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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled? (Read 107125 times)
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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #75 - 10/13/19 at 08:42:12
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RdC wrote on 10/10/18 at 07:53:41:

I would still regard the "provocative Knights" treatment as a straightforward defence to the Kings Bishop Gambit.

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Nc6 4. d4 Nf6 with 5. e5 met by 5. .. d5

I had a chance to play this recently. 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Nc6 4. d4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Bb4 6. Nf3. Engines now like the risky looking pawn grab 6. .. Nxe4, but I elected for 6. .. d5. Just castling is also possible. White's natural Nf3 may be a small mistake, with many players preferring 6. Qd3 to defend the e pawn and engines suggesting 6. Nge2

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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #74 - 10/12/18 at 05:42:59
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fjd wrote on 10/11/18 at 03:20:40:
Stigma wrote on 10/11/18 at 02:47:15:
RdC wrote on 10/10/18 at 07:53:41:

I would still regard the "provocative Knights" treatment as a straightforward defence to the Kings Bishop Gambit.

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Nc6 4. d4 Nf6 with 5. e5 met by 5. .. d5

Looks interesting. Is there any book (or other source) that covers this from Black's point of view?

The King's Gambit (Shaw)

Thanks. I thought I had seen it in Lokander's Open Games book, but I checked and he only mentions it in passing and gives an example line, focusing instead on 3.Bc4 c6.

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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #73 - 10/11/18 at 21:28:17
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Leon_Trotsky wrote on 10/10/18 at 22:57:12:
RoleyPoley wrote on 10/09/18 at 19:55:19:
I noticed on Amazon this evening that he has a book on the Kings Gambit scheduled for publication by New In Chess on 31 December 2018. Looks to be the same as the one he self published judging by the title.

Can you show link direct where you saw this ¿ I checked Amazon and found no New In Chess book. All I found was the Everyman book that never got published and his own 700 page hardcover from 2016.

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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #72 - 10/11/18 at 03:20:40
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Stigma wrote on 10/11/18 at 02:47:15:
RdC wrote on 10/10/18 at 07:53:41:

I would still regard the "provocative Knights" treatment as a straightforward defence to the Kings Bishop Gambit.

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Nc6 4. d4 Nf6 with 5. e5 met by 5. .. d5

Looks interesting. Is there any book (or other source) that covers this from Black's point of view?

The King's Gambit (Shaw)
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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #71 - 10/11/18 at 02:47:15
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RdC wrote on 10/10/18 at 07:53:41:

I would still regard the "provocative Knights" treatment as a straightforward defence to the Kings Bishop Gambit.

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Nc6 4. d4 Nf6 with 5. e5 met by 5. .. d5

Looks interesting. Is there any book (or other source) that covers this from Black's point of view?

Improvement begins at the edge of your comfort zone. -Jonathan Rowson
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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #70 - 10/10/18 at 22:57:12
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RoleyPoley wrote on 10/09/18 at 19:55:19:
I noticed on Amazon this evening that he has a book on the Kings Gambit scheduled for publication by New In Chess on 31 December 2018. Looks to be the same as the one he self published judging by the title.

Can you show link direct where you saw this ¿ I checked Amazon and found no New In Chess book. All I found was the Everyman book that never got published and his own 700 page hardcover from 2016.
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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #69 - 10/10/18 at 11:03:06
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RdC wrote on 10/10/18 at 07:53:41:
I would still regard the "provocative Knights" treatment as a straightforward defence to the Kings Bishop Gambit.

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Nc6 4. d4 Nf6 with 5. e5 met by 5. .. d5

Agreed. A book promoting the King'S Bishop Gambit not properly addressing this is not worth your money.
In the second place there is 1.e4 e5 2.f4 d5 3.exd5 exf4.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #68 - 10/10/18 at 07:53:41
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RoleyPoley wrote on 10/09/18 at 19:55:19:
I noticed on Amazon this evening that he has a book on the Kings Gambit scheduled for publication by New In Chess on 31 December 2018.

Nothing on the New in Chess site though. 

In its self published form, the book has been out for a while. Are there any sightings of players using the analysis therein? 

I would still regard the "provocative Knights" treatment as a straightforward defence to the Kings Bishop Gambit.

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Nc6 4. d4 Nf6 with 5. e5 met by 5. .. d5
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Jonathan Tait
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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #67 - 10/10/18 at 07:30:50
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RoleyPoley wrote on 10/09/18 at 19:55:19:
I noticed on Amazon this evening that he has a book on the Kings Gambit scheduled for publication by New In Chess on 31 December 2018. Looks to be the same as the one he self published judging by the title.

Hopefully this is a genuine release and not some out of date duffer page!

It's almost certainly the latter.

blog inspired by Bronstein's book, but using my own games:
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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #66 - 10/09/18 at 19:55:19
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I noticed on Amazon this evening that he has a book on the Kings Gambit scheduled for publication by New In Chess on 31 December 2018. Looks to be the same as the one he self published judging by the title.

Hopefully this is a genuine release and not some out of date duffer page!

"As Mikhail Tal would say ' Let's have a bit of hooliganism! '"

Victor Bologan.
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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #65 - 06/06/16 at 07:11:57
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1) World Champions Play the King's Gambit
2) Why Not the King's Knight Gambit?
3) The Scary Queen Check with ...d5
4) The Scary Queen Check without ...d5
5) The Bogo Tabiya and how it may be avoided
6) Three Gambits from The Bogo Tabiya
    1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Nc3 c6 5.d4 d5 6.exd5 cxd5 7.Bb3 Bd6
    a) The Fischer Gambit 8.Nge2
    b) The Short Gambit   8.Nf3
    c) The Eberth Gambit  8.Qf3
7) The Modern Defense ...d5 on move 2 or 3
8) Black Pretends a Bishop is a Knight (lines with ...g5 or ...Be7)
9) Rare Third Moves for Black
10) Offbeat Declines
11) The Classical King's Gambit Declined 
    1.e4 e5 2.f4 Bc5 3.Nf3 d6 4.c3 
12) The King's Gambit Met by Gambit 

I have never been annoyed by Taylor's writing, because his side comments generally have something to do with chess.

p 501 "One thing I learned from Alexander Kotov's Think Like a Grandmaster is that when you are contemplating a sharp or tactical move, don't look at the secondary lines until you have closely examined the critical stuff."

There are some minor writing idiosyncrasies such as the widespread abbreviation B for Bishop.

p 501 "...moving the B again so that it may be exchanged for a knight, and..."

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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #64 - 06/05/16 at 17:23:03
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It's an unusual approach. 
Aiming at the near-blind market with massive text. 
Is there actually a Braille version too? That would be thoughtful.

Regarding actual chess content, for which forgive the impertinent query. How does it stack up theoretically? Lines covered? 

And on the Irritating Style stakes, how's it looking in the Lakdawala versus Taylor fight?
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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #63 - 06/05/16 at 10:58:49
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IM_Serious wrote on 06/04/16 at 13:17:17:
Apparently it's finally published.

Hardcover, only 200 copies, 792 pages, $90 includes shipping.

Thats a shame. It's probably very unlikely that i will be buying a copy then.

"As Mikhail Tal would say ' Let's have a bit of hooliganism! '"

Victor Bologan.
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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #62 - 06/05/16 at 07:21:49
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Nope, I'm just a consumer who has waited a Long Time for this book.

1) The book really exists, I have it in my grubby hands right now!

2) It's huge. It's almost exactly the same size as Skinner's book of Alekhine's Chess Games (McFarland).

3) The print is extra large. It looks like 19-point font, so many old-timers can probably read this without glasses.

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Re: Taylor's King's Gambit book pulled?
Reply #61 - 06/05/16 at 01:37:27
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Firstly, welcome!
Interesting first post. Just out of interest, forgive the curiosity. Are you the author?
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