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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen (Read 55221 times)
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #36 - 01/07/23 at 04:57:18
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Stefan Buecker wrote on 02/19/14 at 07:01:21:
BPaulsen wrote on 02/19/14 at 05:02:50:
It will be done when it is done.

I've lately developed a new system for White based on 1.Nf3 ("Pforzheim Opening"). But the main problem remains 1.Nf3 h6 which is very hard to refute. Here is hoping that you can find something.

it was not ever done!
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #35 - 12/08/18 at 17:53:25
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Leon_Trotsky wrote on 12/07/18 at 03:56:09:
I remember that it was years ago supposed to be a Queen's Gambit repertoire book for White, and now I see that it is QGD for Black. So maybe some change was made in between.

If you search "Opening Repertoire The Queens Gambit"  on the Everyman website it says "Grandmaster Damian Lemos presents a repertoire for White in the Queen’s Gambit" so it still looks if it is from white's prospective.
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #34 - 12/08/18 at 09:53:03
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It may be out next year – is about as definite as you'll get.

blog inspired by Bronstein's book, but using my own games:
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #33 - 12/07/18 at 03:56:09
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MW wrote on 12/07/18 at 01:55:03:
In that I seriously doubt that the books in the release date schedule with ?? in the proposed publication date column will  be published at all. So much time has now elapsed since two of these three books were originally announced and now it looks like the Reti is heading down a similar path delay wise.

That Play 1. Cf3 book has been "coming soon" for a long time, that is true. But the others like the Réti book I had never heard much about it before anyway, even though it should be an interesting one.

However that QGD book, unless my memory is failing and I confused books, I remember that it was years ago supposed to be a Queen's Gambit repertoire book for White, and now I see that it is QGD for Black. So maybe some change was made in between.
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #32 - 12/07/18 at 01:55:03
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Leon_Trotsky wrote on 12/06/18 at 19:40:53:
MW wrote on 12/06/18 at 17:30:35:
I hope you are right about this project, but the double ?? in the publishing release schedule suggests to me all is not well!!

In what way ¿

In that I seriously doubt that the books in the release date schedule with ?? in the proposed publication date column will  be published at all. So much time has now elapsed since two of these three books were originally announced and now it looks like the Reti is heading down a similar path delay wise.
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #31 - 12/06/18 at 19:40:53
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MW wrote on 12/06/18 at 17:30:35:
I hope you are right about this project, but the double ?? in the publishing release schedule suggests to me all is not well!!

In what way ¿
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #30 - 12/06/18 at 17:30:35
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semper_fidelis wrote on 12/06/18 at 11:12:51:
I noticed on Everyman's site, they plan to publish this book, so the project is not dead yet...

I hope you are right about this project, but the double ?? in the publishing release schedule suggests to me all is not well!! The long delayed Lemos book on the Queens Gambit and sadly Sam Collins' book on the Reti seem to be in a similar boat.
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #29 - 12/06/18 at 11:12:51
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I noticed on Everyman's site, they plan to publish this book, so the project is not dead yet...
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #28 - 09/25/16 at 15:25:23
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Any news regarding this book?
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #27 - 12/10/15 at 01:35:06
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If you covered h6, no wonder you never finished.

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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #26 - 10/04/15 at 22:36:35
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See the thread here.
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #25 - 10/04/15 at 22:28:17
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Is the new 1.Nf3 repertoire book out yet? I'd love to read some reviews..

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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #24 - 08/29/15 at 15:13:40
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so is the book out? Thanks  Smiley
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #23 - 02/26/14 at 00:42:36
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BladezII wrote on 02/25/14 at 23:11:14:
OK, I have been waiting for this book.  So What is the update on the ETA for this book ?

I'll be able to give an ETA once I've dealt with all of the problem lines. There are still a few left, but they are dwindling over time, ie: a headache in the Anglo-Queen's Indian just got squared away.

Even in positions that are admittedly equal, I intend to offer things that require Black to work hard to prove it.

2288 USCF, 2186 FIDE.

FIDE based on just 27 games.
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Re: New book: Play 1.Nf3 a complete.. by Bryan Paulsen
Reply #22 - 02/25/14 at 23:25:46
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BPaulsen wrote on 02/13/14 at 06:26:56:
Pessoa wrote on 02/12/14 at 10:26:02:
BPaulsen wrote on 01/14/14 at 04:37:56:
Is there anything specific you want to know?

What interests me rather more is: When will this book actually appear? Everyman announces it for December 2014. Is that reasonable?

When I stop playing whack-a-mole with problem lines.

Writing a repertoire book for White is a fool's errand.

My heart goes out to you, BP.  I know writing a book like schandorf's can be tough.  He eagerly and energetically tries, bless his heart, to find a line where White pushes really hard for the edge, even if he admits that with correct play Black can defend and hold the draw.

IM Watson, in his "Strategic Opening Repertoire " for white, takes a mixed route.  He does try to find an edge for White or he takes the route of providing a rich strategic struggle where it is not that easy for Black to have an easy life.   I have used his suggestions for a whole lot of correspondence games, and I enjoy winning positions where I know the strategic understanding will trump over any player who just let's his engine do all the work, or who gets involved but really does not know how to handle the issues presented to him strategically as Black.

So, BP, I hope you give us something along these lines.  I will not hold you to anything if on a given line or lines you do not end up with an edge for White.   I am happy with just giving me enough tools to really pose some issues for Black to solve but where engines are likely to help black very little.

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