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Re: 7.d3 in the Moller
Reply #7 - 08/22/19 at 21:52:01
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Very late reply, but can't white then try 6.Bxc6 pretending it's the Anti-Berlin? The extra move a6 doesn't look to me like it makes a huge deal of difference.
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Re: 7.d3 in the Moller
Reply #6 - 08/09/13 at 18:50:13
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Seeley wrote on 03/08/13 at 19:04:08:
Victor Mikhalevski's recent book The Open Spanish (Quality Chess) devotes an entire 30-page chapter to this very position. It is reached by transposition via

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.d3 b5 6.Bb3 Bc5 7.0-0

He recommends 7...d6 and examines the ensuing play in considerable detail.

The more I see of this chapter the more I like it. To me it spells "Quality", both the material and his explanations. And as a fan of the Møller variation I can learn a lot from the variations he anticipate.  

But one thing puzzles me; why the need of playing 5...b5 first instead of 5...Bc5 after the calm 5.d3...? 

For example after: 5.d3-Bc5 6.0-0-d6, and we`ll soon have a kind transposition to my earlier post. Isnt this regarded as being quite ok for black ( the point being not to chase that  bishop on a4) ?  

Im not aware of any drawbacks with this particulary 5...Bc5 move order.  Are there any ? 




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Re: 7.d3 in the Moller
Reply #5 - 08/09/13 at 09:46:05
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Just to add a nuance here:
The move d2-d3 is known to be good against a black setup where the second player has already played Bc8-b7. The point is: White can play Nb1-c3-e2-g3 or Nb1-c3-d5 instead of c2-c3 in connection with d2-d4 where the black bishop on b7 will keep an eye on the white e4-pawn.
Hence, both players try to play their opening moves with this in mind.
A good correspondence high-level chess games database will show the right move order for both sides at once.  Wink
« Last Edit: 08/09/13 at 11:09:46 by Vass »  
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Re: 7.d3 in the Moller
Reply #4 - 08/09/13 at 07:58:20
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proustiskeen wrote on 03/08/13 at 18:04:50:
Hi Chesspubbers:

Is there any consensus on how to handle the following try by White vs the Moller?

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 b5 6. Bb3 Bc5 7.d3

I know that ...Bb7, transposing into Arkhangel positions, is not considered optimal.  How, then, should Black play?  There's very little current material out there on this.  Thanks!

A bit off topic. But if black players find this 7.d3 variation annoying, they can play the pure Møller move order instead:

The white bishop is not doing a lot on a4 and often white will use a tempo to get it to b3. 

Of course one have to reckon with the 7.Bc2 variation given above, but from what I know it hasnt been popular for white lately (?)  



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Re: 7.d3 in the Moller
Reply #3 - 04/25/13 at 09:04:12
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There are lots of recent top games here, it can come about from the d3 Berlin also. Basically d3 is the new main-line of the Spanish, at least thats what Nigel Short said and he knows a thing or two about the Spanish.
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Re: 7.d3 in the Moller
Reply #2 - 03/11/13 at 09:50:39
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proustiskeen wrote on 03/08/13 at 18:04:50:
Hi Chesspubbers:

Is there any consensus on how to handle the following try by White vs the Moller?

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 b5 6. Bb3 Bc5 7.d3

I know that ...Bb7, transposing into Arkhangel positions, is not considered optimal.  How, then, should Black play?  There's very little current material out there on this.  Thanks!

Black just castles or plays d6, of course. Common sense moves...
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Re: 7.d3 in the Moller
Reply #1 - 03/08/13 at 19:04:08
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Victor Mikhalevski's recent book The Open Spanish (Quality Chess) devotes an entire 30-page chapter to this very position. It is reached by transposition via

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.d3 b5 6.Bb3 Bc5 7.0-0

He recommends 7...d6 and examines the ensuing play in considerable detail.
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7.d3 in the Moller
03/08/13 at 18:04:50
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Hi Chesspubbers:

Is there any consensus on how to handle the following try by White vs the Moller?

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 b5 6. Bb3 Bc5 7.d3

I know that ...Bb7, transposing into Arkhangel positions, is not considered optimal.  How, then, should Black play?  There's very little current material out there on this.  Thanks!
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