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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID (Read 13801 times)
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #17 - 12/31/15 at 19:00:22
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The line with Ne8 is quite risky, but a lot interesting to study. I am studying this line since a few weeks. When I discovered here that Bologan gives h6 I was very surprised, I didn't know that here, but after looking it quickly it's not that surprising. It has even been played by Polgar and other GM. At corr level, it's the speciality of Aldrete, a 2500 guy from ICC, 8 games, 5 loss, 2 wins and one draw. The results are not fantastics but what I understand about this move: it does not necessarly transpose into Anand-Nakamura because the idea is to "always" keep the knight on e8 to defend c7/d6 while preparing g5, f4, Rf7, Bf8, Rg7, Ng6 etc and trying to attack while surviving on the queenside...
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #16 - 12/31/15 at 16:46:14
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So I guess he has the old main line stuff with an extra tempo for White as in Anand-Nakamura? 
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #15 - 12/31/15 at 14:50:35
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so I suppose the indirect suggestion is 10.Nd2 f5 11.c5 h6. Hard to believe...
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #14 - 12/31/15 at 13:13:10
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Indeed he has!

The line given after 9.b4 Ne8 10.c5 h6!? 11.Nd2 f5 directly transposes to the 11.c5 mentioned above by Dali.

The omissions of the Gligoric and the Bf4-line in the Panno are strange indeed.
From what I have seen so far the lines which are covered are of good quality.
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #13 - 12/30/15 at 23:23:51
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So does he not have the old main line stuff 11. c5 Nf6 12. f3 f4 13. Nc4 g5 14.a4 etc. via another move order?
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #12 - 12/30/15 at 22:08:26
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a bigger problem:
In the Classical Bayonet 10.Nd2 f5 he only gives 11.a4 and 11.f3, but 11.c5 is by far the main move. The difference is that after 11.f3 Black does not have to play ...Nf6 so he can leave the knight on e8 where it defends nicely. But after 11.c5 you have to play ...Nf6 to force f3 else White will have Bg4. Annoying.
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #11 - 12/24/15 at 20:29:46
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I noticed the bit about in effect covering two replies to 9. Nd2 -- the other things really add to the oddness.
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #10 - 12/24/15 at 19:39:49
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at first look, this DVD is nice but there are some strange omissions. The Gligoric is just not there. In the MdP he gives 9.b4 Ne8 but against 9.Nd2 he gives a5. He would have been better off skipping the latter and covering the Gligoric instead!
Also in the Fianchetto he gives the Panno but does not cover 8.Bf4, which has been the most trendy line the last few years.
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #9 - 12/24/15 at 15:11:52
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I have this DVD as well, haven't finished it yet but enjoying it so far. 

He recommends a Benko style approach against a few of the sidelines i.e. quick ...b5 pawn sacrifice which might not be to everyone's taste. He covers the 9...Ne8 variation against the Bayonet, this is a change from his 9...c6 recommendation from his first DVD. He has quite extensive (6 clips) coverage of the fianchetto variation, which I have found particularly interesting as I play both sides of this, he sticks to recommending ...Nc6, ...a6, ...Rb8 followed by ...b5 set-up. I believe he recommended this in both his first DVD and his book for Chess Stars.

I also like that there is accompanying analysis files in a separate database from the DVD, these have game references and are reasonably detailed.

From what I've seen so far and looking through the analysis files I think it's a good product, at 7+hrs running time you get your moneys worth. For me it continues the trend of Bologan producing well researched and instructive DVDs. 

P.S. I'm not a King's Indian expert, therefore I can't say whether what he's recommending holds up to theoretical scrutiny or not, it will be interesting to hear what experts think of his recommendations.
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #8 - 12/24/15 at 11:37:27
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Bibs wrote on 12/24/15 at 11:29:51:
Enjoy your time at The Pig in Paradise and good luck in the games.


Yes, I only see Hastings in the depths of Winter, but great for Chess!

Those who want to go by my perverse footsteps play such pawn structure with fuzzy atypical still strategic orientations

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, stuck in the middlegame with you
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #7 - 12/24/15 at 11:29:51
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A truly bleak place to play isn't it, Hastings? 
Windswept, grey, freezing, rainy, and a town that Morrissey sung about in 'Everyday is like Sunday' - "seaside town they forgot to close down".And an array of horrid B&Bs.
Mind you, good memories from one year though. 
Enjoy your time at The Pig in Paradise and good luck in the games.

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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #6 - 12/24/15 at 10:26:20
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Bibs wrote on 12/24/15 at 01:20:23:
Download it dear comrade.

I don't usually do this new fangled download stuff. I still even buy CDs   Embarrassed

I may well be prepping chess on Christmas day as I'm off to do battle in Hastings, but I've got other priorities over the KID at the moment.

A deeper study of the KID from my books is one of my 2016 projects, but I do still like to watch the DVDs

Those who want to go by my perverse footsteps play such pawn structure with fuzzy atypical still strategic orientations

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, stuck in the middlegame with you
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #5 - 12/24/15 at 04:52:23
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Download Bologan, buy a bottle of red and a monster turkey and you are set. 
Tomorrow - Queen's speech, a miserable Eastenders special, repeat of James Bond and The Snowman. And hours of KID fun. Glorious.
('Scuse the anglocentric aspect there, international comrades)
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #4 - 12/24/15 at 03:21:28
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^^^ This guy knows what's up.  Cheesy
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Re: Another Victor Bologan DVD on the KID
Reply #3 - 12/24/15 at 01:20:23
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JEH wrote on 12/23/15 at 10:45:27:
Bibs wrote on 12/23/15 at 07:59:58:
Your thoughts so far JEH?

Too late for me to order it before Christmas.

Download it dear comrade.
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