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Re: Bf4 Benoni
Reply #6 - 02/20/15 at 00:51:04
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Evidently 6. Nf3 was supposed to be 6. e4 (though 6. e4 and 7. Bf4 strikes me as unusual).
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Re: Bf4 Benoni
Reply #5 - 02/20/15 at 00:11:10
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GHFvanderWulp wrote on 02/19/15 at 08:28:43:
I'm interested in the following line:

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 e6 4. Nc3 exd5 5. cxd5 d6 6. Nf3 g6 7. Bf4 Nh5!? 8.Be3 Bg7 9.Be2 

from which Black's score was a terrible 35% in my database. However playable for Black seems the following continuation:

9. ... 0-0!? 10.Bxh5 gxh5 11.Qxh5 b5! 12.Nf3 b4 13.Ne2 leading to a very sharp position. I found this line with Stockfish, but perhaps anyone has seen a serious analysis somewhere?

8. Be3 seems like a poor choice compared to 8. Bg5!

Black may want to spend some time on finding a counter to this move.

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Re: Bf4 Benoni
Reply #4 - 02/19/15 at 08:28:43
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I'm interested in the following line:

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 e6 4. Nc3 exd5 5. cxd5 d6 6. Nf3 g6 7. Bf4 Nh5!? 8.Be3 Bg7 9.Be2 

from which Black's score was a terrible 35% in my database. However playable for Black seems the following continuation:

9. ... 0-0!? 10.Bxh5 gxh5 11.Qxh5 b5! 12.Nf3 b4 13.Ne2 leading to a very sharp position. I found this line with Stockfish, but perhaps anyone has seen a serious analysis somewhere?
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Re: Bf4 Benoni
Reply #3 - 03/04/14 at 15:20:22
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I think i've seen this line in a recent nic yearbook
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Lauri Torni
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Re: Bf4 Benoni
Reply #2 - 12/14/13 at 20:09:15
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Aziridine wrote on 12/13/13 at 19:21:19:
Do you mean analysis published after Kaufman and Petrov's books? It's the main line in both.

Yes. Petrov has dealed this line quite well in his book. This analysis made the black task harder than Petrov thought.

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Re: Bf4 Benoni
Reply #1 - 12/13/13 at 19:21:19
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Do you mean analysis published after Kaufman and Petrov's books? It's the main line in both.
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Lauri Torni
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Bf4 Benoni
12/13/13 at 18:45:39
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I could swear I saw somewhere new analysis of 

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 e6 4. Nc3 exd5 5. cxd5 d6 6. Nf3 g6 7. Bf4 a6 8. a4
Bg7 9. h3 O-O 10. e3 Re8 11. Nd2 Nbd7 12. Be2 Ne5 13. O-O Nfd7 14. Qc2 f5 

but have now lost it. Has anyone seen this position analyzed? 


1.Nf3! -  beat your opponent by killing his zest for life.
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