The analysis of the lines 3…Rg1 and 3…Kf8 shows that Black’s attempt to activate his king via Kg7-f8-e7 can be effectively met by f5-f6. This possibility is also available in the lines which are analysed below (if Black tries to defend with Kf8).
III. 3…Re1+ This move only improves the White king’s position.
4.Kd5 D. 1.-10 Again 4…Kf8 offers the most pertinent defence. After 5.f6 Ke8 6.Kd6 Ra1 7.Rc4 the game transposes to the D. 1.-5 after 6…Ke8 7.Rc4.
A) 4...Rf1 This move was played in the game
Nikolic-Ftacnik (1997). 4…Ra1 (B.) is not better. Just waiting on e-file also does not help - 4…Re2 (C.).
After 4...Rf1 the position would be drawn if Black were to play (see the line IV. 3…Rf1 after 4.Kd5?).
5.Kd6 Ra1 57...Kf8 offers the most stubborn defence but as we already know White wins by 58.f6. 58...Ke8 59.Rd5 Kd8 60.Kc6+ Ke8 61.Ra5 Rc1+ 62.Kd5 Rd1+ 63.Ke4 Re1+ 64.Kd3 transposes to the main line of D. 1.-7 after 16.Kd3.
D. 1.-11 a) 6.Rc4 The best move. The rook provides shelter from sideways checks and threatens to transfer to the seventh rank.
6…Ra8 6...Rd1+ 59.Ke7 Rd5 60.e6 (Ftacnik) loses immediately.
58...Ra6+ 59.Rc6 Ra8 60.Rc7 or 6...Ra5 7.Rc7 Ra6+ 8.Ke7 transpose into the game after 8. Ke7.
7.Rc7 Ra6+ 7...Kf8 would put up the most resistance. 8.Kd7 Kg7 (8…Ra5 9.Rc8+ Kg7 10.f6+ Kh7 11.e6 +-Ftacnik) 61.Ke7 Rb8 62.Ra7 Rc8 transposes to the game Sitanggang-Mirumian 1996 (see line V.3…Ra5, D. 1.-19) .
8.Ke7 Ra4 8...Rb6 fails to 9.e6.
9.e6 fxe6 9...f6 10.Kd8+ Kg8 11.e7 (Ftacnik).
10.f6+ Kg6 11.f7 Rf4 12.f8Q Rxf8 13.Kxf8 e5 14.Rc4. Ftacnik resigned.
b) 6.Ke7?! D. 1.-12 This move was played in
Smeets-Wiersma (2003) and also recommended in the analysis of Ftacnik, Emms and Nunn. It wastes time but does not throw away the win.
b1) 6...Ra5! This move offers greater resistance because forces the white king to go back to e4. 6…Ra7+?! (Ftacnik, Emms and Nunn) is weaker and loses very quickly (see the line b2). 6...Re1 fails to 7.e6 Re2 8.Rd7+- (Ftacnik).
b1.-1) 7.e6? This move throws away the win which was still possible with 7.Kd6! (b2).
7…fxe6 8.fxe6 8.Kxe6 Ra6+ 9.Ke7 (9.Rd6 Rxd6+ 10.Kxd6 Kf6 11.Kd5 h5!=) 9...Ra7+ 10.Rd7 Rxd7+ 11.Kxd7 Kf6=.
D. 1.-13 8...Ra7+ Black can draw also by 8...Ra8 and 8...Ra6=.
9.Rd7 Ra6? This move of Wiersma loses. Black could have drawn by nearly every other move on a-file. E. g. 9…Ra4 10.Ke8+ Kf6 11.e7 Ke6=. See the thread “Levenfish/Smyslov n. 190 unsound”, D. 5 after 8.Rd7 Ra8.
10.Rd6? 10.Ke8+! Kf6 11.e7+- (Micawber).
10...Ra7+? White returns the compliment. Black could have drawn by 10...Ra8! preventing the move Ke8. See the thread “Levenfish/Smyslov n. 190 unsound”, D. 5.
11.Ke8 Ra8+ 12.Rd8 Ra7 13.Rd7+ 1–0 b1.-2) 7.Kd6! White has no other choice than to bring his king back to e4.
D. 1.-14 7…Ra6+ Here 7…Kf8 loses quickly - 8.Rc4 Ra6 9.Rc6 Ra1 10.e6 fxe6 11.Kxe6 Re1+ 12.Kf6 Ke8 13.Re6+ 1–0
Olejarczyk – Zurkowski (2011). If 9...Ra8 then 10.Kd7 Kg7 11.Rc8 Ra7+ 12.Kc6 Ra5 13.Re8 Kh7 14.f6 Ra1 15.Rf8 Ra7 16.Kd5 Rd7+ 17.Ke4 Ra7 18.Kf5 Rd7 19.Rxf7+ Rxf7 -
Wohl-Hernandez (2011) - 20.e6 Ra7 21.e7 Ra5+ 22.Ke6 Ra6+ 23.Kf7 Ra7 24.Kf8 Ra6 25.f7 1–0.
8.Kd5! The king must head to e4. After 60.Kc7 Ra5 White has to backtrack - 61.Kd6! Ra6+ 62.Kd5.
8...Ra5+ 9.Ke4!+- In this position Black has basically the same choices as in D. 1.-2 (except, of course, 3…Rg1?, 3…Re1+ and 3…Rf1). In Sitanggang-Mirumian, van Beek-Span Black decided to keep his rook on the fifth rank (see the line 3…Ra5 (b5) . 9…Ra8 transposes to the line VI. 9…Kf8 loses to 10.f6 Ke8 11.Rb4 Ra8 (11...Ra1 12.Rb8+ Kd7 13.Rf8 Re1+ 14.Kd4 Rd1+ 15.Kc3 Rc1+ 16.Kd2+-) 12.Kf5 Kf8 13.g5+-.
b2) 6…Ra7+? This move which is considered in the analysis of Ftacnik, Emms and Nunn loses very quickly.
7.Rd7 Ra8 Ftacnik and Emms consider here 7…Ra5 which loses immediately - 8.e6 fxe6 9.f6++-.
Nunn’s move 7…Ra8 puts up more resistance.
8.Rb7 Rc8 This position with the White rook on a7 arose in the game Sitanggang-Mirumian (1996).
9.Kd6+- (Nunn).
Nunn stopped his analysis here. A possible continuation could be 61...Kg8 62.e6 fxe6 63.fxe6 Ra8 64.Ke5 Re8 65.Kf6 Rf8+ 66.Rf7 Ra8 67.Rg7+ Kh8 68.e7 Ra6+ 69.Kf7 Ra7 70.Rg6 Kh7 71.Re6++-.
As in D. 1.-19, 61.e6?! instead of 9.Kd6 would be premature but it is also winning – 61… fxe6 62.Kxe6+ Kg8 63.Rd7 Rc6+ 64.Rd6 Rc8 65.f6 Ra8 66.Rd4 Ra6+ 67.Kf5 Kf7 68.Rd7+ Ke8 69.Rd5 Kf7 70.g5 hxg5 71.Rd7+ Ke8 72.Rb7 Kf8 73.Kg6 Re6 74.Rb8+ Re8 75.Rxe8+ Kxe8 76.Kg7+-.