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Re: Early Draw in Archangel
Reply #4 - 06/25/20 at 22:31:59
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Vass wrote on 11/12/12 at 09:48:57:
10...Qd7 is the main move in order to avoid such draw variations.
11...0-0-0!? (a new move) is to be considered, too..
Black can try even 16...Qg6!? - a move that is starting some hard to handle complications after 17.Nxh8 Qe8 18.Bf7?! Qd7 19.cxd4 (19.Bh5!?) 19...e3 20.d5 Bc5 and so on..  Cheesy

Yes, the engines think Black is at least equal with 10...Qd7. 10...Qd7 isn't even mentioned in the book "Archangel and New Archangel".
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Re: Early Draw in Archangel
Reply #3 - 11/12/12 at 13:27:00
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Vass wrote on 11/12/12 at 09:48:57:
10...Qd7 is the main move in order to avoid such draw variations.
11...0-0-0!? (a new move) is to be considered, too..
Black can try even 16...Qg6!? - a move that is starting some hard to handle complications after 17.Nxh8 Qe8 18.Bf7?! Qd7 19.cxd4 (19.Bh5!?) 19...e3 20.d5 Bc5 and so on..  Cheesy

Thanks Vass. Nice idea. Now I might play this opening.
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Re: Early Draw in Archangel
Reply #2 - 11/12/12 at 09:48:57
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10...Qd7 is the main move in order to avoid such draw variations.
11...0-0-0!? (a new move) is to be considered, too..
Black can try even 16...Qg6!? - a move that is starting some hard to handle complications after 17.Nxh8 Qe8 18.Bf7?! Qd7 19.cxd4 (19.Bh5!?) 19...e3 20.d5 Bc5 and so on..  Cheesy
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Re: Early Draw in Archangel
Reply #1 - 11/12/12 at 09:32:08
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If you're this worried about forced draws you'll need to play something less concretly forcing than the Marshall or the Archangel. 

White has forced draws against basically every rational, sharp, direct opening that black can use. Well that or forced two result positions which are of course rather worse.
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Early Draw in Archangel
11/12/12 at 08:49:07
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Is there a playable way for Black to avoid this early draw by White?

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O b5 6. Bb3 Bb7 7. c3 Nxe4 8. d4 exd4 9. Re1 d5 10. Ng5 Qf6 11. Nd2 Qxf2+ 12. Kh1 O-O-O 13. Ndxe4 dxe4 14. Rf1 Qh4 15. g3 Qh6 16. Nxf7 Qh3 17. Ng5

I'm thinking about playing the Archangel but I don't like that White can force a draw like this.
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