DenVerdsligeRejsende wrote on 07/31/15 at 21:55:33:
But if he wants to avoid 12. Kb1 why is there in the excerpt on page 13 on the game between Iwanchuk and Carlsen, "Later in the book I recommend the more established 12...Nc4"? And Chapter 10 on page 196 of the Table of Contents has "Burnett Varation?" Or is he recommended both the Topalow Variation and 12. Kb1 Sc4?
There are basically two options but he recommends the one based on the Topalov variation. Here are the quotes:
"After the most common 10.0–0–0, I have
recommended the Topalov Variation as our
main weapon. The tabiya after 10...Rc8
11.Bb3 Nxd4 12.Bxd4 b5 is discussed
in Chapters 7-9. This bypasses the myriad
complications of the Soltis Variation, as well as
the critical 12.Kb1 variation referred to below."
and then:
"Should you wish to play the Soltis Variation
as your main choice, rather than the Topalov,
I have also included the Burnett Variation in
Chapter 10 as an interesting way to challenge
12.Kb1. This means that, whichever line you
choose, you will have a complete repertoire.
However, either move order will require you
to be ready to play the Soltis Variation."