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Normal Topic 8...Qf6 improving Dracula-Frankenstein line? (Read 6295 times)
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Re: 8...Qf6 improving Dracula-Frankenstein line?
Reply #6 - 10/19/14 at 19:07:33
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PANFR wrote on 10/18/14 at 16:59:17:

I always had the impression that the Dracula is toothless after 5...Be7- no?

It seems to me you are right about this. I checked i Megabase 2012 and indeed the move 5...Be7 looks simple and strong ( after: 1.e4-e5 2.Nf3-Nf6 3.Bc4-Nxe4 4.Qh5-Nd6 5.Bb3)  It`s also mentioned by Oliver Renet back in 2002 in the theory section...

REALLY makes me wonder what the antidote is in the coming book from Chess Stars  ( "The modern Vienna").  Makes me wonder indeed...



Maybe it`s  also worth saying that Or Cohhen in his:  "A vigorous chess opening repertoire for black" is giving excactly the 5...Be7 line. He`s giving the game: Anand-Ivanchuk,  Roquebrune (rpd) 1992  which ended with a "lucky draw" for Anand, according to the author.   D.s.

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Re: 8...Qf6 improving Dracula-Frankenstein line?
Reply #5 - 10/18/14 at 19:32:34
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PANFR wrote on 10/18/14 at 16:59:17:
Keano wrote on 10/16/14 at 20:39:11:
The "books" e.g Gary Lane etc do indeed suggest this d4 move but I would not recommend it. After ....Nxd4 Black is doing quite well.

Actually white gets some advantage after the precise 11.Nxb6 axb6 12.d4 (trying to keep the material with 12.Qd3 or 13.Ne2 is of course playable, but quite risky), e.g. 12...Nxd4 13.Nf3 Bb7 14.Qxd4 exd4 15.Bg5 etc. Bent Larsen has analysed that (to some more extent) more than thirty five years ago.

I always had the impression that the Dracula is toothless after 5...Be7- no?

No after 15...Qxg5 16.Nxg5 Bh6 Black is doing fine, good to hear you have faith in 35 year old analysis though, even if it was by the great man.
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Re: 8...Qf6 improving Dracula-Frankenstein line?
Reply #4 - 10/18/14 at 16:59:17
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Keano wrote on 10/16/14 at 20:39:11:
The "books" e.g Gary Lane etc do indeed suggest this d4 move but I would not recommend it. After ....Nxd4 Black is doing quite well.

Actually white gets some advantage after the precise 11.Nxb6 axb6 12.d4 (trying to keep the material with 12.Qd3 or 13.Ne2 is of course playable, but quite risky), e.g. 12...Nxd4 13.Nf3 Bb7 14.Qxd4 exd4 15.Bg5 etc. Bent Larsen has analysed that (to some more extent) more than thirty five years ago.

I always had the impression that the Dracula is toothless after 5...Be7- no?
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Re: 8...Qf6 improving Dracula-Frankenstein line?
Reply #3 - 10/16/14 at 20:39:11
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The "books" e.g Gary Lane etc do indeed suggest this d4 move but I would not recommend it. After ....Nxd4 Black is doing quite well.
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Re: 8...Qf6 improving Dracula-Frankenstein line?
Reply #2 - 10/04/14 at 09:14:50
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Ok I see now, this is the difference that makes ...Qe7 better, thanks!  Smiley
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Re: 8...Qf6 improving Dracula-Frankenstein line?
Reply #1 - 10/01/14 at 18:39:29
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Well, I see that some books have regarded 8...Qf6 9. Nxc7+ Kd8 10. Nxa8 b6 11. d4 or 11. Nxb6 ab 12. d4 as favorable for White.
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8...Qf6 improving Dracula-Frankenstein line?
10/01/14 at 18:18:00
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Hello people, 
I am currently studying this fascinating line and I don't understand why the main line goes with ...Qe7 instead of ...Qf6. Trying to understand what could be the differences, so far I see that after ...Qf6 in the line with 11. d3 Bb7 12.h4, white will have a very difficult game after 12...Ne7 that of course black cannot play with the queen on e7. I guess things can't be that easy and I should miss something... thanks in advance for your comments Smiley
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