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Re: Classical Dragon - where to start? (books etc.)
Reply #8 - 05/04/16 at 21:14:33
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bragesjo wrote on 05/01/16 at 11:28:07:
Taylor alsp covered Karpov system that I would assess ad equal chanses.

Which line does maintain equality for Black according to you?

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Lauri Torni
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Re: Classical Dragon - where to start? (books etc.)
Reply #7 - 05/03/16 at 07:47:48
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bragesjo wrote on 05/02/16 at 11:08:08:
MartinC wrote on 05/02/16 at 07:33:59:
Doesn't it being neglected for so long automatically mean there will be ideas for white? You'd have a very hard time convincing me that it is less intrinsically dangerous than say these trendy d3 Lopez things!

Would have to dig for them of course.

I have played d3 Ruy Lopez in several  "real games" and is actually not at silly opening at all Smiley

d3-Ruy is actually quite venomous.  Classical Dragon is not. This is the main reason you do see GM:s playing d3-Ruy but not classical Dragon.

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Re: Classical Dragon - where to start? (books etc.)
Reply #6 - 05/02/16 at 11:08:08
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MartinC wrote on 05/02/16 at 07:33:59:
Doesn't it being neglected for so long automatically mean there will be ideas for white? You'd have a very hard time convincing me that it is less intrinsically dangerous than say these trendy d3 Lopez things!

Would have to dig for them of course.

I have played d3 Ruy Lopez in several  "real games" and is actually not at silly opening at all Smiley
« Last Edit: 05/02/16 at 13:22:38 by bragesjo »  
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Re: Classical Dragon - where to start? (books etc.)
Reply #5 - 05/02/16 at 07:33:59
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Doesn't it being neglected for so long automatically mean there will be ideas for white? You'd have a very hard time convincing me that it is less intrinsically dangerous than say these trendy d3 Lopez things!

Would have to dig for them of course.
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Lauri Torni
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Re: Classical Dragon - where to start? (books etc.)
Reply #4 - 05/02/16 at 05:28:48
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chk wrote on 12/14/15 at 12:47:17:
Hi all - first of all I admit having not read the threads of this section, so please direct me if necessary to useful threads/posts.

For a few years now I am contemplating including the Classical Dragon in my Black rep. It is a useful transpositional tool - even better if the Dragadorf via the Najdorf move order is playable (I understand there may be some problems?).

Anyway, I actually use already the Classical Dragon, nevertheless have not seriously studied it and lack understanding.

Would like some advice on where to start, e.g. Ward's books? anything else? (with Dragadorf being a welcome plus)
I am looking for ideas, plans and the backbone of theory - cutting edge theory is not necessary for the moment. Let's say a nice read for Xmas!

note: I am a relatively experienced Sicilian player (I mean I do play the occasional RxNc3 sac Wink )

The classical dragon has been in a almost total standstill for a long time. The Bg5 lines are best and playable, but very comfortable for black.

Actually any dragon book printed after 2000 (or even earlier) will suffice. One more option:

1.Nf3! -  beat your opponent by killing his zest for life.
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Re: Classical Dragon - where to start? (books etc.)
Reply #3 - 05/01/16 at 11:28:07
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The Be2 yugoslav like line is also suggested for white in a chessbase magazin dvd  that came after the Dangereus weapons book is bit tricky since blacks standard replys to 9 0-0-0 yogoslav  are unconving.

Taylors book so called Alekhine attack is tothless if black knows theory.
I compared Taylors book and Jones book and Taylor did not cover a piece sac when white is busted and I found no signigicant improvment. Taylor alsp covered Karpov system that I would assess ad equal chanses.
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Re: Classical Dragon - where to start? (books etc.)
Reply #2 - 12/24/15 at 00:16:28
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Thank you for your answer, which gave me some good pointers.

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Phil Adams
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Re: Classical Dragon - where to start? (books etc.)
Reply #1 - 12/17/15 at 00:40:36
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I'm not aware of any really significant changes in the theory of the Classical Dragon in recent years, so most of the old books (Ward, Golubev, Dearing, Gufeld etc.) should provide a decent basis for study, topped up with a database search for any recent refinements. Of course there are also newer sources, particularly Jones's book for Quality Chess, PH Nielsen's DVD and naturally Chess Publishing.

Tim Taylor's white repertoire book has some material from the white side, but it is not hard to find improvements for Black.

Also on the White side, Tiviakov has sometimes reached the Classical Dragon by transposition from the Grand Prix attack.

The line that starts as a Classical but becomes a sort of Yugoslav with Be2 instead of f3 is interesting and tricky; it was suggested in one of the Dangerous Weapons books.

The so-called Dragadorf (which I think should be called the Reshevsky system!) is interesting, but not many professionals appear to trust it enough to play it regularly as part of their "bread-and-butter" repertoire.
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Classical Dragon - where to start? (books etc.)
12/14/15 at 12:47:17
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Hi all - first of all I admit having not read the threads of this section, so please direct me if necessary to useful threads/posts.

For a few years now I am contemplating including the Classical Dragon in my Black rep. It is a useful transpositional tool - even better if the Dragadorf via the Najdorf move order is playable (I understand there may be some problems?).

Anyway, I actually use already the Classical Dragon, nevertheless have not seriously studied it and lack understanding.

Would like some advice on where to start, e.g. Ward's books? anything else? (with Dragadorf being a welcome plus)
I am looking for ideas, plans and the backbone of theory - cutting edge theory is not necessary for the moment. Let's say a nice read for Xmas!

note: I am a relatively experienced Sicilian player (I mean I do play the occasional RxNc3 sac Wink )

"I play honestly and I play to win. If I lose, I take my medicine." - Bobby
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