How to decimate the Sicilian!
"Wow", I hear you say.
"Err, but hang on, doesn't that mean you only actually kill 1 in 10 of them".
OK, a fair cop. But wouldn't you be happy with 1 win in 10 more than your opponent, and thus score with 5 wins, 1 fighting draw, and 4 losses to get a respectable 55% against the Sicilian?
* And you can do this with only 3 plans
Plan 1: The English Attack! Play Be3, support the center with f3, castle Queenside, hurl your g and h pawns forward and sac, sac mate!!
Plan 2: The Maroczy Bind! Create an unassailable bastion of pawns on e4 and c4, suffocate your opponent's counter play, crush them before you and hear the lamentations of their post game analysis!!
Plan 3: The Rossolimo! They Play Nc6? Put your Bishop on b5 and kill it. KILL IT!!
Plan 4: "Err hang on, didn't you say there were only 3 plans?" Yes, a fair cop, but some lines need a bit of individual lovin'
OK, here's the list of death...
Plan 1: English Attack vs...
Taimanov (with Nf6)
Dragon (OK, it's called the Yugoslav here, but same plan)
Plan 2: Maroczy Bind vs
Accelerated Dragon
Hyper-Accelerated Dragon
Hyper-Hyper Accelerated Dragon on Speed O'Kelly
Plan 3: Rossolimo vs...
Whatever...that Nc6 is going to get it.
Plan 4: Individual Love
Taimanov with a6
Four Knights
Any other rubbish
"Crush your enemies!!"
*this is not a guarantee. Results against the Sicilian may go down as well as up.