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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Books for Arkhangelsk Variation? (Read 32836 times)
Gilchrist is a legend
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Re: Books for Arkhangelsk Variation?
Reply #5 - 04/08/12 at 19:02:06
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I do not undersrtand why the Breyer would be considered boring, but the Arkhangelsk Variation is not boring either. In any case I see 6...Bc5 more often, I suppose this is the Neo-Arkhangelsk, with the line where Black sacrifices the b5-pawn and plays ...Bg4?

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Re: Books for Arkhangelsk Variation?
Reply #4 - 04/08/12 at 09:12:39
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There are also a Chessbase DVD:

gives the "pure" Arkhangelsk with 6...Bb7.  I always held Beliavsky to be one of the experts here, and Mikhalchishin has been his long time second as well as playing it a great deal himself.

Shirov has apparently explained on one of his DVDs that 6...Bb7 is inaccurate because of 7 d3 with the idea that the Bb7 has been prematurely placed there since e4 is solidly defended.  On the other hand, white has played 7 d3 Wink so black shouldn't have too much to fear (the Anti-Marshall lines also seem to prove this).

I can't resist posting this classic though Smiley

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Re: Books for Arkhangelsk Variation?
Reply #3 - 04/08/12 at 08:51:12
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Well 2000 is pre strong computers and its awfully tactical in places, so..... Rather less games with 6.. Bb7 recently I think, mostly because they've been going 6.. Bc5 instead. 7 d3 typically seems to get the blame for that.
(tons of games in 6 ..Bc5 of course. See say Shirov recently.).

It is perhaps a fraction odd because it doesn't even have the slightly (unfair?) dull thing that the Breyer has going on to count against it.
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Gilchrist is a legend
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Re: Books for Arkhangelsk Variation?
Reply #2 - 04/08/12 at 00:25:39
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Thanks, I found the Everyman book on it here, but it says published 2000, so I am not sure how much the theory has changed. I suppose this variation is similar to the Breyer in that there are not many books on it.

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Re: Books for Arkhangelsk Variation?
Reply #1 - 04/07/12 at 09:19:27
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There's a rather old Everyman book and a little coverage in revolution in the 70's. Otherwise not sure either for this, or for the early Bc5 stuff.

An advantage in a way if you use chesspub and databases to put things together Smiley
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Gilchrist is a legend
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Books for Arkhangelsk Variation?
04/07/12 at 09:02:44
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What are some books that cover the Arkhangelsk Variation of the Spanish?

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