means you will get many many times worse performance.
Neural net weights in order to run fast enough they need a GPU. On CPUs they are slow as turtles.

My laptop GPU is non CUDA, so I would have to buy new hardware, otherwise Stockfish is stronger. I'm too frugal for that, but also, I honestly don't see why I should care. In most cases I just use whatever engine is available in the GUI of the moment. That might be Shredder, Stockfish (10 or 9 or even 8), Crafty, Fritz.

My old car already goes faster than the speed limit, I don't care that a Tesla can go from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.3 seconds. If you point out that I would care in a race, my answer is that in the race we won't be using the car...
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #157 - 05/18/19 at 09:07:42
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I tried download Leela in but engine analysis not showing in ChessBase 15 when loaded. 

The small window where engine evaluation should show is totally blank on my computer.
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #156 - 05/18/19 at 08:50:45
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The superfinal of TCEC season 15 is ongoing and it looks like Leela has surpassed Stockfish. At this moment the score is 23-18:

It is time to start using Leela instead of Stockfish as main-engine. I hear some people having troubles to let Leela work properly in Chessbase. I didn't try it out yet so does anybody has experience with it?
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #155 - 05/17/19 at 10:17:37
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IsaVulpes wrote on 11/30/18 at 11:50:55:
GMTonyKosten wrote on 11/30/18 at 08:12:32:
Now that Stockfish 10 has been released, maybe someone can update this thread - I assume SF 10 is clearly strongest?

It should be, but running Lc0 at the same time is probably still going to be worth it in some positions

SF10 most likely isn't the strongest engine anymore now Wink

Time to get an RTX 2060.. What a time to be alive, buying strong GPUs to play.. Chess. Cheesy
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #154 - 11/30/18 at 11:50:55
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GMTonyKosten wrote on 11/30/18 at 08:12:32:
Now that Stockfish 10 has been released, maybe someone can update this thread - I assume SF 10 is clearly strongest?

It should be, but running Lc0 at the same time is probably still going to be worth it in some positions
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #153 - 11/30/18 at 08:12:32
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Now that Stockfish 10 has been released, maybe someone can update this thread - I assume SF 10 is clearly strongest?
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #152 - 03/30/18 at 22:05:01
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Quite agree that one do much better with only 1 good engine than a few years ago... even if I still think that "difference" always brings something in making an opinion (like in medicine Smiley)  If I had 2 computers available, I'd run 2 different engines at the same time anyway.
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #151 - 02/28/18 at 17:11:35
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How much sense does it still have to use more than 1 engine today? I gave a short status of this in my just published article:
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #150 - 10/30/17 at 17:04:54
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Me too - I make no claims about the accuracy!  Cool
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #149 - 10/30/17 at 14:41:43
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TonyRo wrote on 10/30/17 at 14:17:41:
Hell, nowadays with "studies", you can essentially create multi-game PGNs, save them in the cloud, use an opening explorer/DB, Stockfish using your local CPUs, draw arrows and highlight squares, analyze with friends, etc. All for free, all in one place, saved automatically, with no installations needed. It's kind of insane. For most hobbyists that's an all in one deal. As an example, you can check out a study I made a while ago as a companion to a YouTube video:

I have to check your study someday, because I like the Catalan for White!
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #148 - 10/30/17 at 14:39:48
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TonyRo wrote on 10/30/17 at 14:17:41:
Stockfish will always be open source and totally free, and most likely world class. Unless you have some really specific reason for paying for Houdini or Komodo, SF will always be sufficient for most hobbyists.

Thanks TonyRo, a friend of mine said just about the same.
« Last Edit: 10/30/17 at 18:02:50 by TD »  
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #147 - 10/30/17 at 14:17:41
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Stockfish will always be open source and totally free, and most likely world class. Unless you have some really specific reason for paying for Houdini or Komodo, SF will always be sufficient for most hobbyists. 

Hell, nowadays with "studies", you can essentially create multi-game PGNs, save them in the cloud, use an opening explorer/DB, Stockfish using your local CPUs, draw arrows and highlight squares, analyze with friends, etc. All for free, all in one place, saved automatically, with no installations needed. It's kind of insane. For most hobbyists that's an all in one deal. As an example, you can check out a study I made a while ago as a companion to a YouTube video:
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Re: The best analysis program?
Reply #146 - 10/29/17 at 14:30:23
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At the moment I am using Stockfish 6 for my game analysis, but I am thinking of bying a new program. That would be Houdini 6 or Komodo 11. Any comments, preferences, pluses & minuses?

Update: I suddenly got the briljant idea of updating Stockfish 6 to Stockfish 8...
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Re: Looking for Safe Chess Engine Download or Purchase
Reply #145 - 02/29/16 at 04:47:57
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Quote: 7 64-bit 4CPU#Stockfish_7_64-bit_4CPU

Stockfish 7 is beating Komodo 9.3 28-24 in a 40 40 time control.
Stockfish 7 also beats Komodo 9.2 76.5 - 59.5

You know, I had seen these results last night after I posted in this thread already. These do not surprise me. In blitz, Stockfish 290116 64 POPCNT is an absolute monster. It's beating Komodo 9.1 on my machine, using chessbase's live book, at a 4-1 clip. It's elo is so much higher that 9.3 is obviously rated lower than Stockfish 7/Dev at this point. They even have 9.3 performing "worse" than 9.2. Kind of makes it impossible for me to talk myself into buying 9.3 just to see. I know I wouldn't be happy with the results. 

I've looked endlessly online and can't find the start date for TCEC 9. Should be extremely interesting. 
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