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Re: C27: Vienna Calling
Reply #10 - 04/11/13 at 22:51:08
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I've met this line often and always gone for 3...Nxe4! 

No need to worry about 4.Bxf7+, when black is totally fine if not even slightly better after 4...Kxf7 5.Nxe4 d5!

White may uphold a tiny edge after 4.Qh5 Nd6 5.Qxe5, but really, black is as close to equality as any Black player can dream of already at move 5. And if white choose to go for complications with 5.Bb3 instead, then Black has the pleasant choise between 5...Be7 equalising or going all in for a fun and dramatic game with 5...Nc6 followed by 6.Nb5 g6 7.Qf3 f5 (7...Nf5!?) 8.Qd5 Qe7 9.Nxc7+ Kd8 10.Nxa8 reaching the classic socalled "Frankenstein Dracular variation" mainline, which has been analysed very deeply. Black is a rook down, but it will soon "only" be an exchange down and his active piece positions should give a lot compensation, which many games in practise has also shown. Admitted, most writers may favour white here and so does my Rybka version 3, but if scared of this - just play 5...Be7=.

3...Nc6 is more solid and also given a very tiny edge over 3...Nxe4 by my Rybka. This is of course absolutely playable, and if (3...Nc6) 4.Nf3 then the fork trick 4...Nxe4 can come in an improved version. But if 4.d3 black has to deal with a completely different setup. Matter of taste, if you prefer this over 3...Nxe4, I think. 

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Re: C27: Vienna Calling
Reply #9 - 04/11/13 at 20:03:41
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Yeah.  I would say, "3...Nc6!"

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Re: C27: Vienna Calling
Reply #8 - 04/11/13 at 18:07:20
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Also good is 3...Nc6 intending 4.d3 Bb4.

I would hesitate to recommend 3...Nxe4 anyway because of the simplifying 4.Qh5 Nd6 5.Qxe5+.
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Re: C27: Vienna Calling
Reply #7 - 04/11/13 at 13:16:59
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Or alternatively 3...Bc5, intending 4.d3 c6(!) with good play.
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Re: C27: Vienna Calling
Reply #6 - 04/11/13 at 13:10:22
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A much easier and solid line to play would be 3......Bb4.  You are entering a line that is safe and offers good winning chances, without all the chaos and memorization of 3.....Ne4.

This line would be my suggestion, simply play d5 when he moves his d pawn and against anything else just castle and play chess.
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Re: C27: Vienna Calling
Reply #5 - 02/28/13 at 21:42:30
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Gamboo wrote on 02/28/13 at 18:08:57:
I'll play out some live games and see how I fare.

Just remember: your king is perfectly safe on g8 and Rh8 is your last worry. Find good squares for your bishops, queen and queen's rook first. With your central dominance you will always be able to untangle the king's rook, usually with h6 and Kh7.

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Re: C27: Vienna Calling
Reply #4 - 02/28/13 at 19:32:42
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That puts me in mind of 5...Nc6?! 6. Qf3+ Kg8?? 7. Ng5, which I think I probably first saw in I. A. Horowitz's book on opening traps from circa 1973.
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Re: Vienna Calling
Reply #3 - 02/28/13 at 18:08:57
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kylemeister wrote on 02/26/13 at 22:48:09:
As for Black being okay, he is perhaps commonly regarded as clearly better there.  Here are some bits from a couple of books:

4. Bxf7+ Kxf7 5. Nxe4 d5 6. Qf3+ (6. Qh5+ g6 7. Qxe5 Bh6 -/+; 6. Nc3 Kg8 -/+) Kg8 7. Ng5 Qd7 8. d3 (8. Ne2 h6 -/+ Mieses-Teichmann, match 1895) h6 9. Nh3 Nc6 -/+

I'm also reminded of a game in which some master-type player actually met 7. Ne2, instead of 7. Ng5 as above, with

That 5...d5 seems to blunt the queen tactics. Still a bit messy with my uncastled king though. I'll play out some live games and see how I fare.
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Re: Vienna Calling
Reply #2 - 02/26/13 at 22:48:09
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As for Black being okay, he is perhaps commonly regarded as clearly better there.  Here are some bits from a couple of books:

4. Bxf7+ Kxf7 5. Nxe4 d5 6. Qf3+ (6. Qh5+ g6 7. Qxe5 Bh6 -/+; 6. Nc3 Kg8 -/+) Kg8 7. Ng5 Qd7 8. d3 (8. Ne2 h6 -/+ Mieses-Teichmann, match 1895) h6 9. Nh3 Nc6 -/+

I'm also reminded of a game in which some master-type player actually met 7. Ne2, instead of 7. Ng5 as above, with
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Re: Vienna Calling
Reply #1 - 02/26/13 at 22:31:10
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Do you have any concrete examples where you experienced problems with Black?
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C27: Vienna Calling
02/26/13 at 22:12:10
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A black in the Vienna, I sometimes get hit with e4 e5, Nc3 Nf6, Bc4 Nxe4, Bf7+

I've read that black is ok in this line, but the in practice the early queen foray is a beast to fend off. Suggestions?
« Last Edit: 02/27/13 at 02:49:02 by Smyslov_Fan »  
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