Having checked the game above, it's what you get if white decides to force the draw and black improves on the original Anand - Lputian game on move 20. (with f5.). Terrifyingly it might actually be best play after ~move 18!
White can try 21 Nxe6 instead but 21.. Qxe6 22 gf Nf4+ etc might work out relatively well for black.
(Ask a strong engine for details! Pure tactics.).
There's actually an old chess pub thread on this where Dom suggested that improvement
The main idea from Khalifman's book is I'm pretty sure (but can't check right now) based on Cheparinov - Fernandez Romero, 2005.
If this is a genuine edge for white then there's motivation to look for other ways to play. Not sure. No obvious repeats but this stuff is rare. Not a surprise given how daft it is!
The potential way to avoid it is the following. As far as I can tell it only gives white one truly dangerous new idea but it isn't an easy one to meet. Think the stuff below might be blacks best.
There is however an absolute ocean of insane tactics here and I really wouldn't take this as remotely gospel (an oldish engine amongst other things!) or rule out someone burying it. It's the sort of thing which could easily get wiped out. Fun to analyse though