Hello, I'd like to ask you theoreticians a question about this opening To put things in perspective, I'd like to clarify that my OTB rating is 1500-ish (Fide). So yes, I know, at that level opening theory is less useful than other things and one should study only tactics and basic endgames (and that's why you wont see me asking around some sacrifice line at move 20 in the grunfeld or the sicilian). But since I play it with white and also approximately more than 75% of my black games are 4 knights (including the last six in a row. My opponents really don't have much love for the russian game), I don't think there would be too much harm in knowing a bit more about the fist few moves of this opening, and specifically about a computer line that I have no idea how to handle. It is in the usually horrible 4.Bc4 Nxe4 (which curiously appears on my board every second game, once even against an expert), and here after both 5.Bxf7 and 5.Nxe4 d5 I fancy my chances. However, the computer thinks that better than both would be the strange 5.0-0!?. I don't trust the silicon bastard and his weird lines too much, but I admit that the gambit and subsequent attack on the king worry me a bit (and conversely interests me on the white side). Another thing, I also often find this position through the move order 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Bc4 Nxe4 4.Nc3, where I usually play 4...Nc6 (but I wonder if something better is available, as once in a rapid I tried 4...Nxc3 but things got worse soon afterwards). Still, what could be the best plan against that strange 5.0-0? And was that ever played in a serious game at master level (because I can't find it, as I only use that free database on the shredder website as a loose guideline)? PS I'd like to add that I only own 1 chess opening book, the italian edition of Watson's 1.e4 which was a gift from about 1 year ago. Amusingly enough, both the russian defence and the four knights are missing (but there are some 16 pages on the Pirc. How splendid). Sorry for the rant, but to get hold of a 'everything you wanted to know about e4 but were afraid to ask ' book only to discover that the only thing it ignores is exactly your repertoire is quite disappointing. Cheers