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Glenn Snow
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #21 - 08/05/15 at 09:35:41
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This may have been mentioned but I'm rather in a hurry, and in case it hasn't been brought up, excerpts from both Dragon books are up at the Quality Chess website including the table of contents.
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #20 - 08/01/15 at 21:27:01
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kylemeister wrote on 08/01/15 at 18:27:20:
OT, but I find that "much easier to deal with anti-sicilians" part rather puzzling.  I mean, White has several decent possibilities against either one, and I wouldn't have thought that 3. Bb5+ is so strong that it shoud induce, say, a player in the 1800s to change to a totally different Sicilian.

Well is Bb5+ or other d6 specific lines is not the entire reasons. One is forced to play certain more dangererus and more theoretical lines vs some other anti sicilians in order to play the Dragon vs some cunning moveorders. e6 based sicilians allows many safer shortcuts. Also, Dragon has many long forced draws (for both sides) and my memory is not what it used to be. I still believe that Dragon is a good opening if one has time to prepare and to follow developments.

I had 1700 rating when abandoning the Dragon and now I have  about 1900 in both elo and blitz elo but I had nothing to do with Dragon games compared to Taimanov games, I had good score with Dragon and has good score with Taimanov.
I simply decided to study middlegames , old masters and positional play instead of openings so I slowly changed my repertour from scratch to decrease preparation time and deserting many theory demandning openings like for example Dragon and Leningrad Dutch and switched my playing style from "all in" towards "more controlled". These days I read more game collections than opening books. My studies of Nimzo Indian helped a lot in the process, it was my first opening switch.
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #19 - 08/01/15 at 18:49:30
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I am very interested in what Jones gives in the Stoček (Burnett?) Variation. I have been looking at thits variation for the past week and I would not want to play White, despite being a pawn and exchange more. This is exactly the type of position where I used to get demolitioned when I played 1. e4 as White. Looks a lot more comfortable for Black, in mine eyes.

I remember also having problems against the Topalow Variation when I played 1. e4 as White, so both should be good.
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #18 - 08/01/15 at 18:27:20
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OT, but I find that "much easier to deal with anti-sicilians" part rather puzzling.  I mean, White has several decent possibilities against either one, and I wouldn't have thought that 3. Bb5+ is so strong that it shoud induce, say, a player in the 1800s to change to a totally different Sicilian.
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #17 - 08/01/15 at 17:18:27
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In my humble opinion the Topalov variation is blacks best bet in Bc4 yugoslav and Jones other recommendes also looks like the lines I would recommend. I will buy hes books even through I switched to Taimanov variation instead, much easier to deal with anti sicilians since its a e6 variation. I can post a standardtime game in Topalov variation where I won in 20 moves vs a 2000 player if anyone is interested.
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #16 - 07/31/15 at 22:28:01
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Sounds good Smiley, sikkert a must-buy in my case with those two choices.
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #15 - 07/31/15 at 22:12:55
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DenVerdsligeRejsende wrote on 07/31/15 at 21:55:33:
But if he wants to avoid 12. Kb1 why is there in the excerpt on page 13 on the game between Iwanchuk and Carlsen, "Later in the book I recommend the more established 12...Nc4"? And Chapter 10 on page 196 of the Table of Contents has "Burnett Varation?" Or is he recommended both the Topalow Variation and 12. Kb1 Sc4?

There are basically two options but he recommends the one based on the Topalov variation. Here are the quotes:
"After the most common 10.0–0–0, I have
recommended the Topalov Variation as our
main weapon. The tabiya after 10...Rc8
11.Bb3 Nxd4 12.Bxd4 b5 is discussed
in Chapters 7-9. This bypasses the myriad
complications of the Soltis Variation, as well as
the critical 12.Kb1 variation referred to below."
and then:
"Should you wish to play the Soltis Variation
as your main choice, rather than the Topalov,
I have also included the Burnett Variation in
Chapter 10 as an interesting way to challenge
12.Kb1. This means that, whichever line you
choose, you will have a complete repertoire.
However, either move order will require you
to be ready to play the Soltis Variation."
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #14 - 07/31/15 at 21:55:33
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But if he wants to avoid 12. Kb1 why is there in the excerpt on page 13 on the game between Iwanchuk and Carlsen, "Later in the book I recommend the more established 12...Nc4"? And Chapter 10 on page 196 of the Table of Contents has "Burnett Varation?" Or is he recommended both the Topalow Variation and 12. Kb1 Sc4?
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #13 - 07/31/15 at 21:09:06
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Excerpts of the QC Dragon books are up:

Against 9. Bc4 and 10.0-0-0 he recommends Topalov variation (10...Rc8, 11...Nxd4) and not the Chinese Dragon (10...Rb8). Well, it's a smart choice - less theory and white spots here than in the Chinese.
If 10. h4 than 10...h5 and the Soltis variation arises. 
He analyses 12. Kb1 but he recommends to avoid it.

No surprises in the main line 9.0-0-0 d5 12. Bd4 Bxd4 and now he gives not only 14...Hc7 but also 14...Qa5 15. b3 Be6!?. 

After 9.g4 main move 9...Be6 is recommended.

Both books have more than 300 pages each. 

I'm looking forward to check the details when they're published. The one is certain for me: I will stick to the Chinese variation no matter what he suggests in the Topalov.
I'm curious what Negi's, Shaw's and Hansen's books will deliver too.  

« Last Edit: 07/31/15 at 22:49:44 by AJWZ »  
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #12 - 07/18/15 at 13:43:37
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My wish list of some of variations in the upcoming books:

9. Bc4 & 10.0-0-0 Rb8 - the Chinese Dragon; 
if 10. h4 then Soltis (10...h5) and 10...Rb8 as the second option (with the idea of TR to the Chinese or 11.h5 Nxh5 12. g4 Nxd4 13. Bxd4 Bxd4 14. Qxd4 Nf6) 
if 10. Bb3 then 10...Na5 as the second option
with the idea of TR to to the Chinese after 11.0-0-0  and if 11. h4 there is 11...Nxb3 (12. axb3 h5 with a5-a4 plan after White 0-0-0; 12. cxb3 Qa5 13. 0-0-0 Rfc8 14. Kb1 b5 with counterplay; 12. Nxb3 b5 and a5 with great play)

9.0-0-0 Black should go 9...d5; 
after 12. Bd4 the best seems to be 12...Bxd4 13. Qxd4 Qb6 14.Na4 Qc7! (and not 14...Qa5)
after 10. Qe1 the best is 10...e5 (10...e6 is dubious) and after 14. Kb1 Rb8 like GM G. Jones played; in the main line (14. Ne4) 16. Qh4 could be answered with 16...h6 17. g4 Nf4! and 16. h4 & 16. g4 var. with h6 & f5 plan;
I hope for both 10...Nxd4 (with 12...exf6) and 10...Rb8 after 10. Kb1.

9. g4 I hope for underrated 9...h5!? to appear as the second option

6. g3 Nc6 7. Nde2 Bd7 & Qc8, h5 plans with delayed castling for Black
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #11 - 07/16/15 at 22:52:15
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RoleyPoley wrote on 07/16/15 at 21:56:23:
I wonder if these books will include anti sicilian lines too?

It won't as Quality Chess are bringing out a seperate book by Kotronias covering the Anti-Sicilian lines
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #10 - 07/16/15 at 21:56:23
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I wonder if these books will include anti sicilian lines too?

"As Mikhail Tal would say ' Let's have a bit of hooliganism! '"

Victor Bologan.
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Glenn Snow
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #9 - 07/16/15 at 08:49:39
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najdorfslayer wrote on 07/15/15 at 09:21:34:
I know this wont influence what's in the books but I'm interested to see what people think or would like Jones to cover.

Against 9.Bc4 I reckon he'll try and play a Chinese Dragon. If White goes 10.h4, I think he go for thr Topalov (if like to see the Soltis myself).

Against 9.0-0-0 I reckon he go for 9...d5 with 10...e5 against 10.Qe1, 10...Rb8 against 10.Kb1 and 12...Bxd4 in the line where White plays 10.Nxd5 Nxd5 11.Nxc6 bxc6 12.Bd4.

I'd like to see 10.Rc8 in the Classical main line rather than 10...Qc8 or 10...Na5.

I'd like to see 6...Nbd7 in the Levenfish but reckon he'll go with the tried and tested 6...Nc6.

Since we're talking about two volumes here, I'm rather hoping more than one option for Black will be covered when viable.  I'd like to see the Soltis and it would be nice if he could make it work after 9.Bc4/12.Kb1.  Nielsen tried 12...Nc4 13.Bxc4 Rxc4 14.g4 b5, but besides the main line of 15.b3, I'm not sure how Black can equalize after 15.g5!   Of course after 12.Kb1 there is a lot of theory after 12...Re8 and 12...a6 but those moves are fairly treacherous for Black.  Perhaps one of them could be made to work and I'd bet on 12...a6 just based on Vigorito's work.  I think the Chinese is a bit shaky these days but I'd like to see more coverage of it that proved me wrong.  Who wants to have to play the Topalov variation all the time after 9.Bc4/10.0-0-0?  Not me for one.
After 9.0-0-0, I think it's pretty much accepted wisdom that Black has to go 9...d5.  At least Black seems to be pretty much holding his own there but some of the positions are a bit dry to me.
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #8 - 07/15/15 at 09:21:34
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I know this wont influence what's in the books but I'm interested to see what people think or would like Jones to cover.

Against 9.Bc4 I reckon he'll try and play a Chinese Dragon. If White goes 10.h4, I think he go for thr Topalov (if like to see the Soltis myself).

Against 9.0-0-0 I reckon he go for 9...d5 with 10...e5 against 10.Qe1, 10...Rb8 against 10.Kb1 and 12...Bxd4 in the line where White plays 10.Nxd5 Nxd5 11.Nxc6 bxc6 12.Bd4.

I'd like to see 10.Rc8 in the Classical main line rather than 10...Qc8 or 10...Na5.

I'd like to see 6...Nbd7 in the Levenfish but reckon he'll go with the tried and tested 6...Nc6.
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Re: Quality chess do 2 volume Dragon books
Reply #7 - 06/30/15 at 11:13:45
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Not only QC will publish two Sicilian Dragon repertoire books for Black (vol.1: 9. Bc4 i 9.g4; vol. 2: 9. 0-0-0 and the rest) but also in new books by Negi and Shaw, that will be out in 2015, there will be chapters on the Dragon from White's point of view:
Waiting to compare those efforts! I hope GJ books will top the other two. Looking for Hansen's book as well.
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