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Re: GM Repertoire: The Dragon 1 & 2 by GM Gawain Jones
Reply #10 - 09/23/16 at 13:40:34
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JEH wrote on 09/16/15 at 11:43:45:
bragesjo wrote on 09/15/15 at 19:05:21:
I bought the books today for nostalgic reasons and I see my that name is mentioned in some lines.

He's trying to tempt you back Smiley

Come on, you know you want to

I will return to Dragon 15/12/2017. I will play in a Dragon thematical corr tournamnet at ICCF.
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Re: GM Repertoire: The Dragon 1 & 2 by GM Gawain Jones
Reply #9 - 08/20/16 at 03:32:52
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I posted something on the 10. Qe1 14. Kb1 line here:

I think White is getting a nice edge here... I haven't had time to get my hands on the GM repertoire on the Dragon. So if anyone has these books, could they please compare it and let me know his improvements? I am basically certain that this variation is just better for White though.
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Re: GM Repertoire: The Dragon 1 & 2 by GM Gawain Jones
Reply #8 - 09/17/15 at 19:00:07
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gewgaw wrote on 09/17/15 at 18:43:51:
Topalov, Veselin–Lu, Shanglei
FIDE World Cup 20153.117.09.2015AS
Did Topalov refute the e6 line?

Yes, I believe he did it. Topalov played the computer line that I had found recently and the one that convinced me to play 10...e5 only. In the line just played Black is left with week, isolated and blocked d5 pawn without any real compensation: White attack on the kingside is also faster. In the game it's +- after 20. Nxd5.

It's great that Jones covered two options against 14. Kb1 line in the 9.0-0-0 d5 10. Qe1 e5. One of them is his prepared novelty for the match with GM Edouard that haven't been played yet.
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Re: GM Repertoire: The Dragon 1 & 2 by GM Gawain Jones
Reply #7 - 09/17/15 at 18:43:51
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Topalov, Veselin–Lu, Shanglei
FIDE World Cup 20153.117.09.2015AS
Did Topalov refute the e6 line?

The older, the better - over 2200 and still rising.
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Re: GM Repertoire: The Dragon 1 & 2 by GM Gawain Jones
Reply #6 - 09/17/15 at 15:38:14
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Is Gawain still playing the Dragon? This sounds like a very interesting project.
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Re: GM Repertoire: The Dragon 1 & 2 by GM Gawain Jones
Reply #5 - 09/16/15 at 19:26:11
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Well, Fischer won over Rechevsky with the Rabinovich attack in 1961.
The line is dangerous if black does not play very accurate when Jones suggestion that has only played in a single game makes whites concept dubious. I have played this line as white in few tournament games vs both Dragon and accelerated Dragon with a very good score.

Luckly I have a broad repertour vs the Dragon since I played against all  thinkable and unthinkable lines myself and have played many different lines in different tournaments.

About Karpov system you are correct, is equal with best play by both side. I actually lost against it once in a team match vs a 500 rating heiger. I think it is one of the better Be2 lines if one wants a positional game.

« Last Edit: 09/17/15 at 09:25:50 by bragesjo »  
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Re: GM Repertoire: The Dragon 1 & 2 by GM Gawain Jones
Reply #4 - 09/16/15 at 14:48:42
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6. Be2 Bg7 7. Be3 Nc6 8. Nb3 0-0 9. f4 Be6 10. g4 was called the Rabinovich Attack, and considered dubious, by David Levy in the 1970s   Smiley

Regarding the Be2 0-0 Bg5 system (played some by Karpov in the aforementioned decade), one might think that "at least equal for Black" must be pushing it, though no doubt equal or unclear with best play has been the usual view.
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Re: GM Repertoire: The Dragon 1 & 2 by GM Gawain Jones
Reply #3 - 09/16/15 at 11:43:45
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bragesjo wrote on 09/15/15 at 19:05:21:
I bought the books today for nostalgic reasons and I see my that name is mentioned in some lines.

He's trying to tempt you back Smiley

Come on, you know you want to


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Re: GM Repertoire: The Dragon 1 & 2 by GM Gawain Jones
Reply #2 - 09/16/15 at 10:20:20
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Since I own several white repertour books vs the Sicilian I made quick compare between Taylors "Slay the Sicilian" and Jones book.
Taylor covered two different options, both Be2 based. 

I looked at the sharper of Taylors line Alekhine attack, a line Jones calls Rabinovic attack.
Taylors other option is Be2 0-0 Bg5 system where black is at least equal so I will not compare it and instead look at Taylors sharpest line.

I looked to see where the lines met and Taylors line is busted!
Jones gives a strong piece sac that he says only been played once and it is also computer to choiche and whites position look lost to me even though computer thinks black is only a halfpawn better.
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Re: GM Repertoire: The Dragon 1 & 2 by GM Gawain Jones
Reply #1 - 09/15/15 at 19:05:21
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I bought the books today for nostalgic reasons and I see my that name is mentioned in some lines.
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GM Repertoire: The Dragon 1 & 2 by GM Gawain Jones
09/05/15 at 20:02:12
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I got the books a few days ago! I can't make a full review of them yet (they're massive and my time is limited) but I'd like to tell you what I've noticed instantly:
1. These are the best books, from a theoretical point of view, of all the Dragon books ever published. GM Jones had a green light to write as much as is needed and he produced massive two volumes work.
2. He covers 7...Bd7 against the fianchetto line with 7. Nde2, as I wished. This is a great psychologival decision to make for Black.
3. In 9. Bc4... 12. Kb1 Nc4... 15. g5 critical line he failed to find "Burnett declined": 17. Nd5! +/= and gives only a transpo to the Burnett Variation after 15...Nh5 16. b3 b4 17. bxc4
More comments later. Any questions?
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