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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange (Read 37014 times)
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #39 - 12/04/23 at 16:03:47
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FreeRepublic wrote on 12/04/23 at 15:01:44:
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 dc4!? provides Black with some interesting repertoire possibilities.

I played this line extensively when I was trying out the QGD, loved the positions I got, my favorite being 5.e4 c5 6.e5 cxd4 7.exf6 gxf6!  Grin
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #38 - 12/04/23 at 15:01:44
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Nernstian59 wrote on 12/03/23 at 23:10:26:
Evidently 4...dxc4 has become popular recently. Indeed, it shows up as a "hot" variation in the Mega Database. Glenn Flear covered it in the November 2022 update to the 1.d4 d5 2.c4 section of ChessPublishing.  In his notes to the game Postny-Basnusz, he says of 4...dxc4, "This has always been considered as inferior and yet has seen an explosion of interest in the last few years. So there must be some point behind 'ceding the centre' so early in this manner."

Thanks for finding Glenn Flear's analysis of Postny-Basnusz. I looked at it at the time, but then forgot about it! I think it was discussed in the forum also. Between the Nov 22nd 2022 issue and the archives, there is a good amount of material at ChessPublishing. There really is a lot to take in and fully appreciate.

1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 dc4!? provides Black with some interesting repertoire possibilities. I surmise that Krishnater has taken full advantage of (new, recent, newly appreciated) lines that provide active counterplay.

After 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nf3, Black is spoilt for choices (4...c6, 4...Be7, 4...Bb4, and even 4...Nbd7). 4...Bb4 maintains the spirit of active counterplay found in 4. Bg5 dc4!? . It sounds like Krishnater has revitalized the Manhattan variation. Also, the Ragozin and Vienna look good to me.

Nernstian59 wrote on 12/03/23 at 23:10:26:
As someone who learned theory from ancient tomes that stressed the importance of such subtleties in the Orthodox QGD as "the struggle for the tempo" and "Capablanca's freeing maneuver", it's rather disconcerting to see 4.Bg5 relegated to the realm of "sidelines".

I can relate. Despair not. While 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 dc4!? appears interesting and good, I doubt that it renders 4Bg5 obsolete. Every time I look at already well-known variations (Tartakover, Lasker, Cambridge Springs, Orthodox), I see that there is more to explore. I'm sure players at every level will continue to play those lines.
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #37 - 12/03/23 at 23:10:26
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kylemeister wrote on 12/02/23 at 23:55:04:
Apparently he went with 4...dxc4

I'm guessing that kylemeister found his information about 4...dxc4 on the Chessable discussion page for Krishnater's course, where the author was asked how he handles 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5. His reply: "We take on c4 and challenge white's center with c5.(Chapter 27)." He goes on to provide his reasoning in selecting 4...dxc4: "We would have loved to play Bb4, but after e3 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Nge2 h5 h4 we don't have the move Bg4, which we had in the Gukesh QGD with cxd5 included!" I believe Krishnater omitted a black move (...Ne4) between Bg3 and Nge2.  This would have then yielded the line that was played as Black by Koneru in her game earlier this year against Dinara Wagner (FIDE Women's GP Munich).

Evidently there's also a typo in Krishnater's reply since Chapter 27 of his course is devoted to the London System.

Having picked up Krishnater's course during Chessable's Black Friday Sale, I can confirm that 4...dxc4 is his recommendation after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5. He then covers White's two main moves, 5.e4 and 5.e3. Against the latter, he steers for an IQP position; e.g., 5...c5 6.Bxc4 cxd4 7.exd4 Be7 8.Nf3 0-0 9.0-0 Nc6 and then presents well over a dozen lines. 

Evidently 4...dxc4 has become popular recently. Indeed, it shows up as a "hot" variation in the Mega Database. Glenn Flear covered it in the November 2022 update to the 1.d4 d5 2.c4 section of ChessPublishing.  In his notes to the game Postny-Basnusz, he says of 4...dxc4, "This has always been considered as inferior and yet has seen an explosion of interest in the last few years. So there must be some point behind 'ceding the centre' so early in this manner."

To end on a curmudgeonly note, the contents of Krishnater's course that are presented to the general public by Chessable don't show much about how he meets 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5.  This lack of transparency is a recurring problem, although I'll admit that it can be tricky to balance giving away too many details with the consumer's desire to make an informed purchasing decision. At any rate, it turns out that the material is in Chapter 26, which is titled "QGD 3.Nc3 - 4th Move Sidelines".  As someone who learned theory from ancient tomes that stressed the importance of such subtleties in the Orthodox QGD as "the struggle for the tempo" and "Capablanca's freeing maneuver", it's rather disconcerting to see 4.Bg5 relegated to the realm of "sidelines".
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #36 - 12/02/23 at 23:55:04
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FreeRepublic wrote on 12/02/23 at 18:18:11:

I agree that it sounds interesting. I wonder how the author deals with the following move order:  1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Nbd7 5. e3. I don't see how Black can get to the desired Manhattan variation as White has not played Nf3.

Apparently he went with 4...dxc4 (as did Christof Sielecki in Keep it Simple for Black).
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #35 - 12/02/23 at 18:18:11
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CanadianClub wrote on 11/15/23 at 15:10:43:
And there even a chessable course on that (Manhattan + QGD exchange with Bb4 + plus other things) called "1.d4 d5: Krishnater's Killer Repertoire" by IM Kushager Krishnater. It seems very interesting.

I agree that it sounds interesting. I wonder how the author deals with the following move order:  1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Nbd7 5. e3. I don't see how Black can get to the desired Manhattan variation as White has not played Nf3.
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #34 - 11/24/23 at 20:51:29
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Nernstian59 wrote on 11/20/23 at 22:07:34:
I was thinking of buying the course when I realized it wasn't part of Chessable's Black Friday sale.

Looks like Krishnater's course was included in the recent expansion of Chessable's Black Friday sale.
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #33 - 11/21/23 at 18:57:36
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Another QGD repertoire can be found at:

Modern-chess has a BlackFriday sale. They do not specify the sale, that I can tell. However, I calculated it to be 70% off (30% on). The sample game, and some of the lines, reminded be somewhat of this thread.
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #32 - 11/21/23 at 17:34:21
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kylemeister wrote on 11/21/23 at 15:35:01:
Justin Tan wrote "I believe the most reliable defence is 12...Qa6 [instead of 12...g6],

Thanks for mentioning it. His May 2022 article is very relevant to this thread.

We've had several excellent contributors for the 1d4 d5 section at ChessPublishing. The November 2023 update is from GM Nigel Davies. It so happens that the Kindle book I looked at most recently is his book The Queen's Gambit Declined Move by Move.

The ...c4-c5 structure is indeed the Panov structure as it can come about from the Panov-Botvinnik attack in the Caro-Kann. Those lines are probably not as prominent now in the Caro-Kann as when Soltis wrote his book, but it's still worth remembering that it's the same thing (with differences).
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #31 - 11/21/23 at 15:35:01
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Last year in Chess Publishing, Justin Tan wrote "I believe the most reliable defence is 12...Qa6 [instead of 12...g6], with the idea to follow up with ...h6, ...Qc6 and ...Nb6."

I would note that c5-c4 makes it a Panov structure, as Soltis termed it in Pawn Structure Chess.
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #30 - 11/21/23 at 14:19:41
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Nernstian59 wrote on 11/20/23 at 22:07:34:
it appears that "27x19" means that there are 27 lines in Chapter 19.

Thanks for the explanation and link.

I have considered the Manhattan variation from time to time. Here's a typical sequence:

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 Nbd7 5. Bg5 Bb4 6. e3 c5 7. cxd5 exd5 8.Bd3 Qa5 9. Qc2 O-O 10. O-O c4 11. Bf5 Re8 12. Nd2

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Barsky, in his book The Ragozin Complex, used the words "majority attack" to describe Black's early c5-c4.

I've sometimes thought of the Manhattan as being a Cambridge Springs variation with Black saving a tempo by playing ...c5 in a single go. However, matters are not so simple. One commonality between the two lines is that Black delays the development of his queen bishop, compared to the Tartakover variation.

The historic main line continues 12...g6, which forces White to decide between 13Bxd7 and 13Bh3. After 13. Bh3 Bc3 14.
bc3, Black is ok. However, Karpov improved with 14Qxc3! After the trade of queens, Black lacks dynamic play.

Barsky considered 13...Kg7!? which surprised me, but may work. I looked at 13...Bf8, intending ...Bg7 with pressure on the d pawn in case of e4. However, it does not appear to work.

Going to, I notice that Erigaisi has deviated earlier. One blitz game continued 12...h6 13Bh4 Qa6. Perhaps 13...Qb6 is also possible. After an eventual a3 the typical Manhattan/Nimzo move is ...Bxc3. However, ...Ba5 may also be possible.

Perhaps 12...h6 is part of  Krishnater's repertoire. Sometimes simple deviations have a great impact. Karpov's 14Qxc3 and perhaps a new move on move 12 will make a difference.

I think that both the Ragozin and Vienna (I like 8...Qa5 as recommended by Pert) are doing ok. Perhaps these lines could be options in Krishnater's repertoire.
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #29 - 11/20/23 at 22:07:34
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FreeRepublic wrote on 11/20/23 at 14:23:33:
What does 27x19 mean?

FreeRepublic - I've wondered about this terminology too. Comparing these numbers to Chessable courses I own, it appears that "27x19" means that there are 27 lines in Chapter 19.

FreeRepublic wrote on 11/20/23 at 14:23:33:
I don't know anything about the Gukesh QGD

I was unfamiliar with this name too, but it apparently arises from Black playing ...Bb4 in response to the Exchange QGD; i.e., 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Bg5 Bb4.

I was thinking of buying the course when I realized it wasn't part of Chessable's Black Friday sale.  And like you, I thought the information on the recommended lines was a bit sparse. I found a post on the Chessable forum to be helpful in this regard. It was also the place where the Gukesh QGD was defined. (Note the poster also referred to it as "the Accelerated Ragozin" as you did in Reply #24).
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #28 - 11/20/23 at 14:23:33
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CanadianClub wrote on 11/15/23 at 15:10:43:
chessable course on that (Manhattan + QGD exchange with Bb4 + plus other things)

Thanks for posting. I'm glad to see something on the Manhattan variation. The free short and sweet introduction offers less sample material than most other S&S introductions at Chessable. The link to the course provides more information.

I've never known exactly how to read the "Variation details." For example:
"27 x 19) Gukesh QGD - Main Line (17.11 avg depth)"

What does 27x19 mean?

I'm in the dark on the recommended repertoire. I don't know how his coverage on the Manhattan differs from existing theory. I don't know anything about the Gukesh QGD, and so on.

I expect it's a good course, but I usually have a better idea of what I'm buying at Chessable before I buy. Then again, Chessable usually provides more information than did traditional publishers of the past.
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #27 - 11/15/23 at 15:10:43
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And there even a chessable course on that (Manhattan + QGD exchange with Bb4 + plus other things) called "1.d4 d5: Krishnater's Killer Repertoire" by IM Kushager Krishnater. It seems very interesting.
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #26 - 10/17/22 at 19:29:47
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Note that:
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. cd5 ed5 5. Bg5 Bb4 6. Qc2 transposes to a line of the Nimzo-Indian Defense.
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Re: Ragozin Repertoire trick to avoid QG Exchange
Reply #25 - 10/16/22 at 22:49:16
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FreeRepublic wrote on 10/16/22 at 20:11:55:
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. cd5 ed5 5. Bg5 Bb4

This is also analyzed by Glenn Flear in the Dangerous Weapons series. It is also included in the second part of Michael Roiz's work on the QGD Exchange variation for Modern-Chess. (I would wait for a sale before purchasing).
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