TonyRo wrote on 12/13/13 at 01:11:19:
So I splurged on the Nielsen DVDs, mostly because I really respect him as a chess player and trusted that he'd do good work on them.
If anyone is curious, he recommends the exchange sac line against 9.Bc4/12.Kb1, and the ending with 9.O-O-O d5, 15...Rd8.
Looking at the position for an hour or so, what's wrong with 15...Rb8? Black has gotten reasonable positions in all of the games, and I didn't find anything hugely scary? Anyone who's been following this line closely? 16.Nc5 perhaps?
I too have been slowly working my way through these DVD's, and find the analysis and choice of lines very interesting. His delivery however would have been much improved if he refrained from interjecting the word 'WELL' in nearly every sentence, I found it very annoying. Almost as annoying as Sam Collins pronouncing (Aitch) file as (Haitch) file, that drove me nuts, like nails on a chalk board. Also at the end of each clip, Nielsen contorts his face in a very comical way (at least to me), he does so as consistently as one would use a full stop to end a sentence.
If you can tolerate the verbal ticks and face pulling, then I would say this is must have for Dragon players. As one would expect of a player of Nielsen's calibre, he doesn't simply regurgitate existing theory, but furthers it with novelties in critical lines where needed, and shares some deep insights into the Dragon as a whole, as only an actual practitioner of the defence could do effectively. For instance he has clips explaining why he chose some variations over others, and he does so with analysis of not only the advocated lines but the rejected ones as well, which has the advantage of giving the viewer a deeper more intimate understanding of the current state of theory. He also spends quite a bit of time on subtle move order issues, so that the prospective Dragon Player reaches the desired positions without being tricked, or as we say in the business, move-ordered.
Early days yet, but I would cautiously rate these dvd's up there with Jan Gustafsson's, Marshall Attack and Repertoire for Black dvd's.
In closing, Nielsen has one chapter in particular that has impressed me so far, entitled Kasparov's endgame. The chapter features the Kasparov vs Anand wch match, where Kasparov sprung the Dragon with sensational effect. That chapter alone in my opinion is worth the price of admission.
One last pet peeve before I sign off, could someone tell Daniel king to stop saying 'INDEED" every two seconds in his commentaries, I know he's british, but still......
Thanks for the considered review. Ordered my copy!
In defence of Sam Collins (again, non-disclaimer, never met him) I understand that it is not unusual for Irish to use 'haitch' for the letter H. Heard it said that this is a Protestant v Catholic thing, that Catholics are taught 'haitch' but I cannot state either way whether true or urban myth. And do not wish to derail a good thread about what sounds like an excellent product. Just saying'...