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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #47 - 02/05/24 at 20:03:40
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Something else deeply amusing in its way - in the old line from Karajakin (et al as I remember?) - Yusopov, with:
8.. Nbc6 9 Qh5 Ng6 10 Nf3 Qc7 11 Be3 Nce7 12 h4 Bd7 (12 .. f6 there is reasonably playable too it seems, as is 12.. Nf5) then 13 Rb1 isn't all that strong.

Black has a horrible looking resource - 13 .. c4 14 Bxg6 fxg6 15 Qg4 and then 15 .. h5!? (yuck!). That seems to give black time to get organised to have a good chance.

Cf 16 Qh3 b5 17 g4 a5 which is enough to provoke it into 18 o-o as white. Then so on.

It somewhat prefers going 13 Qg4 cd 14 cd f5 15 Qh3 Bb5 16 Bxb5 Qa5+ 17 Bd2 Qxb5 18 h5 Nh8 19 h6 g6 which does look a bit annoying for black if presumably quite solid.
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #46 - 02/05/24 at 19:27:04
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From the Black perspective, it's good to see light at the end of the tunnel.

These are lines are complicated and I look forward to going over them latter.

MartinC wrote on 02/05/24 at 15:13:04:
The other thing is that after 13.. Qc7 14 Ng5 Qe8 15 h4 Ne7 16 Qe2 Bd7 17 g4 everyone has been doing it a bit wrong with black.

I think you meant 13...Qf7.
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #45 - 02/05/24 at 15:13:04
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It's actually fascinating looking at these (sort of) old lines with SF16 and friends - none of them are absolutely brilliant but there's a fair few that seem to be quite holdable.

That line from the update, but also things like:
8 Bd3 Nbc6 9 Qh5 Ng6 10 Nf3 Qc7 11 Be3 c4 12 Bxg6 fxg6 13 Qg4 then a couple of fascinating things.

Firstly it points out that black can (amazingly) get away with 13 .. Bd7 14 h4 Rf5 15 h5 Rxh5 16 Rxh5 gh 17 Qxh5 Rf8 18 Kd2 Be8 19 Qh3 without any exchange sacrifices.

It thinks Rxf3 might be OK mind, but prefers just going h6, ditching e6.

Or 19 .. Nd8 20 Rh1 h6!? and then if 21 Qg3 h5!?  Looks utterly suicidal, is risky!, but isn't.

The other thing is that after 13.. Qc7 14 Ng5 Qe8 15 h4 Ne7 16 Qe2 Bd7 17 g4 everyone has been doing it a bit wrong with black.

NOT 17 .. b5. Instead 17 ..a5 18 Kd2 Rb8.

With the point that if white goes for the desired 19 h5 gxh5 20 Nxh7 Kxh7 21 Rxh5+ Kg8 22 Rah1 black still has 22.. Ba4 and is then apparently OK in the serious mess  eg 23 Rh8+ Kf7 24 Rh8h7 Bxc2 25 Qf3+ Bf5 which are some serious heroics from the bad bishop!

I can't see an especially strong waiting move for white either, so it might be moderately effective. Of course 9 Bg5 iso Qh5 is still very annoying! Much narrower for black too.
(9 Qh5 is actually SF16's third choice, the other being Nf3 f5 Qh3)
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #44 - 01/14/24 at 18:05:11
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7h4!? (1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Bc3 6. bc3 Ne7 7. h4) is also sharp.

Miedema continues with 7...Qc7. That is Giri's move also in the Short and Sweet version of his repertoire in Chessable.
« Last Edit: 01/14/24 at 22:44:40 by FreeRepublic »  
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #43 - 01/09/24 at 08:41:41
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Nernstian59 wrote on 01/09/24 at 00:23:23:
FreeRepublic wrote on 01/08/24 at 21:07:51:
There are several other Winawer games that I think could be mined by Winawer (especially 7...0-0) proponents.

FreeRepublic - I'm reminded of the thread on Euwe's 10.Kd1 where Lauri Torni lamented that "My beloved 7. Qg4 0-0 was refuted years ago". Perhaps there's some help for 7...0-0 in the games and Watson's notes from the Jan 2024 update. Like you, I'm no expert, but I do hope 7...0-0 is rehabilitated so that Winawer players have a less hair-raising alternative to the Posion Pawn if they desire one.

A *differently* hair raising one, please Smiley

There's a lot of different lines, if you ask the modern strong computers - much improved in these sorts of positions - they can iirc (as far as I can tell) hold many of them. 

Often a  bit of a struggle. Fairly terrifying to prepare as white though as there's a wide choice for black and the positions stay very, very complex for a very long time.
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #42 - 01/09/24 at 00:23:23
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FreeRepublic wrote on 01/08/24 at 21:07:51:
There are several other Winawer games that I think could be mined by Winawer (especially 7...0-0) proponents.

FreeRepublic - I'm reminded of the thread on Euwe's 10.Kd1 where Lauri Torni lamented that "My beloved 7. Qg4 0-0 was refuted years ago". Perhaps there's some help for 7...0-0 in the games and Watson's notes from the Jan 2024 update. Like you, I'm no expert, but I do hope 7...0-0 is rehabilitated so that Winawer players have a less hair-raising alternative to the Posion Pawn if they desire one.
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #41 - 01/08/24 at 21:07:51
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The January 2024 update has several poisoned pawn games with 7...0-0. I'm no expert in these lines. I followed one line with 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Bc3 6. bc3 Ne7 7. Qg4 O-O 8. Bd3 f5!? 9. ef6 Rf6 10. Bg5 Rf7 11. Qh5 g6 12. Qd1 Nbc6 13. Nf3 Qa5 14. Bd2 Qc7!? 15. dc5! e5 16. Ng5 Rf8 17. c4! e4! where it seemed that Black was in the game. There are several other Winawer games that I think could be mined by Winawer (especially 7...0-0) proponents.

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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #40 - 08/02/13 at 23:49:32
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brabo wrote on 08/02/13 at 05:51:13:

I can't see how black can save himself after Nd8.

'Myes. I had looked at 28. ... gxf6 29. Nf5 h5, when Black's still hanging in there. But after 29. exf6 instead it indeed seems grim for Black.
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #39 - 08/02/13 at 05:51:13
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I can't see how black can save himself after Nd8.
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Sean Coffey
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #38 - 08/02/13 at 01:55:46
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brabo wrote on 07/22/13 at 06:30:43:
This should be winning for white instead of Ng6.

OK, I'll bite. This is convincing, but what's wrong with 26. ... Nd8, planning to switch over to f7? I've poked around a bit and don't see anything obvious. (Full disclosure: this line isn't at all one I know well.)
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #37 - 08/01/13 at 08:46:50
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I don't think anyone has ever claimed all of the 7 Qg4 o-o stuff to be busted, or for that matter even all of 8 Bd3 Nbc6. The specific subvariation of that stuff that Watson had does seem dead but plenty of other options.

Khalifman in the opening according to Anand books doesn't give more than +/= (which he has to claim vs everything of course Wink) against several of blacks main tries.
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #36 - 07/31/13 at 20:43:28
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No wonder.  Black can avoid immediate loss with the 8.-f5 line  Wink

I looked at this line too, but found it difficult to play. It must be a tough nut to crack though. [/quote]

So this implies that 7. Qg4 O-O is not completely busted in your opinion? If the whole line (not only Watson 8. Bd3 Nbc6) was dead for black that would have tremendous influence on the Winawer as a whole ...
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #35 - 07/22/13 at 06:30:43
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This should be winning for white instead of Ng6.
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Lauri Torni
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #34 - 05/02/13 at 08:32:26
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Familiar ideas Smiley I analysed this line with John Watson a long ago, but cannot find the analysis anymore Sad It appeared that black might hold.  I prefer to place the rook immediately to f1, not h1. Black may hold also there, but he is obviously playing only for a draw.

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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #33 - 05/02/13 at 08:19:39
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The java format is easy - there's a PGN button in the editor window which inserts a pair of pgn  /pgn tags (with square brackets round them), and you just paste  the pgn in there.

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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #32 - 05/02/13 at 08:01:42
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I don't think there's much problem with the Watson main lines mentioned below, and have attached a pgn file with the bare outline of what seems best play. Here's the text version - I don't know how to put it in the java format people are using, but will appreciate anyone re-posting it in that format if they're so inclined.
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2013.05.02"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Watson 7...0-0 Winawer"]
[Black "Main"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "C18"]
[EventDate "2013.??.??"]

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6. bxc3 Ne7 7. Qg4 O-O 8. Bd3
Nbc6 9. Qh5 Ng6 10. Nf3 Qc7 11. Be3 c4 12. Bxg6 fxg6 13. Qg4 Bd7 14. h4 Rf5 15.
h5 gxh5 16. Rxh5 Rxh5 17. Qxh5 Be8 18. Qh3 Nd8 19. Bg5 (19. Ng5 h6 20. Nxe6 Qa5
21. Bxh6 Nxe6 22. Qxe6+ Bf7 23. Qh3 gxh6 24. f4 Qb6 25. Kd2 (25. f5 Qb2) (25.
O-O-O Qa6 (25... Qg6)) 25... Qg6 (25... h5 26. f5 Qh6+ 27. Qe3 Kh7) 26. g4 Kh7
(26... h5 $11)) 19... Bf7 20. Kd2 Qd7 21. Nh4 Qe8 22. Rh1 Bg6 23. g4 Nc6 (23...
Qf7 24. f4 Be4 25. Rh2 h6 26. f5 Qd7) 24. f4 (24. Be3 Qf7) 24... Be4 25. Rh2 h6
26. f5 exf5 27. gxf5 (27. Nxf5 Qg6) 27... hxg5 28. Ng6 Kf7 29. Qh5 Bxf5 30.
Nh4+ Ke6 31. Nxf5 Qxh5 32. Nxg7+ Kf7 33. Nxh5 Rh8 34. Rf2+ Kg6 35. Ng3 Ne7 $11


Watson_7___0-0_Main.pgn ( 0 KB | Downloads )
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #31 - 04/19/13 at 19:40:20
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Santimr wrote on 04/18/13 at 22:48:12:
Moskalenko mentioned in The Wonderful Winawer the variation 8. Bd3 Nbc6 9. Bg5! Qa5 10. Ne2!, which looks dangerous. What's the best continuation for black?

Good question, and these days maybe everything has changed, but I can tell you what the old way to play as Black used to be:

10...Ng6 11.0-0 Qa4 12.f4 c4 13.Bxg6 fxg6 14.Ra2 Bd7 15.h4 Rf5 16.Ng3 Qa5! (a positional exchange sac) 17.Nxf5 gxf5 18.Qg3 Be8 and the Black bishop will appear on h5, all Black's pieces are active, the position is blocked and Whites attack has been stopped. Mind you, he is the exchange down and modern analysis and engines have probably changed this line at some point, maybe earlier because in a practical game I'd be happy here as Black.
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #30 - 04/19/13 at 07:31:08
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Oh it is.....


Not my finest hour Smiley Actually though after 10.. cd black might well be in some pretty dire trouble.

10 .. Ng6 seems an awful lot better. The threats of Nxd4/Nxe5 etc after that gets black a 'traditional' sort of position for this opening. 

Which means a dangerous one! Whether it's any more dangerous than the 'main' lines I have no idea. At the very least though it does cut down rather on blacks options so must be a decent practical idea.

There seems to be some debate on the database cf 10.. Ng6 11 o-o Qa4 ^ f4 c4 etc or the immediate 11 .. c4. The positions don't look that forcing to me so it'd be an awful lot of work to dig up really concrete lines.
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #29 - 04/18/13 at 22:48:12
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Moskalenko mentioned in The Wonderful Winawer the variation 8. Bd3 Nbc6 9. Bg5! Qa5 10. Ne2!, which looks dangerous. What's the best continuation for black?
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #28 - 04/17/13 at 22:29:11
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Thank you to all of you!

Great variations! I am watching this discussion with great interest so far, unfortunately I can not discuss with you right now because first I have to check some variations otb and with an engine etc  Cool


Edit: This Nh4,g4 etc idea looks indeed like the Watson line from Ptf 3rd is dead  Cry
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #27 - 04/17/13 at 19:47:18
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Khalifman does indeed follow Cheparinov-Fernandez in his main line (I have the book here).

There are two later games with this endgame line played against the same Tatev Abrahamyan as in the "crazy tactics" game brabo alerted us to - clearly she's the one to watch in this line. Both games were draws; one agreed as soon as Black blocked with ...g5, in the other, she had to work much harder for it.

Contra Khaliman, White has still not managed to win the bishop ending in the games I've found, but he did win with the rooks still on the board in Manik-Petrik. White's play there with 28.g5 and 29.c4 looks annoying actually, threatening to use the rook on either the c-file or the f-file; though black must have a more useful move than 28...Ba4.

If this endgame turns out to be a real problem, the 12...cxd4 move order twist might be the solution!

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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #26 - 04/17/13 at 19:27:41
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Having checked the game above, it's what you get if white decides to force the draw and black improves on the original Anand - Lputian game on move 20. (with f5.). Terrifyingly it might actually be best play after ~move 18!

White can try 21 Nxe6 instead but 21.. Qxe6 22 gf Nf4+ etc might work out relatively well for black.
(Ask a strong engine for details! Pure tactics.).

There's actually an old chess pub thread on this where Dom suggested that improvement Smiley

The main idea from Khalifman's book is I'm pretty sure (but can't check right now) based on Cheparinov - Fernandez Romero, 2005. 

If this is a genuine edge for white then there's motivation to look for other ways to play. Not sure. No obvious repeats but this stuff is rare. Not a surprise given how daft it is!

The potential way to avoid it is the following. As far as I can tell it only gives white one truly dangerous new idea but it isn't an easy one to meet. Think the stuff below might be blacks best.

There is however an absolute ocean of insane tactics here and I really wouldn't take this as remotely gospel (an oldish engine amongst other things!) or rule out someone burying it. It's the sort of thing which could easily get wiped out. Fun to analyse though Smiley
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Lauri Torni
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #25 - 04/17/13 at 18:55:59
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brabo wrote on 04/17/13 at 10:56:24:
Lauri Torni wrote on 04/17/13 at 08:58:37:

This 11.. Nce7 line was my last hope in 8 .. Nbc6. Then Karjakin killed it:
Can this line really be made playable? The white attack seems too natural and strong. I recall looking at these Qc3+ ideas, but could not make them work.

There has been very recently developments in this line. Look at
I know by coincidence about this game as it was used to pre-arrange a draw in a Belgium Youth tournament played last week see

I had the position after 19.-Qc8 on my analysis board long ago Cheesy Now Houdini sees the whole line to perpetual in a few seconds  Grin

EDIT: This line seems very interesting with the help of Houdini. Mad tactics indeed.

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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #24 - 04/17/13 at 14:58:23
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iirc 15 o-o might be the reccomendation from opening as white according Anand which, slightly remarkably perhaps, forces a slightly/mildly bishop ending for white. I'll check tonight.

Black can try to avoid this by move ordering with 12.. cd 13 cd Qc3+ 14 Ke2 Nf5 although white is clearly hardly forced to play g4 there.

Another way to see just how tactically founded the whole idea is that black is relying on 17 Ng5 h6 18 Nxf7 Rxf7 19 Qxg6 Rf2+ being a perpetual check....
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #23 - 04/17/13 at 14:29:57
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Some of the moves of that line look so ridiculous on first sight that I might try it for that reason only!

White doesn't have to go all in with 12.h4 and 13.g4 though; along the way there are serious options like 13.Bd2, 13.0-0 and earlier 12.0-0. Also 15.0-0 is an alternative to 15.cxd4 where White can temporarily win a pawn (Black must play 15...f6) but Black seems to get enough compensation.

I've never studied any of this since I've usually played 8...f5 instead (and even that almost only in blitz). But now I'm tempted to switch to 8...Nbc6.

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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #22 - 04/17/13 at 11:23:39
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Oh goodness, I'm pretty sure that I've had that line in analysis for a while now as a sort of amusing computer generated oddity! To see it actually played?!

Nh7 is hardly the most obvious move for a human to think of ditto Rf5.

Scary Smiley It does I think rather well illustrate just how utterly randomly tactical this stuff is.....
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #21 - 04/17/13 at 10:56:24
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Lauri Torni wrote on 04/17/13 at 08:58:37:

This 11.. Nce7 line was my last hope in 8 .. Nbc6. Then Karjakin killed it:
Can this line really be made playable? The white attack seems too natural and strong. I recall looking at these Qc3+ ideas, but could not make them work.

There has been very recently developments in this line. Look at
I know by coincidence about this game as it was used to pre-arrange a draw in a Belgium Youth tournament played last week see
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #20 - 04/17/13 at 09:23:15
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I have no idea overall Smiley Going from memory but I'm pretty sure that my basic idea was/is 12 .. cd 13 cd Qc3+ 14 Ke2 Nf5. 

iirc 15 g4 after that is Anand - Lputian which was hugely scary but meant to be OK for black. (There's some thread on it here.).

White has sundry other (scary) options of course. 15 Rb1 is a bit worrying although maybe black can maybe get away with 15 .. Bd7 16 Rxb7 Bc8 ^ an immediate Ba6.

I've not got my lines with me here and my memory isn't perfect. It was always hypothetical anyway because only one person has got as far as 8 Bd3!
(8 Nf3 being favoured more, one game with 8 Bd3 and 9 Bg5 where I got mated in 20 moves Wink)

It certainly makes white work a bit. It dissolves the position into absolutely pure, mad, tactics. Whether it's something you'd want to touch for regular over the board play I'm not at all sure.
(Madness in correspondence I suspect.).
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #19 - 04/17/13 at 08:58:37
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MartinC wrote on 04/17/13 at 08:46:52:
Certainly there's a vague impression that perfect chess after 8.. Nbc6 might just about be a loss for black but 8..f5 would survive.
(Although most likely of course both would survive after white pressure.).

The stuff I've been notionally 'relying' on is 8 .. Nbc6 with 11.. Nce7 ^ Nf5 (like Anand - Llputian) but an early cd cd Qc3+ thrown in to avoid that forced ending from opening as white according to Anand.

It's all utterly insane tactics though. Would be utterly terrifying to play against computer preparation.

This 11.. Nce7 line was my last hope in 8 .. Nbc6. Then Karjakin killed it:
Can this line really be made playable? The white attack seems too natural and strong. I recall looking at these Qc3+ ideas, but could not make them work.

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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #18 - 04/17/13 at 08:46:52
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Certainly there's a vague impression that perfect chess after 8.. Nbc6 might just about be a loss for black but 8..f5 would survive.
(Although most likely of course both would survive after white pressure.).

The stuff I've been notionally 'relying' on is 8 .. Nbc6 with 11.. Nce7 ^ Nf5 (like Anand - Llputian) but an early cd cd Qc3+ thrown in to avoid that forced ending from opening as white according to Anand.

It's all utterly insane tactics though. Would be utterly terrifying to play against computer preparation.
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #17 - 04/17/13 at 07:22:52
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ArKheiN wrote on 04/16/13 at 18:56:10:
If you want to play the Winawer with 0-0, you  might try Apicella's way of playing it. The French GM used the Winawer with 0-0 all his career. He played mostly with 8..Nbc6 but in his last games he has played with 8..f5.

No wonder.  Black can avoid immediate loss with the 8.-f5 line  Wink

I looked at this line too, but found it difficult to play. It must be a tough nut to crack though. Apicella is predictable in his opening choice against 1.e4, so preparing against him is in principle easy.

See e.g.
« Last Edit: 04/17/13 at 08:55:02 by Lauri Torni »  

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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #16 - 04/16/13 at 18:56:10
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If you want to play the Winawer with 0-0, you  might try Apicella's way of playing it. The French GM used the Winawer with 0-0 all his career. He played mostly with 8..Nbc6 but in his last games he has played with 8..f5. But in corr game I would only play the White side of the Winawer 0-0.
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Re: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #15 - 04/16/13 at 16:10:04
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cynima wrote on 04/15/13 at 15:53:06:
I looked at it first on my own and then with Fritz 11 and I dont see why this should be bad for black (I mean the variation I have posted in my first post here)

it's dangerous to look too much at the engine's evaluation in these lines, best proof of this is the 7.Qg4 O-O 8.Bd3 c4? variation, which I'm almost sure is completely lost for black, but when you just look at the evaluation after (for example) 9.Bh6 Ng6 10.Bxg6 fxg6 11.Be3 Nc6 12.h4 Rf5 13.Ne2 Bd7 14.Ng3 Qa5 15.Kd2 you wouldn't think so (my Houdini ridiculously thinks black is better here, Stockfish says it's equal)
and the sad thing for black is that it's always white that gets underestimated in these lines

in the 6...Qa5 variation it's often the other way around: engines giving lots of advantage to white but in fact he often can't make any progress
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #14 - 04/16/13 at 11:59:04
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brabo wrote on 04/16/13 at 09:01:24:
Lauri Torni wrote on 04/16/13 at 07:57:31:

Yes. 21.Nh4 was my idea for white for a long time ago! Smiley See

2004, waaaw !!! I wasn't yet member at that time. Only 123 posts in such long period with your knowledge on this forum? What a pity !!

B.t.w. since 2004 there has been quite some developments on this line even with 21. Nh4 but looking to the most recent games it really doesn't look good for black.

Thanks! I like opening theory, but I have't played over the board with normal time limits for a long time. I discussed this and some other lines with John Watson, and he indeed was kind enough to mention me in the Introduction of PTF3  Cheesy
« Last Edit: 04/16/13 at 13:43:12 by Lauri Torni »  

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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #13 - 04/16/13 at 11:52:05
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MartinC wrote on 04/16/13 at 09:19:59:
A useful reference thread that Smiley Just to copy it over, the other potential 'maybe' problem for black in the line is:

Not that white needs this with Nh4 looking so good and much simpler - that thread was I think what I was vaguely remembering! - but I'm really not sure if I'd want to defend this with black. 

Looks very cheerless - minimal positive prospects and what seem to be good chances of suffering something horrible over the board.....
(It might be fine in correspondence say!)

Yes. This sacrifice was another line I was worried about. The whole line IS practically busted.

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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #12 - 04/16/13 at 09:19:59
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A useful reference thread that Smiley Just to copy it over, the other potential 'maybe' problem for black in the line is:

Not that white needs this with Nh4 looking so good and much simpler - that thread was I think what I was vaguely remembering! - but I'm really not sure if I'd want to defend this with black. 

Looks very cheerless - minimal positive prospects and what seem to be good chances of suffering something horrible over the board.....
(It might be fine in correspondence say!)
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #11 - 04/16/13 at 09:17:26
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Here is a correspondance game I have played in 2008. I don't say everything was forced and it could have improvments for black somewhere, but all the fun is for white here.

[Date "2008.05.27"]
[White "ArKheiN"]
[Black "Riha,Josef"]
[Result "1-0"]

1.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.Qg4 O-O 8.Bd3 Nbc6 9.Qh5 Ng6 10.Nf3 Qc7 11.Be3 c4 12.Bxg6 fxg6 13.Qg4 Bd7 14.h4 Rf5 15.h5 gxh5 16.Rxh5 Rxh5 17.Qxh5 Be8 18.Qh3 Nd8 19.Ng5 h6 20.Nxe6 Qa5 21.Bxh6 Nxe6 22.Qxe6+ Bf7 23.Qh3 gxh6 24.f4 Qb6 25.O-O-O Qg6 26.Rh1 Be6 27.Qxh6 Kf7 28.Qh7+ Qxh7 29.Rxh7+ Kg6 30.Re7 Bg4 31.Rxb7 Kf5 32.g3 Ke4 33.Rg7 Kf3 34.Rf7 Kxg3 35.f5 Kf4 36.f6 Be6 37.Re7 Kf5 38.Kb2 a6 39.a4 a5 40.Kc1 Rh8 41.Ra7 Rh1+ 42.Kb2 Rh2 43.Rxa5 Rh7 44.Ra8 Rb7+ 45.Ka3 Kg5 46.a5 Kg6 47.Ra6 Kf7 48.Rb6 Ra7 49.Kb4 Bf5 50.a6 Bc8 51.Kb5 Kg6 52.Rb8 Bxa6+ 53.Kb6 Rh7 54.Kxa6 Kf5 55.Rb6 Rc7 56.Rb7 Rc6+ 57.Kb5 Rc8 58.Ra7 1-0
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #10 - 04/16/13 at 09:01:24
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Lauri Torni wrote on 04/16/13 at 07:57:31:

Yes. 21.Nh4 was my idea for white for a long time ago! Smiley See

2004, waaaw !!! I wasn't yet member at that time. Only 123 posts in such long period with your knowledge on this forum? What a pity !!

B.t.w. since 2004 there has been quite some developments on this line even with 21. Nh4 but looking to the most recent games it really doesn't look good for black.
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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #9 - 04/16/13 at 07:57:31
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brabo wrote on 04/16/13 at 06:25:51:
I recently prepared a little bit this line for an interclubgame against a GM. Scrolling through some recent correspondencegames I noticed that white is doing very well. One game which impressed me a lot was:

Resignation looks a bit premature if you look to the evaluation of the engine but blacks position looks pretty miserable as white has a free attack. 
I was intending to follow this scheme in the game but some other grandmaster showed up so couldn't use it.

Yes. 21.Nh4 was my idea for white for a long time ago! Smiley See

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Re: C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #8 - 04/16/13 at 06:25:51
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I recently prepared a little bit this line for an interclubgame against a GM. Scrolling through some recent correspondencegames I noticed that white is doing very well. One game which impressed me a lot was:

Resignation looks a bit premature if you look to the evaluation of the engine but blacks position looks pretty miserable as white has a free attack. 
I was intending to follow this scheme in the game but some other grandmaster showed up so couldn't use it.
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Re: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #7 - 04/15/13 at 15:53:06
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MartinC wrote on 04/15/13 at 15:37:25:

So you do need to make this rather more specific to get it concrete Smiley

Ok Smiley

Then you can show me why you think that Watsons variation is dead. Maybe we can start here Smiley

I looked at it first on my own and then with Fritz 11 and I dont see why this should be bad for black (I mean the variation I have posted in my first post here)
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Re: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #6 - 04/15/13 at 15:37:25
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Tricky though! Trying to 'refute' 7.. o-o with variations would be an outright insane task. 

Well Khalifman sort of did such a thing in opening for white according Anand volume 7. That ran to ~50 dense pages. (Maybe more?).

Even then that didn't get near refuting many of the lines, simply a matter of taste whether you wished to defend several of them or not. (and some options not mentioned/treated in the book etc.).

So you do need to make this rather more specific to get it concrete Smiley
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Re: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #5 - 04/15/13 at 15:05:35
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MartinC wrote on 04/15/13 at 11:10:43:
The thing is that there are a lot of entirely plausible systems for black and the analysis goes very deep/broad for all of them. 

The lines mostly don't 'die' either - Khalifman in white according to Anand for instance doesn't claim anything too massive for white. You have to look at the various lines (databases, books etc) and decide which (if any) you like the 'feel' of/are prepared to potentially defend the final positions reached in etc.

The Watson line looks unpleasant if white takes on e6 and then sacs the piece for multiple pawns (any computer will point this out as I think he might in PTF4?), but there's also some line giving white a rather more controlled, pleasant edge. 

As for playing against 7.. o-o, I doubt if many people see it much at club level.  I've had it once as white and the black player made a truly horrible mess of things.

I've also used it for black a bit at times and very rarely seen even 8 Bd3. 8 Nf3 much more common and quite easy to play against. On those grounds it's fully reccomendable.

Hi! Thank you very much for your detailed answer  Smiley

But maybe we can discuss this topic with some variations?

I believe in blacks position after 7. ...00 Smiley

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Re: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #4 - 04/15/13 at 11:10:43
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The thing is that there are a lot of entirely plausible systems for black and the analysis goes very deep/broad for all of them. 

The lines mostly don't 'die' either - Khalifman in white according to Anand for instance doesn't claim anything too massive for white. You have to look at the various lines (databases, books etc) and decide which (if any) you like the 'feel' of/are prepared to potentially defend the final positions reached in etc.

The Watson line looks unpleasant if white takes on e6 and then sacs the piece for multiple pawns (any computer will point this out as I think he might in PTF4?), but there's also some line giving white a rather more controlled, pleasant edge. 

As for playing against 7.. o-o, I doubt if many people see it much at club level.  I've had it once as white and the black player made a truly horrible mess of things.

I've also used it for black a bit at times and very rarely seen even 8 Bd3. 8 Nf3 much more common and quite easy to play against. On those grounds it's fully reccomendable.
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Re: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #3 - 04/15/13 at 10:37:51
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MartinC wrote on 04/15/13 at 08:21:50:
That very specific Watson line is likely fairly dead yes. Search about and you'll find some reasons.

As noted there are lots of other options after 7.. o-o which are at least plausibly alive, if none of them terribly easy. As for the top level GM games, fashion can have a huge effect there too.

Also though these lines really would be rather terrifying to try and defend vs someone who had ages to come at you with specific, deep, computerised preparation. It'd quite likely be possible to defend somehow each time but working out how......

That isn't a normal problem Smiley

I couldnt find the reasons why this line from Watson is dead, can someone help me please?  Sad

And what are in your opinion the most dangerous variations for black? How do the 1.e4 players here at chesspub play against this variation?


I have studied this line A LOT. It is practically dead. It was my main weapon but I have given it up completely.


Maybe we can analyse a bit your variations?
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Re: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #2 - 04/15/13 at 08:21:50
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That very specific Watson line is likely fairly dead yes. Search about and you'll find some reasons.

As noted there are lots of other options after 7.. o-o which are at least plausibly alive, if none of them terribly easy. As for the top level GM games, fashion can have a huge effect there too.

Also though these lines really would be rather terrifying to try and defend vs someone who had ages to come at you with specific, deep, computerised preparation. It'd quite likely be possible to defend somehow each time but working out how......

That isn't a normal problem Smiley
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Re: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
Reply #1 - 04/15/13 at 06:54:10
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cynima wrote on 04/14/13 at 23:55:28:

I am planning to broaden my repertoire with black and I have chosen the Winawer French with 7. ...00 (besides playing 1. ...e5). I believe it is necessary that you have two main weapons against 1.e4 at a certain level.

So I was wondering if the variations given in Play the French 3rd edition have proven to be right and good?

This is the main line in the book:

Are there any better moves in this variation (or in some sidelines) for white and black?

I was wondering because recently at top GM level there were a lot of French defence games, but there werent any 7. ...00 Winawer games (if I remember correctly). Why?

Thx for all help

I have studied this line A LOT. It is practically dead. It was my main weapon but I have given it up completely. If you want to stay with the Winawer, play the poisoned pawn (7.-cd) instead. Or 6.-Qa5. There are some other options (see Moskalenkos books), but none of them is waterproof.

I switched to 1.e4 e5 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 and sicilian. Now I'm studying also 1.-e5 Wink

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C18: Current status of Winawer with 7. ...00
04/14/13 at 23:55:28
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I am planning to broaden my repertoire with black and I have chosen the Winawer French with 7. ...00 (besides playing 1. ...e5). I believe it is necessary that you have two main weapons against 1.e4 at a certain level.

So I was wondering if the variations given in Play the French 3rd edition have proven to be right and good?

This is the main line in the book:

Are there any better moves in this variation (or in some sidelines) for white and black?

I was wondering because recently at top GM level there were a lot of French defence games, but there werent any 7. ...00 Winawer games (if I remember correctly). Why?

Thx for all help

« Last Edit: 04/15/13 at 20:48:42 by Smyslov_Fan »  
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