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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen (Read 42574 times)
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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #34 - 01/30/14 at 11:59:19
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Lauri Torni wrote on 01/30/14 at 11:12:47:
bragesjo wrote on 01/29/14 at 20:54:00:
I had forgotten the slogan.

Now changed to "Long live the Nimzo Indian" since the opening has changed my chess forever.

What did you play before against 1.d4? 

I hope Nimzo will also change my chess now Smiley

I used to play the Leningrad Dutch for more than a decade with mixed reults. First I played Qe8 variation, then Re1 became stronger and I played c6 variation instead when Re1 is toothless like one of my games in Superettan 2008. Then after a while lower rated players at local club begun to learn how to play against it to so I swtched to Nimzo Indian with a better score vs 1 d4 than ever!
« Last Edit: 01/30/14 at 15:51:45 by bragesjo »  
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Lauri Torni
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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #33 - 01/30/14 at 11:12:47
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bragesjo wrote on 01/29/14 at 20:54:00:
I had forgotten the slogan.

Now changed to "Long live the Nimzo Indian" since the opening has changed my chess forever.

What did you play before against 1.d4? 

I hope Nimzo will also change my chess now Smiley

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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #32 - 01/29/14 at 20:54:00
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I had forgotten the slogan.

Now changed to "Long live the Nimzo Indian" since the opening has changed my chess forever.
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Lauri Torni
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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #31 - 01/29/14 at 13:42:33
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bragesjo wrote on 01/29/14 at 12:17:47:
I rarely play the Dragon anymore, these days I play the complete opposite of Dragon, the Caro Kann.
I selected Caro Kannn since I play Nimzo Indian and it can tranpose to a Panov line.
My studies of Nimzo Indian mayed me reconsder my entire repertour and also change my view of chess and my style.
Bc4 yugoslav leeds to interesting play by I no longer finds 9 0-0-0 positions interesting anymore from blacks point of view.
Black might by ok but lots of theory, including theory on anti sicilians.

Thank you. You should consider changing your slogan: "Life for the Dragon "  to  "There is life after the Dragon "  Wink

It seems to me that especially due to 9.0-0-0 the dragon is a bad choice against lower rated players.

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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #30 - 01/29/14 at 12:17:47
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I rarely play the Dragon anymore, these days I play the complete opposite of Dragon, the Caro Kann.
I selected Caro Kannn since I play Nimzo Indian and it can tranpose to a Panov line.
My studies of Nimzo Indian mayed me reconsder my entire repertour and also change my view of chess and my style.
Bc4 yugoslav leeds to interesting play by I no longer finds 9 0-0-0 positions interesting anymore from blacks point of view.
Black might by ok but lots of theory, including theory on anti sicilians.
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Lauri Torni
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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #29 - 01/29/14 at 10:28:02
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bragesjo wrote on 12/24/13 at 16:14:08:
I made a quick look on the Bc4 disc and he has several interesting noveltys in some lines.

I wll look at the discs a bit deeper after christmas

Hi Bragesjo,

My rating is ca. 2100, but I don't play much chess at competitive level anymore. Mainly Internet and club games. I played the dragon my first years of chess, but then switched to other sicilians (Classical, taimanov) and then to the french.  I have one question on Dragon. 

What is it like to playing dragon in practice these days? I'm considering at the moment what could be my secondary defence to 1.e4. Also I play 1.Nf3 c5. Is there any sense in the idea that dragon could be an option, or are people too booked up? Are they almost always playing the main lines?

My main defence to 1.d4 has for a very long time been the Benkö, but I will make it my secondary defence after Nimzo. I'm now looking for my secondary defence (sicilian?) to the french.

I have been considering all sicilian options but am not totally happy with any of them.
« Last Edit: 01/29/14 at 13:44:50 by Lauri Torni »  

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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #28 - 12/24/13 at 16:14:08
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I made a quick look on the Bc4 disc and he has several interesting noveltys in some lines.

I wll look at the discs a bit deeper after christmas
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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #27 - 12/20/13 at 23:09:49
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After watching the 9.O-O-O d5 10.exd5 Nxd5 11.Nxc6 bxc6 12.Bd4 Bxd4 13.Qxd4 Qb6 14.Na4 Qc7 section, I don't really see this particular variation troubling me that much, but I was never troubled with the 12...e5 lines either when they were less investigated and more popular. 

Indeed, Karjakin's move order is interesting, as Nielsen prefers to meet 15.Bc4 Rd8 16.Bb3 with the wood-chopping 16...Be6. Nielsen discusses this position via the move order 15.Nc5, preferring 15...Rd8 16.Bc4 Bf5 17.Bb3 Nb6 over what Van Wely played, and I'd agree. The DVD discussed 18.Qc3 of A.Muzychuk - V.Cmilyte, European Club Cup 2012, which continued 18...h5!? 19.g3 e6 20.Rhe1 Nd5 21.Qe5 Qe7, which seems pretty equal to me, and I also analyzed 18.Qe3, which is Houdini's preference. After 18...h5!? again, I'm not sure there's anything there for White - I thought 19.Rde1!? might be the best option, but I wasn't particularly troubled by it, and there was actually a lot of play and interested subtleties there too. There's also just 18...Nd5 too, I'm not sure. 

There's also gewgaw's 17...Nf4!? line, but with 22...Qd6!, which seems equal.

The last idea I looked at was in what most people consider a slightly worse version of 14...Qc7, that being 14...Qa5 15.b3 Qc7. The main line continues 16.h4 h5 17.Bc4 Nb6 18.Nb2, and now I thought 18...Qg3!?N was interesting.

I dunno, just some food for thought to keep the discussion going!
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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #26 - 12/17/13 at 17:03:50
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Yes, sorry, I could have been more clear:

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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #25 - 12/17/13 at 15:47:32
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Sorry, what is the exchange sac line?

15.b3 b4 ?

There are a number of exchange sacs in the Dragon...

Thanks for clarifying. A long time since Dearing book...

TonyRo wrote on 12/13/13 at 01:11:19:
So I splurged on the Nielsen DVDs, mostly because I really respect him as a chess player and trusted that he'd do good work on them. 

If anyone is curious, he recommends the exchange sac line against 9.Bc4/12.Kb1, and the ending with 9.O-O-O d5, 15...Rd8.

Looking at the position for an hour or so, what's wrong with 15...Rb8? Black has gotten reasonable positions in all of the games, and I didn't find anything hugely scary? Anyone who's been following this line closely? 16.Nc5 perhaps?

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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #24 - 12/14/13 at 17:00:51
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Yes, the Burnett. Could not for the life of me remember the name at the time.
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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #23 - 12/14/13 at 13:37:19
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TopNotch wrote on 12/14/13 at 04:16:28:
TonyRo wrote on 12/13/13 at 01:11:19:
So I splurged on the Nielsen DVDs, mostly because I really respect him as a chess player and trusted that he'd do good work on them. 

If anyone is curious, he recommends the exchange sac line against 9.Bc4/12.Kb1, and the ending with 9.O-O-O d5, 15...Rd8.

Looking at the position for an hour or so, what's wrong with 15...Rb8? Black has gotten reasonable positions in all of the games, and I didn't find anything hugely scary? Anyone who's been following this line closely? 16.Nc5 perhaps?

I too have been slowly working my way through these DVD's, and find the analysis and choice of lines very interesting. His delivery however would have been much improved if he refrained from interjecting the word 'WELL' in nearly every sentence, I found it very annoying. Almost as annoying as Sam Collins pronouncing (Aitch) file as (Haitch) file, that drove me nuts, like nails on a chalk board. Also at the end of each clip, Nielsen contorts his face in a very comical way (at least to me), he does so as consistently as one would use a full stop to end a sentence.

If you can tolerate the verbal ticks and face pulling, then I would say this is must have for Dragon players. As one would expect of a player of Nielsen's calibre, he doesn't simply regurgitate existing theory, but furthers it with novelties in critical lines where needed, and shares some deep insights into the Dragon as a whole, as only an actual practitioner of the defence could do effectively. For instance he has clips explaining why he chose some variations over others, and he does so with analysis of not only the advocated lines but the rejected ones as well, which has the advantage of giving the viewer a deeper more intimate understanding of the current state of theory. He also spends quite a bit of time on subtle move order issues, so that the prospective Dragon Player reaches the desired positions without being tricked, or as we say in the business, move-ordered.   

Early days yet, but I would cautiously rate these dvd's up there with Jan Gustafsson's, Marshall Attack and Repertoire for Black dvd's.

In closing, Nielsen has one chapter in particular that has impressed me so far, entitled Kasparov's endgame. The chapter features the Kasparov vs Anand wch match, where Kasparov sprung the Dragon with sensational effect. That chapter alone in my opinion is worth the price of admission.   

One last pet peeve before I sign off, could someone tell Daniel king to stop saying 'INDEED" every two seconds in his commentaries, I know he's british, but still......  Roll Eyes


Thanks for the considered review. Ordered my copy!
In defence of Sam Collins (again, non-disclaimer, never met him) I understand that it is not unusual for Irish to use 'haitch' for the letter H. Heard it said that this is a Protestant v Catholic thing, that Catholics are taught 'haitch' but I cannot state either way whether true or urban myth. And do not wish to derail a good thread about what sounds like an excellent product. Just saying'...

I look forward to receiving and to Neilsen's scrunched face expressions...! 

exchange sac - you mean the Burnett line as below?
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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #22 - 12/14/13 at 04:16:28
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TonyRo wrote on 12/13/13 at 01:11:19:
So I splurged on the Nielsen DVDs, mostly because I really respect him as a chess player and trusted that he'd do good work on them. 

If anyone is curious, he recommends the exchange sac line against 9.Bc4/12.Kb1, and the ending with 9.O-O-O d5, 15...Rd8.

Looking at the position for an hour or so, what's wrong with 15...Rb8? Black has gotten reasonable positions in all of the games, and I didn't find anything hugely scary? Anyone who's been following this line closely? 16.Nc5 perhaps?

I too have been slowly working my way through these DVD's, and find the analysis and choice of lines very interesting. His delivery however would have been much improved if he refrained from interjecting the word 'WELL' in nearly every sentence, I found it very annoying. Almost as annoying as Sam Collins pronouncing (Aitch) file as (Haitch) file, that drove me nuts, like nails on a chalk board. Also at the end of each clip, Nielsen contorts his face in a very comical way (at least to me), he does so as consistently as one would use a full stop to end a sentence.

If you can tolerate the verbal ticks and face pulling, then I would say this is must have for Dragon players. As one would expect of a player of Nielsen's calibre, he doesn't simply regurgitate existing theory, but furthers it with novelties in critical lines where needed, and shares some deep insights into the Dragon as a whole, as only an actual practitioner of the defence could do effectively. For instance he has clips explaining why he chose some variations over others, and he does so with analysis of not only the advocated lines but the rejected ones as well, which has the advantage of giving the viewer a deeper more intimate understanding of the current state of theory. He also spends quite a bit of time on subtle move order issues, so that the prospective Dragon Player reaches the desired positions without being tricked, or as we say in the business, move-ordered.   

Early days yet, but I would cautiously rate these dvd's up there with Jan Gustafsson's, Marshall Attack and Repertoire for Black dvd's.

In closing, Nielsen has one chapter in particular that has impressed me so far, entitled Kasparov's endgame. The chapter features the Kasparov vs Anand wch match, where Kasparov sprung the Dragon with sensational effect. That chapter alone in my opinion is worth the price of admission.   

One last pet peeve before I sign off, could someone tell Daniel king to stop saying 'INDEED" every two seconds in his commentaries, I know he's british, but still......  Roll Eyes


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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #21 - 12/13/13 at 15:41:30
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Bibs wrote on 12/13/13 at 12:51:16:
The problem with such a position, as gewgaw notes, is that it is a bit 'Black holding'. 
Theoretically, yes, may do. 
But it is a bit grim, and for amateurs, not the cheeriest prospect, not a way to 'enjoy' a hobby.
gewgaw - thoughts on 15...Rb8?

Through the eyes of an amateur, just interested in over the board play:
Black has to prove, that he has compensation for his splitted pawns, the weak square c5, white just has to dry out Black's possibilities and he'll get a better ending, if it's enough for a win I don't know, in cc it's probably a draw, over the board white has good chances for a long squeeze and playing for two results.

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« Last Edit: 12/13/13 at 21:07:36 by MNb »  

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Re: Two New Titles in the Dragon by Nielsen
Reply #20 - 12/13/13 at 12:51:16
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The problem with such a position, as gewgaw notes, is that it is a bit 'Black holding'. 
Theoretically, yes, may do. 
But it is a bit grim, and for amateurs, not the cheeriest prospect, not a way to 'enjoy' a hobby.
gewgaw - thoughts on 15...Rb8?
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