But there are styles and attitudes to playing, and some openings fit better certain styles than others ...
I'm all in for an opening that gives me a lot of tactical chances ...
MNb wrote on 04/05/12 at 16:59:13:
There is no miracle cure in opening theory, or everybody would play it.
Lower the bar a bit.
Disclaimer: I don't mean to be nasty or sarcastic; I'm completely serious.
The sniper seems to be a g6 Bg7 c5 setup against everything ... while this is playable it seems to be a more positional opening than a tactical one.
I also tried this approach one in blitz and looked at a cd from Bangiev who recommended this universal g6,Bg7,c5 approach.
The new old indian might be o.k., but I looked once at games from Topalov playing the old indian ... he never really got good play in this opening ... but it is something I have to investigate at some point
Vass wrote on 04/05/12 at 17:37:31:
You can try "The New Old Indian" as per Cherniaev & Prokuronov.
Or even "The Sniper"?!
The mainline in the Gruenfeld looks drawish to me there white plays cxd5, follows up with e4 and black has to take on c3.
Gilchrist is a legend wrote on 04/05/12 at 23:21:30:
Which main line of the Grünfeld looks drawish?
And if you do not like the Symmetrical, you do not have to play it, or the Anti-Grünfeld systems. You can play 1...e5 or another line. Usually you are not relinquishing the chance to play the Grünfeld because players who play Anti-Grünfeld systems are trying to avoid it in the first place.
I think I will play KID and Sicilian Kan, as backup lines I will play Nimzo/Benoni/Symmetrical against closed and Tiger's modern against 1.e4
gramsci wrote on 04/07/12 at 11:25:07:
I've had the same troouble lately. I knew I must play the Najdorf against 1e4 but I didn't know what to play vs. 1d4. Finallly the I've chosen the KID, and the Grunfeld as a buck-up line.