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Re: Grand Prix Attack v English
Reply #6 - 09/07/14 at 17:07:53
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TN wrote on 09/06/14 at 21:56:33:
It would be interesting to angle for these positions via. 1.c4 f5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 e5,

White can pull Black's leg with 3.Nf3.

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Re: Grand Prix Attack v English
Reply #5 - 09/06/14 at 21:56:33
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The main problem with the reversed Grand Prix is that White can get in a quick d4 (like in 1.e4 c5 2.f4 d5 or 1.c4 e5 2.g3 f5 3.d4), and here 4.d4 e4 5.Bg5 does seem a little better for White, though Black can play these positions. Similarly, if Black tries 1.c4 e5 2.g3 Nc6, it's actually more accurate to play 3.Nc3 as after 3.Bg2 f5 White can't get in a quick d4, and even when he does, ...e4 will now leave the g2-bishop a little misplaced. Compare that with 3.Nc3 f5 4.Nf3 Nf6 5.d4 e4 6.Nh4, which seems just fractionally better for White. 

It would be interesting to angle for these positions via. 1.c4 f5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 e5, although that requires knowledge of the Dutch if White plays an early d4, which White should probably play as when you get in ...e5 in one move along with ...f5 it feels like you're playing a Dutch with an extra tempo. Another nice thing about these positions is that 'happy' setups for White (the d3 example in the OP, Nc3/g3/Bg2/Nge2, Botvinnik formation) generally pose absolutely no problems for Black.

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Re: Grand Prix Attack v English
Reply #4 - 09/06/14 at 06:19:51
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Michael Ayton wrote on 06/13/14 at 12:23:05:
It's curious that these Qb3 moves are so popular with White

A bit off-topic I know, but it strikes me that inapposite early Queen moves might make an interesting subject for a masterclass or a book chapter. I think weaker players can often find it hard knowing when a move like Qb3 or Qc2 is good (connecting the Rooks, say, or preparing central or wing action), or just insipid/inaccurate. I know I've felt unsure about this when facing the Dutch, for instance.

I agree on this. It is a very interesting topic, which crops up in many openings.
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Re: Grand Prix Attack v English
Reply #3 - 08/15/14 at 18:19:57
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The St. Louis Chess Club has a very nice video by GM Akobian on beating the English.
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Michael Ayton
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Re: Grand Prix Attack v English
Reply #2 - 06/13/14 at 12:23:05
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It's curious that these Qb3 moves are so popular with White

A bit off-topic I know, but it strikes me that inapposite early Queen moves might make an interesting subject for a masterclass or a book chapter. I think weaker players can often find it hard knowing when a move like Qb3 or Qc2 is good (connecting the Rooks, say, or preparing central or wing action), or just insipid/inaccurate. I know I've felt unsure about this when facing the Dutch, for instance.
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Re: Grand Prix Attack v English
Reply #1 - 06/13/14 at 11:22:29
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Svidler played very strangely, maybe he was watching the first test at the same time!
It's curious that these Qb3 moves are so popular with White (look at Alex's May update for another example).
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Grand Prix Attack v English
06/12/14 at 19:14:01
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It's by no means a new idea, but playing the Grand Prix Attack with reverse colours against the English was endorsed by Carlsen today and he was better after 14 moves with a characteristic f pawn sacrifice. According to commentators he missed a winning continuation a few moves later.

The same positions can arise from the 1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Bb4 line.

In the Sicilian, players with the Black pieces had to develop some precise defences to avoid being blown away by the GPA.
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