[quote author=44736161120 link=1397209020/1#1 date=1397214593]Well, you have to be aware of possible transpositions on the way to the position you give (after 12.exd5).
12...Ne8 is a good chance for black to complicate things, however white has
11.a4... which doesn't allow such knight manoevres. The purpose for white's 11.a4 is to improve on the queenside before playing Nc3-d5.
Hello Vass,
Thanks for the reply.
Indeed, this plan with a4 looks to be a real pain for black to handle in any of the "main" variations just by the look of the middlegame positions... None of the options where there is "immediate action" look promising for black if white is careful.
Therefore b6 is tempting (with an idea of a5 at some point later) and then slowly expand on the kingside but this goes against my OTB sense to look for active play quicker with black.
PS : Nice handling of the endgame ! manoeuvre like Bc4 - Be6 from black looks typically computerish
(ok maybe the white queen is worse on d2 but still...)
By the way, just wanted to thank you for your various contributions on the forum, many interesting reads for me !