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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw (Read 20251 times)
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #15 - 07/07/16 at 07:28:58
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FightingDragon wrote on 11/16/15 at 21:32:59:
What is his recommendation against the Chinese Dragon?

He likes h4-h5 attacking plans rather than positional lines of Bh6-Nd5. The book is worth buying not only for great analysis of the Dragon but also because of the Accelerated Dragon section.
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #14 - 07/07/16 at 07:24:27
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XChess1971 wrote on 07/06/16 at 19:19:27:
So far it looks to me that 12.Kb1 Nc4 13.Bxc4 Rxc4 14.g4 b5 15.b3 b4 16.Nd5 gives better play to white? I wonder if that Nd5 is always better in all positions for white?

I think the real problem is 15.g5 Nh5 and then 16.b3 b4 17.Nd5 so that the knight can't be captured on d5 and Black knight is badly placed on h5.
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #13 - 07/06/16 at 19:19:27
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So far it looks to me that 12.Kb1 Nc4 13.Bxc4 Rxc4 14.g4 b5 15.b3 b4 16.Nd5 gives better play to white? I wonder if that Nd5 is always better in all positions for white?
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #12 - 07/03/16 at 02:55:35
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ahh, nice. thanks for the clarification.
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #11 - 07/02/16 at 07:28:40
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I've just noticed that I made a huge mistake in my earlier posts:
in 12. Kb1...14.g4 b5 15.h4 Jones gives 15...h5 (not 15...b4) and then a novelty against Negi's short line starting with 16. gxh5 (Negi concentrates on 15...b4 and then 16.Nce2!).
Sorry for confusion.
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #10 - 07/01/16 at 19:52:45
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AJWZ wrote on 07/01/16 at 10:18:12:
Dragan Glas wrote on 06/21/16 at 17:17:13:

AJWZ wrote on 11/12/15 at 19:31:30:
I got Negi Sicilian II book today and I'm very impressed with his analysis of the Dragon variation. They're more detailed than Jones (great books too!) when they meet 3 times:
1. in the Topalov variation main line - 13. Nd5;
2. in 12. Kb1 Nc4 ... 14. g4 b5 15. h4 and then a novelty follows that is not included in Jones book
3. from the accelerated Dragon move order: 
9. Bc4 Bd7 10. h4 h5 (10...Nxd4 included) 11.Bb3 Rc8 (11...Ne5 included) 12. Nxc6 bxc6 13. g4 line is covered

Negi found equality in 1. & 3. but after many accurate moves from Black. And there are other interesting lines apart from main lines (that ends in a draw) he suggests for White.

It's a must buy for the Dragon players from White and Black side.

Those 3 recent books on the Dragon variation are the best among all the books earlier published about this opening hands down.

And the novelty was...?

Kindest regards,


It's 16.Sce2! - in fact not considered by Negi as a novelty but not included in Jones book.
I didn't check its strength yet, because I play Topalov or Chinese Variations these days.

hmm, seems totally losing after hxg4.
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #9 - 07/01/16 at 10:18:12
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Dragan Glas wrote on 06/21/16 at 17:17:13:

AJWZ wrote on 11/12/15 at 19:31:30:
I got Negi Sicilian II book today and I'm very impressed with his analysis of the Dragon variation. They're more detailed than Jones (great books too!) when they meet 3 times:
1. in the Topalov variation main line - 13. Nd5;
2. in 12. Kb1 Nc4 ... 14. g4 b5 15. h4 and then a novelty follows that is not included in Jones book
3. from the accelerated Dragon move order: 
9. Bc4 Bd7 10. h4 h5 (10...Nxd4 included) 11.Bb3 Rc8 (11...Ne5 included) 12. Nxc6 bxc6 13. g4 line is covered

Negi found equality in 1. & 3. but after many accurate moves from Black. And there are other interesting lines apart from main lines (that ends in a draw) he suggests for White.

It's a must buy for the Dragon players from White and Black side.

Those 3 recent books on the Dragon variation are the best among all the books earlier published about this opening hands down.

And the novelty was...?

Kindest regards,


It's 16.Sce2! - in fact not considered by Negi as a novelty but not included in Jones book.
I didn't check its strength yet, because I play Topalov or Chinese Variations these days.
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Dragan Glas
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #8 - 06/21/16 at 17:17:13
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AJWZ wrote on 11/12/15 at 19:31:30:
I got Negi Sicilian II book today and I'm very impressed with his analysis of the Dragon variation. They're more detailed than Jones (great books too!) when they meet 3 times:
1. in the Topalov variation main line - 13. Nd5;
2. in 12. Kb1 Nc4 ... 14. g4 b5 15. h4 and then a novelty follows that is not included in Jones book
3. from the accelerated Dragon move order: 
9. Bc4 Bd7 10. h4 h5 (10...Nxd4 included) 11.Bb3 Rc8 (11...Ne5 included) 12. Nxc6 bxc6 13. g4 line is covered

Negi found equality in 1. & 3. but after many accurate moves from Black. And there are other interesting lines apart from main lines (that ends in a draw) he suggests for White.

It's a must buy for the Dragon players from White and Black side.

Those 3 recent books on the Dragon variation are the best among all the books earlier published about this opening hands down.

And the novelty was...?

Kindest regards,

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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #7 - 11/18/15 at 01:02:27
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Maybe this is the wrong forum, but can someone post the lines he shows in his book where White gets an advantage in his line against the Sveshnikov with 14... Bd7 and ...h5?
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #6 - 11/17/15 at 21:19:52
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Is Forward Chess reliable to get books and easy to read on smaller devices like Ipod's?
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #5 - 11/16/15 at 21:32:59
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What is his recommendation against the Chinese Dragon?
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #4 - 11/16/15 at 20:03:35
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It's been out on Forward Chess for a few days.
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Pale Horse, Pale Rider
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #3 - 11/16/15 at 19:08:02
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AJWZ wrote on 11/12/15 at 19:31:30:
I got Negi Sicilian II book today

Where did you get the book so early? Amazon says it won't be released till January 16 ...
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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #2 - 11/13/15 at 00:21:59
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Will get this book. Especially as it seems like Negi has started delivering non chess move-related gems with this one - (excerpt p.229):

"I once lost to Chernyshov from this position, but it was mostly just because I was a kid."

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Re: The Dragons in White rep books by P.Negi & J.Shaw
Reply #1 - 11/12/15 at 19:31:30
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I got Negi Sicilian II book today and I'm very impressed with his analysis of the Dragon variation. They're more detailed than Jones (great books too!) when they meet 3 times:
1. in the Topalov variation main line - 13. Nd5;
2. in 12. Kb1 Nc4 ... 14. g4 b5 15. h4 and then a novelty follows that is not included in Jones book
3. from the accelerated Dragon move order: 
9. Bc4 Bd7 10. h4 h5 (10...Nxd4 included) 11.Bb3 Rc8 (11...Ne5 included) 12. Nxc6 bxc6 13. g4 line is covered

Negi found equality in 1. & 3. but after many accurate moves from Black. And there are other interesting lines apart from main lines (that ends in a draw) he suggests for White.

It's a must buy for the Dragon players from White and Black side.

Those 3 recent books on the Dragon variation are the best among all the books earlier published about this opening hands down.
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