Markovich wrote on 09/24/12 at 03:02:27:
Chess is a very simple game, Brent Larsen was a great chess player, and the d-pawn may be sacrificed with impunity in the strange world that constitutes this thread. This is the world of Wishing-Makes-It-So, where with a little computerized prestidigitation, compensation appears like magic to replace dead pawns, and common sense in chess is repeatedly shown to be a delusion. Oh, to be a Maestro in this universe of negative gravity and compensation that is always some positive multiple of the square root of -1. Wait, what's that signpost up ahead?
I think this is a good example of the complexity of the chess player and how they might perceive themselves
Smyslov_Fan wrote on 09/24/12 at 04:43:00:
Ok, time to get back on topic.
What was the topic again?
Always happy to oblige boss but I hasn’t there been several?
Alias wrote on 09/24/12 at 07:12:52:
1) It's Bent, not Brent!
2) Of course the game is complex given the number of possible positions and the difficult in evaluating them.
3) I don't think it's necessary to keep all discussions on topic and move off topic replies to a new discussion. It makes the forum less exiting.
(1)My apologies sir, you are quite right!
(2) Well, maybe yes and maybe no. Unless you have a mate or forced moves, you are always come to an opinion on with your analysis
(3) Forum rules I think…
Have a nice day