Nernstian59 wrote on 11/20/23 at 22:07:34:
it appears that "27x19" means that there are 27 lines in Chapter 19.
Thanks for the explanation and link.
I have considered the Manhattan variation from time to time. Here's a typical sequence:
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 Nbd7 5. Bg5 Bb4 6. e3 c5 7. cxd5 exd5 8.Bd3 Qa5 9. Qc2 O-O 10. O-O c4 11. Bf5 Re8 12. Nd2
Barsky, in his book The Ragozin Complex, used the words "majority attack" to describe Black's early c5-c4.
I've sometimes thought of the Manhattan as being a Cambridge Springs variation with Black saving a tempo by playing ...c5 in a single go. However, matters are not so simple. One commonality between the two lines is that Black delays the development of his queen bishop, compared to the Tartakover variation.
The historic main line continues 12...g6, which forces White to decide between 13Bxd7 and 13Bh3. After 13. Bh3 Bc3 14.
bc3, Black is ok. However, Karpov improved with 14Qxc3! After the trade of queens, Black lacks dynamic play.
Barsky considered 13...Kg7!? which surprised me, but may work. I looked at 13...Bf8, intending ...Bg7 with pressure on the d pawn in case of e4. However, it does not appear to work.
Going to, I notice that Erigaisi has deviated earlier. One blitz game continued 12...h6 13Bh4 Qa6. Perhaps 13...Qb6 is also possible. After an eventual a3 the typical Manhattan/Nimzo move is ...Bxc3. However, ...Ba5 may also be possible.
Perhaps 12...h6 is part of Krishnater's repertoire. Sometimes simple deviations have a great impact. Karpov's 14Qxc3 and perhaps a new move on move 12 will make a difference.
I think that both the Ragozin and Vienna (I like 8...Qa5 as recommended by Pert) are doing ok. Perhaps these lines could be options in Krishnater's repertoire.