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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars (Read 50329 times)
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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #12 - 12/27/14 at 22:10:39
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The official website says it will be published the 12th of january. First they said november, then december, and now january.
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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #11 - 12/27/14 at 19:32:38
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fling wrote on 12/26/14 at 07:25:05:
I now see the book in Forward Chess. I might buy the book, because I am thinking of taking up 1 e4 e5 from both sides. The recommendation after 1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 Bc4 Bc5 is 4. f4!?. I didn't think White had anything in that variation either, but I guess we'll see what new ideas they bring to the table. Has anybody bought the book yet?

As a quick aside: I'm not seeing this book in Forward Chess. Does availability vary by country?

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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #10 - 12/27/14 at 01:28:32
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I'm waiting for the print version, due in the new year. I suspect there are ample resources to be mined in the transposition to the King's Gambit Declined after 4.f4.

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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #9 - 12/26/14 at 07:25:05
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I now see the book in Forward Chess. I might buy the book, because I am thinking of taking up 1 e4 e5 from both sides. The recommendation after 1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 Bc4 Bc5 is 4. f4!?. I didn't think White had anything in that variation either, but I guess we'll see what new ideas they bring to the table. Has anybody bought the book yet?
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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #8 - 10/30/14 at 21:31:24
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After 5...Be7 you can either sign a peace treaty and avoid playing the Vienna next time, or go on moving your pieces back and forth until your opponent blunders something.
You should not expect a real opening advantage if two out of your first three moves are inaccurate!
Recently Caruana tried that stuff against Giri, and got a pretty good advantage- but that because Giri badly mixed two different plans. The game went 6.Qxe5 0-0 7.d4 and now instead of 6...Nc6 (forcing the queen to leave e5 isn't such a great achievement, she would do that voluntarily!) I think best is 6...b5! which is an excellent waiting move: If white plays Ng1-f3, only then the plan ...Nc6-a5 works, since the bishop does not have the f3 square- while 7.Nge2 can be met by 7...Nc6 8.Qf4 b4! 9.Nd5 a5, and I would gladly pick Black anytime. I don't know, maybe 8.Qf4 is not best, but the whole white opening concept seems very superficial.
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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #7 - 10/19/14 at 22:00:56
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Benoniac wrote on 10/19/14 at 20:09:11:

Hi again.

Can you remember to have been up against the variation: 

1.e4-e5 2.Nc3-Nf6 3.Bc4-Nxe4(!)...? Following: 4.Qh5-Nd6 5.Bb3-and now the move: 5...Be7, which PANFR suggested in antoher thread:

What on earth to play against this variation? I`m fairly sure that black is at least ok here, if not more...


This is a good try for Black. Again, as in the other thread, all the current Vienna books are hopelessly wrong in the assessments.

White should try 6.Qxe5 as Caruana did recently against Giri. After that we are just beginning.
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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #6 - 10/19/14 at 20:09:11
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ArKheiN wrote on 08/07/14 at 21:10:44:
Unfortunately I have lost much of my analysis and notes on the Vienna after a computer'crash. So I will try to respond despite that.

Hi again.

Can you remember to have been up against the variation: 

1.e4-e5 2.Nc3-Nf6 3.Bc4-Nxe4(!)...? Following: 4.Qh5-Nd6 5.Bb3-and now the move: 5...Be7, which PANFR suggested in antoher thread:

What on earth to play against this variation? I`m fairly sure that black is at least ok here, if not more...



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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #5 - 08/07/14 at 21:30:48
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ArKheiN wrote on 08/07/14 at 21:10:44:
The Modern Vienna, I don't see anything modern here, it seems that the book is giving the traditionnal (and romantic) way of playing the Vienna (the g3 Vienna seems more "modern", but the book gives the Dracula-Frankenstein, the King's gambit declined with 2..Bc5 by transposition, the reversed Schliemann, etc), but I like the romantic way!

Unfortunately I have lost much of my analysis and notes on the Vienna after a computer'crash. So I will try to respond despite that.

I remember having been inspired by Mitkov and Mirumian's games. In the line you give, Mirumian played 8.Ne4 a few time while Mitkov prefered 8.Bxe4 Bxe4 9.f4. I liked both but I have got a preference for Mitkov's plan and this is one of the line I always wanted to play as White in the Vienna, for example after 9..0-0 10.f5 f6 11.Ng3, the position should be objectively equal, but I like the human's play, with clear plans in the kingside. The attack is quite slow and if Black's play is good the mate isn't here, but if you play good you are not worse too. So for GM this is not very satisfactory, but at amateur's play, or at master play as surprise weapon, it can be crushing. For me 5..Bb4 is far from taking the fun away for white, but 5..Na5 is or was supposed to be more disgusting for White. Here too White should be ok but the play is more positionnal and less fun. And I should add that 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6(!) 3.Bc4 Bb4 (! ->this one from my feeling as an "old" Vienna player and Schliemann's lover), where White is playing a reversed Schliemann (Jaenisch) defense of the Ruy Lopez, with a Bishop already on c4 (so it could be seen as an improved Schliemann but for tactical reason that's not the case..), but I really like Black even if here too, White should be ok.

In conclusion, I think the Vienna is perfectly playable at all level, but at master level it should work only as a surprise now, but to fight for an advantage it can't be recommanded. But for amateurs and improving players I don't see problem for White!

Thx a lot for posting your reflections and opinions! Im an amateur  indeed. So I guess I will buy this book. 

Btw: i guess the title "modern" goes with the move 3.Bc4 and not the older 3.f4. And I agree with you that the romantic way is not totally dead  Smiley

Thanks again.


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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #4 - 08/07/14 at 21:11:53
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kylemeister wrote on 08/07/14 at 20:47:50:
You could do an Emms-vs.-Emms thing by looking at Attacking with 1. e4 ...

Hehe; Thanks! 

I actually got both books. And so, maybe the book  by Chess-Stars will recommend 8.Ne4!?. Or also maybe 8.Bb5 which I`ve seen been played. 

I would love to make the more natural looking 8.Ne4 work since  8.Bxd5 really seems out of buisiness. But im not so sure... 

The book is released in august, according to the CS-site.   


Safe bet!  Wink


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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #3 - 08/07/14 at 21:10:44
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The Modern Vienna, I don't see anything modern here, it seems that the book is giving the traditionnal (and romantic) way of playing the Vienna (the g3 Vienna seems more "modern", but the book gives the Dracula-Frankenstein, the King's gambit declined with 2..Bc5 by transposition, the reversed Schliemann, etc), but I like the romantic way!

Unfortunately I have lost much of my analysis and notes on the Vienna after a computer'crash. So I will try to respond despite that.

I remember having been inspired by Mitkov and Mirumian's games. In the line you give, Mirumian played 8.Ne4 a few time while Mitkov prefered 8.Bxe4 Bxe4 9.f4. I liked both but I have got a preference for Mitkov's plan and this is one of the line I always wanted to play as White in the Vienna, for example after 9..0-0 10.f5 f6 11.Ng3, the position should be objectively equal, but I like the human's play, with clear plans in the kingside. The attack is quite slow and if Black's play is good the mate isn't here, but if you play good you are not worse too. So for GM this is not very satisfactory, but at amateur's play, or at master play as surprise weapon, it can be crushing. For me 5..Bb4 is far from taking the fun away for white, but 5..Na5 is or was supposed to be more disgusting for White. Here too White should be ok but the play is more positionnal and less fun. And I should add that 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6(!) 3.Bc4 Bb4 (! ->this one from my feeling as an "old" Vienna player and Schliemann's lover), where White is playing a reversed Schliemann (Jaenisch) defense of the Ruy Lopez, with a Bishop already on c4 (so it could be seen as an improved Schliemann but for tactical reason that's not the case..), but I really like Black even if here too, White should be ok.

In conclusion, I think the Vienna is perfectly playable at all level, but at master level it should work only as a surprise now, but to fight for an advantage it can't be recommanded. But for amateurs and improving players I don't see problem for White!
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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #2 - 08/07/14 at 21:03:36
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kylemeister wrote on 08/07/14 at 20:47:50:
You could do an Emms-vs.-Emms thing by looking at Attacking with 1. e4 ...

My money's on Emms.
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Re: The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
Reply #1 - 08/07/14 at 20:47:50
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You could do an Emms-vs.-Emms thing by looking at Attacking with 1. e4 ...
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The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
08/07/14 at 19:39:06
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I cannot find a thread of this forthcoming book by Chess-stars: 

"The Modern Vienna", by Roman Ovetchkin and Sergei Soloviov.

Link here:

Im very curious about the line:


After: 7.0-0-Be6, Black seems to hold up (very) well. I`ve checked a little, but little me has found no new ideas for white here. So, does anyone know of something new worthwhile or at least a line that results in interesting play here? In my database black scores pretty good, so it will be interesting to see what the authours comes up with in this variation. 



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