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Normal Topic How to deal with the 7...Nbd7 8.Be3 Re8 line (Read 5966 times)
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Re: How to deal with the 7...Nbd7 8.Be3 Re8 line
Reply #4 - 02/09/12 at 23:31:26
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also after 15...Rf8 16. ef, 16...Nxf5 is better than gf. White still better but black is at least getting some squares.
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Re: How to deal with the 7...Nbd7 8.Be3 Re8 line
Reply #3 - 02/08/12 at 20:24:47
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The problem with 14...Nf6?! (It might even be deserving of a question mark) is that it allows c5 so it's logical to play it right away. 15. c5 and 17. Rf2 is most logical as there are tactical opportunities on the f file. Black should keep the knight on d7 and probably play a5 and Rf8 improving his position and passing the ball to white, who should still be better due to black's misplaced pieces. The rook should go back to f8 and the knight on g7 is a joke.

Dembo missed that 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 e5 7. O-O Nbd7 8. Be3 Re8 9. d5 Nh5 10. g3 Bf8 11. Ne1 Ng7 12. Nd3 Be7 13. Qd2 f5 14. f3 Nf6?! (I honestly think this is dubious) 15. c5 fxe4 16. fxe4 Bh3 17. Rf2 h5? (17...Ng4 getting the bishops is a better idea but white is still significantly better) and now 18. c6! is just much better for white with the idea of 18...bxc6? 19. Nb4! cxd5 20. Nc6 Qd7 21. Nxe7+ Qxe7 22. Bg5 +-
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Re: How to deal with the 7...Nbd7 8.Be3 Re8 line
Reply #2 - 02/08/12 at 15:27:01
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I didn't check if this is anovelty or not. I didn't even check the games played here. I just pasted my analysis from my "old" notes. I discovered this solution a couple of months after Dembo's article in the DW KID book was published (where i first saw this line for Black).

If i am not mistaken there is a recent Yearbook article in this variation which also claims an advantage for White without mentioning the move Kg2. I have to admit though that if Black plays Bh3 he has good chances of counterplay. Computers don't see it at first but it is there! That's why i like so much the Kg2 move.
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Re: How to deal with the 7...Nbd7 8.Be3 Re8 line
Reply #1 - 02/08/12 at 14:43:30
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Without any deep analysis I'd agree that white looks better after 15.Kg2. I have 4 games with this move, so it's not a novelty. A brief look at the alternatives to 15.Kg2 suggests that white is somewhat better here anyway, isn't he? It's simply a nice space advantage without any too clear black counterplay. It's quite solid for black, but not particularly active.
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How to deal with the 7...Nbd7 8.Be3 Re8 line
02/08/12 at 13:47:22
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I continue to see the following line played and recommended here and there:

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 e5 7. O-O Nbd7 8. Be3 Re8

There was a time i considered this line a refreshing and interesting try to play smething else, instead of the traditional 7...Nc6 stuff, but for a long time now i think that i have discovered a good line against it. My "discovery" is not something spectacular, or brilliant by any means. And that is what impresses me! Such a simple line produces a fat "+/=" which should discourage many from playing this way with Black, but still there are people out there playing it! Anyway, this is "my" solution:

9. d5 Nh5 
10. g3 Bf8 
11.Ne1 Ng7 
12. Nd3 Be7 
13. Qd2 f5 
14. f3 Nf6

So far, so good. We have been following the main line. Now i propose:

15. Kg2!
A very important move! White avoids ...fxe4+Bh3 and is ready to continue with his plan with the move

2 lines now:

A) 15... Bd7
is the only way that Black can take advantage of the
placement of the K on g2, but it doesn't work
16. c5 fxe4 
17. fxe4 Qc8 
18.cxd6! Bh3+

(18... cxd6 is met by 19. Nf2 followed by Rac1) 
19. Kg1 Bxf1
20. dxe7 Bxe2 
21. Qxe2

and White holds a clear edge. His idea is to play next

B) 16...Rf8
Allows White to demonstrate his idea:
16. exf5
(16. c5 should be better for White also) 
16... gxf5 
(16...Bxf5 17. g4 with h3+Nf2 and 16... Nxf5 17. f4
are both better for White) 
17. f4
a typical positional idea. White is better

Am i wrong?

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