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Normal Topic Alternatives for white in Najdorf w/ 6 Be3 e6? (Read 4121 times)
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Re: Alternatives for white in Najdorf w/ 6 Be3 e6?
Reply #3 - 03/01/15 at 02:12:18
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I have considered the Adams Attack, but I want to play the interesting and also recently trendy English Attack line 6...e5 7 Nb3 Be6 8 h3, with which I have had good results. If not for my attachment to this line, I would have no qualms about switching directly to the Adams Attack Smiley
I wonder if it's possible to play 6 h3, intending to play a normal Adams Attack in case of 6...e6, ...g6, or ...Nc6, but in case of the main move 6...e5, to transpose into my aforementioned English Attack line with 7 Nb3, followed by 8 Be3? Are there any independent options for black I should be aware of when using this transposition?
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Re: Alternatives for white in Najdorf w/ 6 Be3 e6?
Reply #2 - 03/01/15 at 01:57:23
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The real low-theory option is 7.a4 which has been played by some good players as a surprise weapon. But something else is called for if you want to set genuine problems for a Najdorf player, beyond the surprise effect. In that case you may be inspired by the Adams Attack (6.h3) which is of course very trendy but has yet to build up a huge body of theory.

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Re: Alternatives for white in Najdorf w/ 6 Be3 e6?
Reply #1 - 03/01/15 at 01:42:04
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It may not be your cup of tea, but years ago I had a "debate" with a friend as to the merits of 6 Be3 e6 7 g4 e5 8 Nf5 g6 9 g5.  Perenyi gets credit for the line I believe, and it was played a lot at a tournament in Polanica Zdroj in the 90s.

It has a lot of theory too, although not as much as 7 f3.
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Alternatives for white in Najdorf w/ 6 Be3 e6?
03/01/15 at 01:36:52
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What are the alternatives for white in the English Attack Scheveningen, reached from the Najdorf move order? The main line with 7 f3 seems too theoretically dense. I'm also not interested in entering the equally theoretical main line Classical Scheveningen with 7 Be2. 
I've been playing around with an interesting line in which white begins with 7 Be2, but follows with 8 Qd2 and long castling. The point is that a too-early ...b5 is strongly met with Bf3! Also in some cases, white can get away with g4 without f3, or even push the pawn to f4. In any case, the position resembles an English Attack but without the theory.
Someone on another thread in this subforum also mentioned a "tricky, but equal" line with 7 Qf3, which I have never heard of. 
Any recommendations are welcome! Finally, if anyone happens to own Bologan's Beating the Sicilian Vol. 2, how is his recommendation against this line? If it's reasonably non-theoretical, that may be worth considering as well.
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