Mtal wrote on 06/08/13 at 00:46:36:
Hi all,
I was thinking about playing the Tromp and was wondering what is the best line again 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 Ne4, 3. Bf4 c5 4. f3 Qa5 check 5. c3 Nf6 6. d5 Qb6?
The b pawn is under threat, so it has to be moved, defended, or sacrificed. Thus the choice is between b3, Bc1 or e4. After e4, the theory follow up is 7. e4 Qxb2 8. Nbd2 Qxc3 9. Bc7 .
The drawback of b3 is that it weakens the dark squares and Bc1 wastes time.
The Tromp is full of weird positions. After 3. .. Bh4, Black has the idea 4. .. g5 ( sometimes c5 will be played as well). If 5. f3, then 5. ..gxh4 6. fxe4 .
As said, authors of books on the Tromp have to cover these things.
The alternative to d5 is to play 6 Nbd2. Play then can continue 6. ..cxd4 7. Nb3 followed by a recapture on d4.
Another approach is not to play f3, but the immediate 4 d5. Black then has the immediate Qb6 giving White the choice of a temporary sacrifice with Nbd2 or wasting time with Bc1. 5. Qc1 is also possible, but then 5. .. c4 is problematic.