I had a few hours on a flight the other night so I worked through the sample chapter on the Mikenas Attack that is available for download. I was very impressed by what I saw. To avoid giving long lines here, I will assume you have the sample pdf and just reference page numbers.
The Mikenas is a theoretical backwater and most books just cover the same ground because black is fine in these lines. Petrov isn't satisfied to do just that and gives some new ideas anyway. For example, on page 13 the moves 12...Rd8 and 12...e4 13. Ng5 Bd4 are new to me. So, based on this small sample, it looks like the book will have a lot of original material.
The other characteristic that struck me was that Petrov expects the reader to do some work. This is not a book for the lazy. For example, on page 13 he gives this note (edited slightly):
"11.Nb5? is deservedly rare: 11...Re8 12.d6+ Kf8 13.Nc7 For some reason the natural 13...Qh4+!N has not been played so far, but it brings Black a clear advantage as shown after: 14.g3 exf4+"
Now Petrov gives only 15.Kf2 without comment. Hmmm - not what I would have considered as the first candidate move
Alternatives - including the obvious one - are simply not mentioned. Readers are clearly expected to work this sharp position out for themselves.
In summary, based on the available sample, I think this looks like it might be the single best Benoni book for strong players who are willing to work hard.