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Re: C30-C39: Ginger GM on the King´s Gambit
Reply #9 - 06/21/14 at 20:20:39
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Ive seen both DVD's and Simons main point is that Black can equalise with the boring Berlin Defence, so why not Play The King's Bishop Gambit which he also claims is equal but more interesting for White.  Huh

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Re: C30-C39: Ginger GM on the King´s Gambit
Reply #8 - 06/12/14 at 22:40:50
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Glenn Snow wrote on 06/12/14 at 21:17:53:
[quote author=33312C3630372A302826262D430 link=1401473691/5#5 date=1401922810]
Since his main recommendation is the Bishop's Gambit I think perhaps even more important is how much did he quote and build on Thomas Johannson's work The The Fascinating King's Gambit

Simon is mostly a 1. d4 player. Possibly as a consequence, he rather likes the idea of Nge2 in Bc4 lines of the KGA. 

I'm not sure his material should be taken entirely seriously. If you are bored with the London system (and who shouldn't be), give the Kings Gambit a punt, and here are some lines that at the very least give entertaining positions with lots of possibilities.
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Glenn Snow
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Re: C30-C39: Ginger GM on the King´s Gambit
Reply #7 - 06/12/14 at 21:17:53
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proustiskeen wrote on 06/04/14 at 23:00:10:
If anyone has watched this, how beholden is Williams to Shaw in his analysis?

Since his main recommendation is the Bishop's Gambit I think perhaps even more important is how much did he quote and build on Thomas Johannson's work The The Fascinating King's Gambit
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Re: C30-C39: Ginger GM on the King´s Gambit
Reply #6 - 06/11/14 at 18:34:06
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There's an interview with Simon Williams at

Simon mentions a 1993 victory by Nigel Short over Kasparov, but that was in a theme game, where they were given the opening that they had to play. The sequence chosen was 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Qh4+ 4. Kf1 b5. After the game Kasparov said that he been given a lost position to play. In their defence, the organisers pointed to "Batsford Chess Openings vol 2", nominally with Kasparov as co-author which had a different verdict.
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Re: C30-C39: Ginger GM on the King´s Gambit
Reply #5 - 06/04/14 at 23:00:10
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If anyone has watched this, how beholden is Williams to Shaw in his analysis?
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Re: C30-C39: Ginger GM on the King´s Gambit
Reply #4 - 05/31/14 at 23:06:35
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Well, I mean, it would seem more logical to put 2...Nc6 with the "Other Possibilities" and give the Modern Transfer its own section instead...

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Re: C30-C39: Ginger GM on the King´s Gambit
Reply #3 - 05/31/14 at 20:22:28
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I think so. Certainly you can´t expect very deep coverage on such a DVD.
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Re: C30-C39: Ginger GM on the King´s Gambit
Reply #2 - 05/31/14 at 15:47:45
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Wait does this mean that the Nimzo CG, the Falkbeer and 2...d5 3 ed ef are all covered in one video...?

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Re: C30-C39: Ginger GM on the King´s Gambit
Reply #1 - 05/31/14 at 11:50:28
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Fllg wrote on 05/30/14 at 18:14:51:

Seemingly Chessbase has learned something since in their shop one can see which variations are covered.

Pasting from the shop at

Volume 1 on the 3. Bc4 lines

1: The Old Main Line – 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Bc4 Nf6 4 Nc3 c6 5 d4 d5 6 exd5 cxd5 7 Bb3! In this system I recommend that White places his King’side knight on e2! This is quite a unique and new idea.
2: The New Main Line (Shaw’s variation) – 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Bc4 Nc6! Here I recommend both 4 d4 Nf6! 5 Nc3 Bb4! As a solid line for White and also 4 Nf3 g5!? 5 0-0 with more aggressive play from White.
3: The Bogoljubow variation – 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Bc4 Nf6 4 Nc3 Nc6 with ...Bb4 to follow.
4: Sokolov’s variation – 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Bc4 Ne7
5: 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Bc4 d5!?
6: Black plays an early ...Qh4+ - What should White do!?
7: Less common variations

This covers 3. Nf3 lines and lines of the Kings Gambit Declined

The DVD covers:
1: The Caveman hack attack! - 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 g5! 4 d4 g4! 5 Bxf4!? - An interesting and crazy way to sacrifice a piece against Blacks main repsonse.
2: The more restrained approach: - 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 g5! 4 d4 Bg7 5 Nc3 d6 6 g3!
3: Black avoids playing 3...g5 – All other variations are briefly looked at.
4: Other crazy King’s Gambit ideas – 3 Be2, 3 d4 and 3 Nc3 are looked at.
Part 2 – The King’s Gambit Declined
5: 2...Bc5 – Recommended in a number of books, this line is a very popular approach from Black.
6: 2...d5 – All variations are covered.
7: 2...Nc6 (The Miles variation)
8: Other possibilities
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C30-C39: Ginger GM on the King´s Gambit
05/30/14 at 18:14:51
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GM Simon Williams now works for Chessbase and has produced a two-part DVD about the King´s Gambit.

Seemingly Chessbase has learned something since in their shop one can see which variations are covered.

Chess-DVDs are not my preferred source , but maybe someone else is interested and willing to share his view?!
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