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Re: C11 is all the rage but 4.Bg5 is a cold blanket
Reply #6 - 08/22/13 at 09:34:22
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MartinC wrote on 08/22/13 at 08:22:21:
Worth learning to play the more fundamental lines before experimenting with things like 3.. Nc6 I think Smiley

An awful lot of choices against 4 Bg5 after 3.. Nf6.

Ah yes, that is one philosophical bent. However, I can turn that on it's head...You can use Nc6 as a place-holder while you work on the rest of your repertoire (Tarrasch, advanced, KIA) and only when solid in those areas switch to a main line. 


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Re: C11 is all the rage but 4.Bg5 is a cold blanket
Reply #5 - 08/22/13 at 08:25:15
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One thing I really like with the French is that it's one of few openings vs 1.e4 where Black still can experiment early on. 

As long as you have a reasonably sound positional plan you can even start with silly-looking moves like 3...a6 or 3...b6 and try to get White into a structure you like or transpose to something outside your opponent's main repertoire.

If your experimentation is successful long enough it may in time even be elevated to a minor ML, like 3...Nc6 recommended below.
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Re: C11 is all the rage but 4.Bg5 is a cold blanket
Reply #4 - 08/22/13 at 08:22:21
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Worth learning to play the more fundamental lines before experimenting with things like 3.. Nc6 I think Smiley

An awful lot of choices against 4 Bg5 after 3.. Nf6.
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Re: C11 is all the rage but 4.Bg5 is a cold blanket
Reply #3 - 08/22/13 at 06:34:55
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If you ask me, you should play 3. ...Nc6.

If you really like Nf6 but think that dxe4 is passive, then you should go for the Mac. Is it messy? Somewhat I guess. But it's probably less so than a Winawer. What I mean to say is, if you want a totally clean position, play a Petroff.

I guess you could consider 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Be7 5.e5 Nfd7 6.Bxe7 Qxe7 7.f4 a6 8. Nf3 b6 (not sure how to punctuate this), if you searching for something a little off the beaten track...

There is (by now) a kind of old game between Behnk (White)and Mueller (Black) which went 9.Qd2 c5 10. Ne2 Nc6 11. c3 f5 ...this was played in Germany in 1992.

Also, I think Mueller played this against Khalifman. 

I personally think that Nc6 is pretty wonderful. Yes, I agree with Kritz that only 4.e5! is the testing line. If you can play against this, you should have no problem in the other lines. 

Hope that helps.
« Last Edit: 08/22/13 at 09:42:07 by ghenghisclown »  

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Re: C11 is all the rage but 4.Bg5 is a cold blanket
Reply #2 - 08/21/13 at 08:15:39
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What you're talking about is the Classical Variation of the French. As the name implies, it's one of the oldest, most respected lines in the entire variation. 

After 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e5 Nfd7 White can play classically and take on e7 or more dynamically and play 6.h4!? This is the Alekhin-Chatard attack. You can find numerous recent threads on that line.

Both lines are good for white, and both lines also give Black some hope for serious counterplay. 

As Benoniac stated, you can find numerous threads on these very popular systems. 

Just type "C11" into the chesspub search engine!
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Re: C11 is all the rage but 4.Bg5 is a cold blanket
Reply #1 - 08/20/13 at 22:51:28
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Im sure if you search earlier  threads in this site on this subject, then you will find a lot of answers to your questions. 

Dont expect from people to repeat their answers and opinions  Smiley


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C11 is all the rage but 4.Bg5 is a cold blanket
08/20/13 at 21:55:08
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Hi friends: I have seen a lot of games following the line 1. e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. f4 c5 6. Nf3 Nc6 7 Be3 and so on, and I think Black has a lot of chances to play to win. But what about 1. e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5?? It seems that when black plays 4... dxe4 he is a little passive and 4.... Bb4  (McCutcheon) seems messy to me. Perhaps the answer is 4.Be7? I really would love to see your opinion. What do you think is the best line for black in the  case white plays 4.Bg5??. Thanks a lot
One last thing I do not like Winawer Smiley
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