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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID (Read 22214 times)
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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #28 - 12/18/15 at 18:19:47
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TonyRo wrote on 12/05/15 at 20:12:37:
I like RVK's series a lot. I have found some things here and there that I dislike or don't agree with, but if you're a relatively advanced club player looking to take up the KID, there's little better. Most of the books out on the KID now are a bit old or would be unsuitable for picking up the KID from scratch, e.g. Kotronias' massive tomes.

I see that in three days there will be another Bologan DVD, albeit with 9...Ne8 (the Banzai Variation?) in the Bayonet.
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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #27 - 12/07/15 at 03:30:41
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TonyRo wrote on 12/05/15 at 20:12:37:
I like RVK's series a lot. I have found some things here and there that I dislike or don't agree with, but if you're a relatively advanced club player looking to take up the KID, there's little better. Most of the books out on the KID now are a bit old or would be unsuitable for picking up the KID from scratch, e.g. Kotronias' massive tomes.

I completely agree with you Tony.  Robin's videos and ebook are well done and I found them very helpful when I switched over to the King's Indian a year and a half ago.  Paired with Vigorito's excellent two volume series and ChessPublishing analysis, I had a happy experience in my first tournament, scoring 2.5/3 in King's Indian games.
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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #26 - 12/05/15 at 20:12:37
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I like RVK's series a lot. I have found some things here and there that I dislike or don't agree with, but if you're a relatively advanced club player looking to take up the KID, there's little better. Most of the books out on the KID now are a bit old or would be unsuitable for picking up the KID from scratch, e.g. Kotronias' massive tomes.
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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #25 - 12/05/15 at 11:27:52
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WSS wrote on 12/04/15 at 22:37:48:
also recommended by GM Robin van Kampen in his "Cutting Edge King's Indian" videos and ebook on 

I am increasingly thinking I need to get this!

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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #24 - 12/05/15 at 10:57:56
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It is indeed

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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #23 - 12/04/15 at 22:37:48
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While I don't have Marin's DVD, it appears that the line you are referring to was also recommended by GM Robin van Kampen in his "Cutting Edge King's Indian" videos and ebook on
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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #22 - 11/01/15 at 07:52:12
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Well, I want to play c5 as early as possible in this line, in order to free the bishop from supporting the d6-point. As far as I undertand it, the whole idea is to play c5 asap.

As for ommiting Bh6, it all depends on whether someone thinks that the white bishop is doing anything useful at c1(d2). It's open for debate.. The draw was easy, that's true.

In my opinion White should try to gang up against b6 if he wants to achieve something.

And there is also 10.bxa5 which is another story altogether.
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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #21 - 11/01/15 at 01:15:15
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trandism wrote on 10/31/15 at 09:15:59:
In my opinion after 16.Bc1 in your main line, black should play 16...Bg7 and keep the bishops on the board.

Agreed. Also instead of (15...Bh6 16.Bc1 Bg7) the move 15...Bg7 directly looks like a refinement.

14.g3 and then 14...c5 directly as in my ml does not exactly look forced either. Maybe black can even somehow benefit from delaying this move.

trandism wrote on 10/31/15 at 09:15:59:
See a black game of mine Knittel-Sarakenidis, LSS SA-2014-0-00438 if you have LSS games in your database. I believe than in the long term black's dark-square bishop will prove more valuable than white's.

(Game below)

I checked as suggested and it looks like white got nowhere. Easy draw?

Have a nice day.
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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #20 - 10/31/15 at 09:15:59
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In my opinion after 16.Bc1 in your main line, black should play 16...Bg7 and keep the bishops on the board. 

See a black game of mine Knittel-Sarakenidis, LSS SA-2014-0-00438 if you have LSS games in your database. I believe than in the long term black's dark-square bishop will prove more valuable than white's.

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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #19 - 10/23/15 at 13:30:05
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I took a look at this line today and thought that I might as well post a PGN with my analysis.

Have a nice day.
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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #18 - 09/29/15 at 11:09:33
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I think Black is OK after both 13.Re1 and 13.Qd3.

After 13.Re1 he just plays the plan of pushing c5 and then returning his pieces to their optimal positions (Bishop back to g7(h6) and Rook back to f8):
13.Re1 Bf8 14.g3 c5 15.Ba3 Bh6

After 13.Qd3 black has to play the fantastic resource 13...Nf5! to keep the balance.
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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #17 - 09/11/15 at 08:29:26
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Thanks a lot to both, I really liked his coverage of the Dutch Leningrad and consider getting this also.

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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #16 - 09/10/15 at 10:30:02
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For anyone interested this is an overview pic of what's covered:
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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #15 - 09/10/15 at 09:44:22
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I have watched this presentation now. Liked it a lot! His philosophy against the Bayonet is to avoid the Ng5-e6-Bxe6 type positions and aim for a more strategic set up.

Nice explanations of specific piece placements and tactics to deal with the White set ups, and also a view on where he thinks the theoretical development of the line might go. 

Amazing what he packed into an hour  Smiley

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Re: Marin's Anti-Bayonet-Attack in the KID
Reply #14 - 09/03/15 at 23:04:03
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I have not seen the video, but have played the KID for a number of years. 
I found black's play there to be weak. Lots of mindless shuffling. Any sample games where it looks like black has any idea about the KID and is not just a beginner copying moves from software?

As I see it, black needs to play ...f5. 
Helpful to keep a knight out of g5 and e6 I guess. 
Q-side is safe enough, enough pieces there to defend as and when attacked (or to place one-two prophylactically, ready) no need to throw all pieces over there as black unthinkingly did. 
Nh5-f4/g7 (latterly, the Bologan/Lanka knight-fianchetto, as seen in an other line) depending, eventual f5 to follow....

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