gewgaw wrote on 03/10/14 at 17:24:46:
I'm full aware, that I have to play with tension in the centre, but after Black's move ...Re8 I can't resist to play d4-d5, because Re8 seems to be on the wrong square, meanwhile my Re1 makes sense, due to the possible rook shift Re1-e2-c2.
This debate goes back 40 years. Raymond Keene advocated the idea for Black of playing Re7 (after d5). The idea was to follow up with Ne8, Nf8 and then f5. If you find his game against Krogius from the 1970-71 Hastings, the author of "Think like a Grandmaster" was unimpressed.
There was also a Cambridge College league game where White tried Re2 and then followed it up with f4.
Whilst manoeuvring in your own space later became popular in the Hedgehog, the Kings Indian is more about initiative. If Black cannot find any, he is likely to be crushed by the spatial advantage.
One of the points defending these positions for Black is that tempi don't matter that much. So playing Re8 to provoke d5 and then returning the Rook to f8 is no great problem. Equally you can just wander the Knights around. It may well not be a problem if they return to where they started if it provokes some tactical weaknesses by White.