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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5 (Read 110782 times)
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #61 - 02/19/14 at 12:59:56
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GMTonyKosten wrote on 02/19/14 at 10:39:35:
Smyslov_Fan wrote on 02/19/14 at 00:46:41:
proustiskeen wrote on 02/18/14 at 15:32:19:
Guess Watson pays attention to the forum!

I don't know what this refers to.

JW quotes analysis from the Forum on this month's French update.

Well, now you know who's a subscriber and who's not Wink.   
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #60 - 02/19/14 at 10:39:35
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Smyslov_Fan wrote on 02/19/14 at 00:46:41:
proustiskeen wrote on 02/18/14 at 15:32:19:
Guess Watson pays attention to the forum!

I don't know what this refers to.

JW quotes analysis from the Forum on this month's French update.
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #59 - 02/19/14 at 00:46:41
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proustiskeen wrote on 02/18/14 at 15:32:19:
Guess Watson pays attention to the forum!

I don't know what this refers to.
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #58 - 02/18/14 at 15:32:19
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Guess Watson pays attention to the forum!
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #57 - 02/16/14 at 16:14:06
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Also 7.Ng3 is not a new move, it had been played years ago by the main advocate of this whole system, GM Glek.

This is kind of typical for Watson's over-enthusiasm in general for the Black side.

This is typical for every opening book i have seen. Playing in corr chess here is the bottom line regarding "improvements" and "novelties" (out of 12 games - different openings and books):

- position worser: 2
- with white only equal game: 3
- better postion: 1
- variation not covered: 2

The only game were i am heading now in much better endgame was the game where i analyzed the whole variation very carefully and found an effective setup. That was bad luck for my opponent because he played to quick and prefered to play soon outside the main line so that i had all time to analyze carefully (with the result that i ignored the GM adivce).
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #56 - 02/16/14 at 14:51:04
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Well lets just give a simple example:

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.exd5 exd5 5.Bd3 c6 6.Nge2 Ne7 

Only 6 moves in and Watson says "and ...Bf5 should equalize", quoting an old game Oll-Short where White continued 7.0-0

Of course 7.Ng3 is much more logical and critical, and can lead to a niggly edge for White IMO. Check the 2013 game by young Spanish talent Salgado Lopez against Richard Rapport.

Also 7.Ng3 is not a new move, it had been played years ago by the main advocate of this whole system, GM Glek.

This is kind of typical for Watson's over-enthusiasm in general for the Black side.

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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #55 - 02/16/14 at 01:24:47
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Keano wrote on 02/14/14 at 20:18:08:
BladezII wrote on 02/13/14 at 22:39:38:

I do own Play the French 4, which is his latest work, a super book, and I have read, analyzed, reanalyzed the book over and over and I am still doing it.  I have not completed everything in it.

In the exchange and in the Winawer exchange, Watson holds nothing back and there is a lot of stuff and a lot of options.

I have used his recommendations in correspondence play and I agree with him, and I would put my hands to the fire for his content on those two areas of the French.

What line of Watsons did you pick in the exchange Winawer?

I picked and I have played all of the lines Watson gives for Black in that line.  I feel Black is fine in all of them.  I certainly do not like playing these lines as White because White's task is awfully hard in these lines compared to the main line winawer.

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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #54 - 02/14/14 at 20:18:08
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BladezII wrote on 02/13/14 at 22:39:38:

I do own Play the French 4, which is his latest work, a super book, and I have read, analyzed, reanalyzed the book over and over and I am still doing it.  I have not completed everything in it.

In the exchange and in the Winawer exchange, Watson holds nothing back and there is a lot of stuff and a lot of options.

I have used his recommendations in correspondence play and I agree with him, and I would put my hands to the fire for his content on those two areas of the French.

What line of Watsons did you pick in the exchange Winawer?
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #53 - 02/13/14 at 22:39:38
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ErictheRed wrote on 02/13/14 at 15:55:14:
Smyslov_Fan wrote on 02/13/14 at 15:29:51:
Did you have something specific in mind where Watson was overly optimistic in one of those two variations?

I don't have my copies of his book around, but I seem to remember one edition (the 2nd? 3rd?) where just about every line ended up "equals over plus."  Even 4.c4 Bb4+ and 4.Bd3 c5, which would obviously transpose to each other should White play 5.Bb5+ Tongue.  

I'm not saying that his analysis is bad, but I agree that he's a bit overly optimistic for the Black side.  

I do own Play the French 4, which is his latest work, a super book, and I have read, analyzed, reanalyzed the book over and over and I am still doing it.  I have not completed everything in it.

In the exchange and in the Winawer exchange, Watson holds nothing back and there is a lot of stuff and a lot of options.

I have used his recommendations in correspondence play and I agree with him, and I would put my hands to the fire for his content on those two areas of the French.

I am a participating member of since 1998.
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #52 - 02/13/14 at 17:39:46
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GabrielGale wrote on 02/13/14 at 02:11:47:
Check out IM Greet's blogpost on QC's blog on "Beating the Exchange French"

sorry, dfan just beat me to it!

I prefer for Black: 8...Re8 9.oo Qb6 10.Qc2 Bg4 11.Na3 Nbd7 12.Rfe1 Re4 13.h3 Bh5 14.Ng5 Rxe2 15.Rxe2 Bxe2 16.Qxe2 Re8 17.Qb5 Qxb5 18.Nxb5 a6 19.Na3 h6 20.Nf3 Re2 Westerinen-Psakhis,Andorre 2000

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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #51 - 02/13/14 at 16:21:14
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Nothing specific, just remember I found his analysis in general very optimistic for Black and underestimating Whites chances.

The 2 Berg volumes are excellent btw, very objective.

Just checking what he thinks about this Winawer exchange line and interestingly he also likes this ...0-0-0 plan for Black, but if Rb1 and ...b6 are flicked in earlier he thinks kingside castling may be safer.
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #50 - 02/13/14 at 15:55:14
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Smyslov_Fan wrote on 02/13/14 at 15:29:51:
Did you have something specific in mind where Watson was overly optimistic in one of those two variations?

I don't have my copies of his book around, but I seem to remember one edition (the 2nd? 3rd?) where just about every line ended up "equals over plus."  Even 4.c4 Bb4+ and 4.Bd3 c5, which would obviously transpose to each other should White play 5.Bb5+ Tongue.   

I'm not saying that his analysis is bad, but I agree that he's a bit overly optimistic for the Black side.   
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #49 - 02/13/14 at 15:29:51
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Keano wrote on 02/13/14 at 08:57:20:
Can be a bit optimistic at times for Black Watson mind, IMO.

While that's certainly true, especially in his discussions of the Winawer main lines, I didn't see that flaw in his analysis of the Exchange. I didn't look too closely at his analysis of the Exchange in the Winawer lines though. 

Did you have something specific in mind where Watson was overly optimistic in one of those two variations?
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #48 - 02/13/14 at 08:57:20
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Can be a bit optimistic at times for Black Watson mind, IMO.
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Re: Dealing with 4.exd5 and 3.exd5
Reply #47 - 02/13/14 at 05:03:09
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I read and study and analyze and review and reanalyze "Play the French 4" by IM John Watson.  He is THE BEST author on the French defense, and he is, arguably, the best opening book writer, a living legend among chess writers.

He covers the 4th and 5th move deviations by White against the Winawer, including the 4.exd5 and he does a great job at it.
He also covers the exchange variation.

His work is a masterpiece.

I am a participating member of since 1998.
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