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Re: the Accelerated Dragon by Heine Nielsen
Reply #8 - 09/12/15 at 21:17:51
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I agree you that this is the most annoying line in the whole Acc Dragon, the 9.Nb3 move in the main line.

Thx for the games, Tomas.
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Re: the Accelerated Dragon by Heine Nielsen
Reply #7 - 09/11/15 at 15:16:35
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I post the game here but cut of the irrelevent parts.
However I do not even play Bc4 yugoslav aymore.
These days blacks position is to good in both  the Soltis defece and also in the Topalov line.
I can not resist to post a short game in the Topalov line.

These days my repertour is less theory demanding and I gained raiting in the process while still playing open sicilian with both sides.

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Re: the Accelerated Dragon by Heine Nielsen
Reply #6 - 09/10/15 at 22:03:04
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this notation should be somewhat better Smiley

[Event "69th Moscow Blitz"]
[Site "Moscow RUS"]
[Date "2015.09.06"]
[Round "11.3"]
[White "Oparin, Grigoriy"]
[Black "Dubov, Daniil"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B35"]
[WhiteElo "2569"]
[BlackElo "2661"]
[PlyCount "73"]
[EventDate "2015.09.06"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 g6 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 Bg7 6. Be3 Nf6 7. Bc4 O-O 8.
Bb3 d5 9. exd5 Na5 10. Nf3 b6 11. Qd3 Bf5 12. Qd2 Ne4 13. Nxe4 Bxe4 14. c4 Rc8
15. Rc1 b5 16. c5 Nxb3 17. axb3 Bxd5 18. O-O Bxb3 19. Qb4 Bc4 20. Rfd1 Qc7 21.
b3 a5 22. Qa3 Be2 23. Rd2 Bxf3 24. gxf3 Qc6 25. Qxa5 Ra8 26. Qb6 Qxf3 27. Qxb5
Be5 28. Qc4 Rfd8 29. Rxd8+ Rxd8 30. c6 Qh3 31. Bf4 Rd4 32. Bxe5 Rxc4 33. Rxc4
Qxb3 34. Rc1 Qa3 35. Bf4 Qa6 36. c7 Qc8 37. Rb1 1-0

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Re: the Accelerated Dragon by Heine Nielsen
Reply #5 - 09/10/15 at 22:00:36
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I apologize if the word "dull" did upset you @ bragesjo Smiley

I truly believe the 7...Qa5 line to be sound, but it lacks the tactical fireworks compared to the "pure" dragon. In addition black also has to act very precise in order to keep the balance (as in most openings I guess  Cool

My previous note to 8...d5 !? might be a bit exaggerated and maybe it´s just a good weapon in blitz and rapid games, as GM Dubov recently did in a russian rapid tournament. 

8...e6 is a nice way to play. It was used some years ago by GM Hugo Spangenberg with good results.

Oparin, Grigoriy2569–Dubov, Daniil26611–0B3569th Moscow Blitz11.306.09.2015
1.e4 c5 2.f3 c6 3.c3 g6 4.d4 cxd4 5.xd4 g7 6.e3 f6 7.c4 0-0 8.b3 d5 9.exd5 a5 10.f3 b6 11.d3 f5 12.d2 e4 13.xe4 xe4 14.c4 c8 15.c1 b5 16.c5 xb3 17.axb3 xd5 18.0-0 xb3 19.b4 c4 20.fd1 c7 21.b3 a5 22.a3 e2 23.d2 xf3 24.gxf3 c6 25.xa5 a8 26.b6 xf3 27.xb5 e5 28.c4 fd8 29.xd8+ xd8 30.c6 h3 31.f4 d4 32.xe5 xc4 33.xc4 xb3 34.c1 a3 35.f4 a6 36.c7 c8 37.b1 1-0

Dubov lost this game, but after the opening his Position was fine.

In my opinion the cool point about this accalerated move order is, that black manages to lure the Kings Bishop to c4 and later to b3. This helps black to avoid 9.g4 or 9.000 and even 12.Kb1 in the "pure" Dragon
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Re: the Accelerated Dragon by Heine Nielsen
Reply #4 - 09/10/15 at 19:04:19
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bragesjo wrote on 09/10/15 at 14:35:29:
Calling 7 .. Qa5 a bit dull is to look to much at engine evaluations. 

White can force a transposing to a Be2 line where white is at least one tempo up over mainline and the queen will be missplaced so is probebly two tempos up. It is however not that clear if white actaully can actually gain much by these tempos. I won a team match a few years ago when I was white vs a 200 elo hiegher opponent  in this line.

Can you post a game with that line, bragesjo?

I'm interested because the Acc Dragon is my 2nd defense to 1.e4 and I play that 7...Qa5 line (and I felt it was OK for black).

thx in advance
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Re: the Accelerated Dragon by Heine Nielsen
Reply #3 - 09/10/15 at 14:35:29
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Calling 7 .. Qa5 a bit dull is to look to much at engine evaluations. 

White can force a transposing to a Be2 line where white is at least one tempo up over mainline and the queen will be missplaced so is probebly two tempos up. It is however not that clear if white actaully can actually gain much by these tempos. I won a team match a few years ago when I was white vs a 200 elo hiegher opponent  in this line.
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Re: the Accelerated Dragon by Heine Nielsen
Reply #2 - 09/09/15 at 12:47:55
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in my view the older Books by Nielsen and Donaldson/ Silman are kind of a bible and are preferable to the one by Lalic. He only gives a narrow repertoire with 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cd 4.Nd4: g6 5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Bc4 0-0 8.Bb3 and now 8...a5. He covers it good, but as far as I know no words to 8...e6 or even 8..d5 (!?).

Its a matter of taste, but I dislike 8...a5. Indeed, 7...Qa5 might be a bit dull, but 8...d5 is great!
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Re: the Accelerated Dragon by Heine Nielsen
Reply #1 - 04/22/14 at 20:21:42
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TomKarlsen wrote on 04/22/14 at 20:13:11:
Iam returning  too the the Accelerated Dragon. Is Heine Nielsen old book still valid ? or should i go for Greets book or wait for Lalics new book ?

I have not studied this line for a while, but I found Greets book both thorough and inspiring, especially considering it is a "starting out" book. The accelerated dragon (at least the Maroczy part) is mainly a strategic opening, and books doesn't age as quickly there as in more tactical variations.
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the Accelerated Dragon by Heine Nielsen
04/22/14 at 20:13:11
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Iam returning  too the the Accelerated Dragon. Is Heine Nielsen old book still valid ? or should i go for Greets book or wait for Lalics new book ?
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