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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Site redesign wish list! (Read 56229 times)
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #61 - 01/25/25 at 13:17:56
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I'm in the process of having the site modernised (again, but let's hope more successfully than the last time!) Any thoughts on what you would find useful - it will probably be based around the Position Search page.
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #60 - 11/08/16 at 20:38:16
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kevinludwig wrote on 11/07/16 at 23:16:09:
if you go to the King's Indian Previous Updates and try to find something on the Mar del Plata Kozul Pawn Sac line, there's no mention of it, even though it has been covered  quite a bit on the site. So while its a huge improvement there are still some gaps.

I quite agree, and I'm trying to push the authors into putting more information into their section headings (which are used to produce the Previous Update page now), some of them are very good (GM Roiz, for instance) and others rather less so. Roll Eyes
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #59 - 11/07/16 at 23:16:09
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Have you looked at the new 'Previous Updates' page recently? We are trying to make it much easier to the find the lines that interest you.

Yes, and you're certainly correct that it's a significant improvement from prior times. But for example, if you go to the King's Indian Previous Updates and try to find something on the Mar del Plata Kozul Pawn Sac line, there's no mention of it, even though it has been covered  quite a bit on the site. So while its a huge improvement there are still some gaps.

Anyway I love the site so please don't take the criticism the wrong way. Thanks!
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #58 - 11/05/16 at 14:19:26
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kevinludwig wrote on 11/04/16 at 21:09:36:
But for example, many times a game notation will say something along the lines of "12. ...Qd6 has been covered on the site in previous updates". And my first instinct is "Hm that sounds interesting, I'd like to see those updates". And there's no easy way to do it from web

Have you looked at the new 'Previous Updates' page recently? We are trying to make it much easier to the find the lines that interest you.
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #57 - 11/04/16 at 21:09:36
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Hi Tony,
To reply to a few of your comments, being able to download the PDF e-book is definitely useful on mobile, because for example my android phone has a pdf viewer and so if I just want to read the overview of something, its nice to be able to do that. (I got around it by sticking the PDF e-books on my google drive, so not a huge deal). 

With respect to the opening explorer, I did see the ECO code search (and also previous updates is grouped by ECO code). But for example, many times a game notation will say something along the lines of "12. ...Qd6 has been covered on the site in previous updates". And my first instinct is "Hm that sounds interesting, I'd like to see those updates". And there's no easy way to do it from web (or mobile) only (besides downloading everything to SCID). Or alternately, if Im interested in what has been covered in the line 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. Nf3 dxe5 5. Nxe5 g6, because maybe I'm considering playing it, again SCID is my only recourse. And I just think it would be really awesome to have _something_ available so I can do it on the web-only. And who cares if it's inferior to native chessbase or SCID? It's really, really, convenient, which makes up for a lot (in my book at least). And there are good examples of opening explorer for web out there already, for example,, and all have one. 
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #56 - 11/04/16 at 08:49:18
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kevinludwig wrote on 11/03/16 at 16:50:27:
Also a game Explorer in general would be awesome so if I'm looking for coverage of some alekhine variation or whatever, I can find the updates without having to download all of 1. ...e4 and dump it into scid. It's my #1 as far as missing features.

Well, you can use the PGN Archive to define things like ECO code, year, etc. but is there really any point having a position search? How can we ever do anything that won't compare unfavorably with the powerful search facilities in ChessBase or Scid?
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #55 - 11/04/16 at 08:46:06
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kevinludwig wrote on 11/03/16 at 16:47:01:
one thing I just noticed is no link to the pdf ebooks for download. Even on the home page it has a link but it only shows the list, not actual download links. 

No, no links to the PGN Archive or any of the subscriber-only material, nor Previous Updates (although you can click back through the updates one-by-one). The question is: is this important on a smartphone? I personally prefer to simply read things on my phone and do any 'heavy lifting' on a computer. However, I'm not so young!! All views on what should be shown on the Burger are most welcome. Smiley
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #54 - 11/03/16 at 16:50:27
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Also a game Explorer in general would be awesome so if I'm looking for coverage of some alekhine variation or whatever, I can find the updates without having to download all of 1. ...e4 and dump it into scid. It's my #1 as far as missing features.
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #53 - 11/03/16 at 16:47:01
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That page is pretty decent on mobile, but one thing I just noticed is no link to the pdf ebooks for download. Even on the home page it has a link but it only shows the list, not actual download links.
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #52 - 10/25/16 at 09:48:43
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kevinludwig wrote on 10/24/16 at 23:44:21:
the thing that stands out is the complete inability to navigate the games because the controls are so tiny

Yes, I'm talking about the site, not the Forum (which has it's own section). We have someone working on improving the game popups, but I was actually curious about the layout of the update pages, which have changed considerably.
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #51 - 10/24/16 at 23:44:21
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GMTonyKosten wrote on 10/22/16 at 12:39:26:
Any thoughts on the new look for smartphones?

If you're talking about the site and not the forum, the thing that stands out is the complete inability to navigate the games because the controls are so tiny (on like a Note 3 phone). Basically my only option is to click on the move text to move from move to move because clicking on the forward/back buttons is impossible. Having a more limited control bar (maybe just forward and back) but very big buttons would be great.

Also the same view (board playback) looks bad in portrait view (less of a big deal) but it would be nice if it had some reasonable layout.
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #50 - 10/22/16 at 12:39:26
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Any thoughts on the new look for smartphones?
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #49 - 10/05/16 at 21:25:35
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This thread has been going way off-topic for some time (partly my fault, I'm afraid), should I split it up?
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #48 - 10/05/16 at 21:24:16
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Marcellus wrote on 10/05/16 at 13:27:35:
If I could make a request for updating an eBook, it would be for the 2c3 Sicilian one to be redone by Sam Collins. It was last updated in 2005 and his input on a modernized version would be very nice and valuable, especially after all the work that David Smerdon put into the various lines.

You can always download all the C22 games, and then you get all the games plus the (up-to-date) PGN ChessPub Guides. If you then put these into one file you can easily use this database as a 'Reference', play through the guides and associated games just as a in a playable eBook.
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Re: Site redesign wish list!
Reply #47 - 10/05/16 at 13:27:35
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GMTonyKosten wrote on 10/05/16 at 08:52:42:
harryt wrote on 09/21/16 at 04:14:14:
2) I really like the cbv files, but I have found inconsistent use of evaluations; I'm often left wondering which variation(s) the author favors

The problem is that there were often lots of different authors over the years, and many lines change evaluations. We obviously can't rewrite the eBooks every month.

If I could make a request for updating an eBook, it would be for the 2c3 Sicilian one to be redone by Sam Collins. It was last updated in 2005 and his input on a modernized version would be very nice and valuable, especially after all the work that David Smerdon put into the various lines.
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