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Re: New idea in the QGA
Reply #3 - 05/11/14 at 14:59:28
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RdC wrote on 05/11/14 at 12:40:26:
TalJechin wrote on 05/11/14 at 11:07:46:

Guess it's time to ask the engine why White can't defend e4 with the rook on a1... :/

There doesn't seem to be much to choose between the two moves. Having the Rook on a2 avoids the idea Nb8-c6-a5-b3 gaining a tempo.

Engines seem uncertain whether to immediately take the e4 pawn or play e6 and develop. Equally they aren't sure whether White should defend e4 or give it up, again for development. They give the initial idea as around a half pawn advantage for White. This contrasts with the quarter pawn they give for ideas like the Budapest, Albin or Hennig-Shara. As the Hammer game shows, it seems easy for White to lose his advantage.

If the idea does work, I would presume it relies on the counter attack on the e4 pawn, so the sacrifice of the Exchange isn't going to be any good against 3. e3 or 3. Nf3 .

Don't forget about e3 allowing Qf3! - the big difference between the QG and the KG.. Smiley

After Ra1 Black can probably not play Bxe4 due to f3! Bd5 and then b3!

The nature of Black's compensation seems to be some old fashioned lead in development and tactics aimed at the white king. After 9.Ra2 e6 10.f3 Black gets some play vs the d4-pawn instead, for example: 10...Nc6 11.Ne2 Bb4 12.Kf2 Bc5 or 12.Bd2 Nf6
A ...Nb4 at some point can be useful thanks to the hit on Ra2.

OTB the compensation may be promising, while in corr White may have the better prospects - though it might depend a bit on which engines are trusted by Black...
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Re: New idea in the QGA
Reply #2 - 05/11/14 at 12:40:26
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TalJechin wrote on 05/11/14 at 11:07:46:

Guess it's time to ask the engine why White can't defend e4 with the rook on a1... :/

There doesn't seem to be much to choose between the two moves. Having the Rook on a2 avoids the idea Nb8-c6-a5-b3 gaining a tempo.

Engines seem uncertain whether to immediately take the e4 pawn or play e6 and develop. Equally they aren't sure whether White should defend e4 or give it up, again for development. They give the initial idea as around a half pawn advantage for White. This contrasts with the quarter pawn they give for ideas like the Budapest, Albin or Hennig-Shara. As the Hammer game shows, it seems easy for White to lose his advantage.

If the idea does work, I would presume it relies on the counter attack on the e4 pawn, so the sacrifice of the Exchange isn't going to be any good against 3. e3 or 3. Nf3 .
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Re: New idea in the QGA
Reply #1 - 05/11/14 at 11:07:46
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An interesting idea. Had a quick look in my database and the stats are intriguing:

after 9.Ra1 Black has 3 of 3 (including this game)

After 9.Ra2 e6 10.f3 White has 2½ of 3 - all corr games. 

Guess it's time to ask the engine why White can't defend e4 with the rook on a1... :/
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New idea in the QGA
05/10/14 at 22:11:38
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There's a remarkable game by the French GM Edouard from the 4NCL last weekend. Against Jon Hammer, he took the pawn on c4 and then defended it with an immediate b5. That's something we all learned years ago doesn't work because White will play a4 and Nc3 and win the b5 pawn because of the pin on the a file. The Hammer game may demonstrate that Black can fall for this trick with impunity sacrificing the exchange by retaking on b5 and following up with Bb7. Luke McShane played a similar idea against Aronian in the Tal memorial a couple of years ago. That one was more complex as it was a Slav with White playing Bg5.

The game

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