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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Best ...Bc5 line for Black? (Read 25962 times)
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #21 - 03/29/16 at 07:06:29
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Just wondering if there's any consensus on which move-order is the best?

Between these 2:

A: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Bc5
B: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bc5. 

From my own brief research White seems to have an extra option to retreat his bishop to c2 in option A: 6.c3 b5 7.Bc2 (instead of 7.Bb3), in B: the bishop can only go to b3 because c3 hasn't been played yet.

Option A seems to have independent value vs 6.Nxe5 Nxe5 7.d4 now Black has choice between 7...b5 transposing into B's version of the Nxe5 line, or going for independent 7...Nxe4, both of which seem playable but 7...b5 is preferred by the engine.

Therefore it seems to me that B should be preferred, as you get the same as A without having to learn the extra bishop retreat to c2.

However! Perhaps a big benefit of A is White needs to know 6.c3 b5 7.Bb3 transposes to their line vs New Archangel (assuming they play the mainline vs New Archangel). Therefore perhaps option A gives White more room to go wrong in the opening, if they're unaware of this transposition. The price of learning the extra bishop retreat to c2 in option A may be worth the cost, if there's the chance White isn't aware of the transposition. I can see how someone surprised by 5...Bc5 move-order may go for 6.d3 protecting the pawn, or 6.Nc3 for same reasons. Both of which seem to give away all of White's opening advantage.

Does anyone know of any other downside of Option A, apart from having to learn the extra bishop retreat to c2? I will continue to try and find one but haven't yet. At the top lvl they will ofc be aware of this transposition, so for them it makes sense to use option B to avoid having to bother learning a line for the extra bishop retreat, however, at lower levels, it may be worth going for option A.
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #20 - 07/24/14 at 13:00:31
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ErictheRed wrote on 07/05/14 at 07:22:26:
What are the good books (or DVDs/CDs) on the Archangel and Neo-Archangel, anyway?  This thread has really piqued my interest from the Black point of view.

Take a look at Everyman's Archangel & New Archangel by Krzysztof Panczyk, where it's given a serious treatment (but not for anyone under intermediate chess knowledge)
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #19 - 07/06/14 at 09:19:09
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ErictheRed wrote on 07/05/14 at 07:22:26:
What are the good books (or DVDs/CDs) on the Archangel and Neo-Archangel, anyway?  This thread has really piqued my interest from the Black point of view.

Not sure this answer the question but this has been mentioned in the past: in addition to the Everyman's book, there are the three excellent CB DVDs on the Neo-Archangel by Alexei Shirov (that is if you are a fan of his ad hoc impromptu style) who calls it the Tkachiev Var after the Russian (?) now French GM (My best games in the Spanish Vol. 2 and 3 and Guide to the Tkachiev Ruy Lopez) and there is also a Mikhalchishin DVD on the Archangel (again there ares one who dislike his style and quality).
But nothing newer than those, I think.
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #18 - 07/05/14 at 20:56:17
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It seemed to me that 7. Nxe5 was indeed most topical in the 1990s, with books from the 1990s and 2000s basically regarding it as equal.
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #17 - 07/05/14 at 20:13:31
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nocteus wrote on 07/05/14 at 15:49:46:

Could you highlight the strategical ideas for black in this position? Should they play against e4 or try to roll the queenside pawns on? Where should be developped the Bc8? etc. 
Thank you so much.

Well both sides' pawns are pretty flexible, and it depends on what White does.  Obviously play against e4 a theme, if possible.  If White plays Bc1-g5 Black will play ...Ng6 and ...h6, so that White no longer has the two bishops.  Sometimes Black chases down the light squared bishop with his knight (...Nxb3) resulting in a opposite-colored middlegame position, and sometimes (especially if White plays f2-f4) Black can blow open the center completely with ...d6-d5.  

All in all, this positions seems completely fine for Black to me, with dynamic chances.  But there isn't one single strategic theme, the play will depend on how White arranges his forces.  Some sample lines:

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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #16 - 07/05/14 at 15:49:46
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Really?  Again I don't have much experience here, but one thing that draws me to the Neo-Archangel is:

This looks like excellent winning chances for Black to me.  Of course White might have some edge with his bishops, but the position is sharp, unlike various other x...Bc5 y.Nxe5 lines.  

Could you highlight the strategical ideas for black in this position? Should they play against e4 or try to roll the queenside pawns on? Where should be developped the Bc8? etc. 
Thank you so much.
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #15 - 07/05/14 at 09:11:28
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Basically a (rare!) gap in the market I think, which is good given how very natural/respectable these lines are. An  Panczyk/Emms book from 2000, not sure how relevant that is by now. An awful lot of strong games with 6.. Bc5 since then.

Always the relevant chesspub section of course Smiley Never checked that one for this so can't say for sure but would imagine it'll be much the best extant source.
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #14 - 07/05/14 at 07:22:26
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What are the good books (or DVDs/CDs) on the Archangel and Neo-Archangel, anyway?  This thread has really piqued my interest from the Black point of view.
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #13 - 06/18/14 at 05:33:34
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Fllg wrote on 06/17/14 at 17:36:43:
What about 3...Bc5 4 c3 Nf6 5 d4 Bb6 6 Nxe5 ? I´m interested how Black should react here since 6...Nxe5 7 dxe5 Nxe4 8 Qg4 is better for White according to Sokolov.

It's probably white's best try for an advantage, although 8...Bxf2+ 9.Ke2 looks better than his suggestion 9.Kd1 (where he fails to mention Black's best move 9...c6).
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #12 - 06/17/14 at 17:46:41
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TN wrote on 06/17/14 at 13:50:05:
To be honest, the Nxe5 lines are a problem in the Neo-Archangel system - not from a theoretical perspective, but for trying to play for a win as Black (OK, Shirov beat Leko some time ago, but there Leko was actually pushing for the win).

Really?  Again I don't have much experience here, but one thing that draws me to the Neo-Archangel is:

This looks like excellent winning chances for Black to me.  Of course White might have some edge with his bishops, but the position is sharp, unlike various other x...Bc5 y.Nxe5 lines.   

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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #11 - 06/17/14 at 17:36:43
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What about 3...Bc5 4 c3 Nf6 5 d4 Bb6 6 Nxe5 ? I´m interested how Black should react here since 6...Nxe5 7 dxe5 Nxe4 8 Qg4 is better for White according to Sokolov.
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #10 - 06/17/14 at 17:31:20
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nocteus wrote on 06/15/14 at 13:08:02:
I have been a fan of early deviations for black in the open games. You always get either a lively play or an equal but rich position to outplay your opponent, while cutting huge amounts of theory (especially U2000).

1. e4 e5 2. Cf3 Cc6 3. Fb5 Fc5 4. O-O  (After 4. c3,  4...Nf6 transposes to Classical Berlin, 4...f5 is tense, quite theoretical and chaotic, 4...Nge7 and 4...Qf6 are good practical weapons but very risky) Cd4!? (a kind of improved Bird) 5. Cxd4 Fxd4 6. c3 Fb6 7. d4 c6! 8. Fa4 d6 9. dxe5  (9. Ca3-c4 must be critical, to put pressure on e5) 9... dxe5 10. Dxd8+ Fxd8, when the strongest will win.

I have analysed 4.c3 f5 quite a bit. My belief is that it's unsound, but it does need good memorization and careful analysis.
After 4.0-0 Nd4 5.b4!? (well covered by Kosten) is probably white's best try for an advantage. Certainly more practical evidence is needed.
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #9 - 06/17/14 at 13:55:16
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After, 3...Bc5 4.Nxe5 Qg5!? is very interesting, while after 4...Nxe5 5.d4 Fd6, black can develop his knight to e7, which is very useful in general, to overprotect e5.

Another point of of 3...Bc5 is that, at the amateur level, given the popularity and reputation of the Berlin, I more often encounter 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.d3 than 4.O-O. Given that, if I prefer to equalize quickly (and get an interesting endgame) and choose the road 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Bc5 4.d3 Nd4.
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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #8 - 06/17/14 at 13:50:05
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To be honest, the Nxe5 lines are a problem in the Neo-Archangel system - not from a theoretical perspective, but for trying to play for a win as Black (OK, Shirov beat Leko some time ago, but there Leko was actually pushing for the win). As for 3...Bc5, 4.Nxe5 is harmless after 4...Qe7 5.Nf3 Qxe4 6.Be2 Nd4 7.Nxd4 Qxd4 8.0-0 and surprisingly Greet doesn't consider 8...d5 9.c3 Qf6 10.d4 Bd6 11.Bd3 Ne7 12.Nd2 0-0 which is just equal for Black (the position is very similar to the 5.Re1 Anti-Berlin). I know that after 5...Bc5 Black has nothing better than transposing to the Neo-Archangel in any case, while I don't know so much about the 3...Nf6 4.0-0 Bc5 lines, but I do agree that 5.Nxe5 is a bit unpleasant there from a practical point of view, and I also quite like 5.c3 0-0 6.d4 Bb6 7.Bg5 for White. 

I would ultimately go with the Neo-Archangel from a theoretical perspective, but 3...Bc5 is best if you want to get your system on the board as soon as possible to avoid White deviations. If you're over 2000 it's sensible to have a second, more solid option as well (like the Berlin or Breyer), so you aren't vulnerable to prep.

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Re: Best ...Bc5 line for Black?
Reply #7 - 06/17/14 at 09:03:57
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3...Bc5 4.Nxe5 is also an interesting option and recommended by Greet in his book on playing the Lopez some years ago. That's the line that puts me off the 3...Bc5 move order the most...
« Last Edit: 06/17/14 at 11:46:00 by tipau »  

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